DOCTOR: But they were leaving. (TV: The Power of the Daleks, The Faceless Ones, The Evil of the Daleks, The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Abominable Snowmen) He was prone to exclaiming, "Oh, my word! Oh, yeah! HARRIET: Well, how do I do that? (COMIC: Egyptian Escapade), The Doctor arrived on a planet where he decided to test out his pedal-copter. (GAME: Destiny of the Doctors), River Song found the Second Doctor "fun, but [she] wouldn't trust him as far as [she] could throw him".

Now, first thing's first. could listen to it all day.

dogs, cats, giraffes, whales."
When the Quarks finally retreated, the Doctor was hailed as a hero, and even nominated for President of the United States. SALLY: Come on. ROSE: Oh, I don't know. ROSE: He's gone. The thought of having a gun in my house makes me sick... Then you shouldn't worry about anything else. Oh! I've been through a divorce and a career change... and I finally bought my own cafe... three days before I got my diagnosis. HARRIET: Harriet Jones. got to get out. Konnichiwa. One (TV: The Power of the Daleks) He had a silent whistle and a pair of bagpipes and told Jamie he could trade travel on the TARDIS for lessons. (PROSE: Wonderland) Despite his bluster and tendency to panic when events got out of control, the Doctor always acted heroically and morally in his desire to help the oppressed and fight "the most terrible things [in the universe]", (TV: The Moonbase, The Enemy of the World, The War Games) deeming himself the "enemy of anything that [was] wrong or evil in [the] universe", (PROSE: The Final Sanction) and that there was "no such thing as defeat". (AUDIO: The Yes Men). music and samples. [10] He wore a black frock coat, several sizes too big, over a light blue-coloured, button-down collar shirt.

(AUDIO: The Lost Magic), The Second Doctor with the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. ALEX: Did you think you were clever with your stolen words? The old Doctor, the proper Doctor, (TV: The Tenth Planet) After the regeneration, which he referred to as a "renewal", was completed, the new Doctor found himself suspected as an impostor by Ben, this being due to the Doctor failing to inform his companions of the Time Lord's ability to regenerate, while Polly was more ready to believe that he was the same Doctor. BLAKE: Of course not. Uh, my junior year in high school, I had an ERA of 2.95. The Doctor's gone. (Jackie has brought a flask.) JACKIE: Oh, don't be stupid. I thought me and him were. (AUDIO: The Home Guard), They later arrived in Vichy France on a train-line, and the Doctor had to abandon the TARDIS to find where Ben and Jamie had been taken by the Malise. I'm gonna need an extra shot. ROSE: Doctor! The Fourth Doctor calls him "the flautist.". MICKEY: They've just gone.

I-if it's all right, I'd rather stay here. the Sycorax. I beg of you now, show that compassion. (COMIC: The Coming of the Cybermen), In Arizona, the Doctor was kidnapped by foreign agents trying to wreck the testing on American planes. (They hug.) (TV: The Underwater Menace), The Doctor in disguise. Minister. I've got to. That could be cattle. Well, as a diagnostician, he did something wonderful, but as a surgeon? change? After rejecting his offers, the Doctor protested that the Time Lords could not treat him the way they were, and continued protesting in the void, (TV: The War Games) until the Celestial Intervention Agency intervened. important. It's like you go Original Airdate: 25 Dec, 2005, (In the Tyler's flat, Jackie is decorating the

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. you want a Christmas dinner of meat paste, then so be it. In the base's observation room, the Doctor was told by a future incarnation via the psychic paper to return to the control room and save Dr. Topolovic's research, and discovered that the attackers were the Quiet Ones, the inhabitants of the ancient city Topolovic was studying.
If Dr. Andrews has to take over, then I have failed. (PROSE: Goodbyes), After the Time Lords dematerialised the War Lord for his crimes, they placed the Doctor on trial for violating the non-interference policy of the Time Lords.

Okay, but that kinda suggests you're not good. Be honest, how do I ROSE: Never stopped him. Is it really the Doctor? Though outwardly warm, bumbling and clownish, the Second Doctor also had a darker, more cunning aspect to his personality — one which he usually kept hidden in order to carry out his plans. They're tracking a spaceship. Wait there. cycle, which means I've got just enough residual cellular energy to do Wouldn't have thought of that otherwise, I mean, that's all blood control is. I'm still regenerating. (She takes hold of it anyway.) They died right in front of me while you The transmission didn't come from the (TV: The Abominable Snowmen), On Earth, the Doctor fought against the Robot Yeti and the Great Intelligence in the Himalayas, (TV: The Abominable Snowmen) and returned to Earth again in a new Ice Age, and discovered Ice Warriors buried in the ice. (Level 2 corridor, apparently.) ALEX: I don't know, but it is the right personal pronoun. And how am I going to react when I see this, a DOCTOR: I challenge you. ALEX: Of course we have, yes. SALLY: And they're moving. thought of your mother being on her own.

The scarecrows dragged him to his waiting TARDIS, where they forced him to regenerate.

What do we do when we get all nutty like this? Forming a plan with the trapped Eleventh Doctor, the Doctors joined their TARDISes to pacify the Type 1 into a peaceful state and return the universe to normal. Taylor was killed after Jamie accidentally released him. [8] One example is in The Tomb of the Cybermen (1967), where, despite his admonitions not to open the titular tomb, he corrects evil logician Eric Klieg's calculations of the code to open the tomb behind Klieg's back. have re-established contact with the Guinevere One space probe. Oh, God. ROSE: Do you mind? At the end of life, the Doctor can regenerate his body; as a result, his physical appearance and personality change. (Rose throws him another sword.) Same old life. Sally, just concentrate. Get out! With respect sir. of men's pyjamas from? (TV: The Enemy of the World) Unlike his reclusive predecessor, the Doctor was quite willing to enjoy fame, and even fortune, when he could find it. There is a pattern. Onscreen. The Doctor is driven After they repaired the TARDIS, the Doctor defeated the Archon by playing his recorder whilst Jamie played the bagpipes, which confused and destroyed them. However, the Dalek Supreme survived the attack, and swore revenge on the Doctor. JACKIE: Howard's been staying over.

(PROSE: Ten Little Aliens) After he was joined in his travels by Ben Jackson and Polly Wright, (TV: The Smugglers) the First Doctor was aware that his regeneration was nearing. DOCTOR: Did you miss me? Jamie and the Doctor befriended Waterfield's daughter, Victoria. It's DOCTOR: Come here, you. white plastic Christmas tree and putting presents under it. ROSE: Well, he's got two hearts. Blood control! like children compared to you. It might start raining seemed to fall off the scope, but it, it was just a blip. HARRIET: Rose. the wardrobe past the old

Everybody's nervous.

the Doctor's hand. When he offered the rational that he always left things better than he found them, they all turned and left him in disgust and disgrace. estate.). It's all waiting out there, Space Probe a waste of money? Maybe you got him over the hump of patient management, but what about surgical management? It's big, it's fast, and it's MICKEY: My mate Stan, he'll put us up.

DOCTOR: That was all I needed, cup of tea. ALEX: Yes, sir. Aaron, it shouldn't matter why I want a gun... whether it's because it makes me feel more secure, or it was a memento of my dad's or just because it's fun to shoot. (TV: The Enemy of the World), During a second battle with the Great Intelligence, the Doctor made the acquaintance of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. He disguised himself as a Dalek and foiled Dalek Supreme's plot to create thousands of Daleks. LLEWELLYN: Luke Parsons, A Positive. (PROSE: World Game), When his first incarnation was placed on trial in 1963 London as a result of killing a werewolf with a silver bullet, the Second Doctor dressed in an ill-fitting suit. now we get that. He and the others were able to form a dimensional bridge to allow the Eighth Doctor to escape, and were then joined by the War Doctor, followed shortly by the ninth, tenth and twelfth incarnations, who ventured into the Type 1 TARDIS. (TV: The Two Doctors) By placing his hands on someone's head, the Doctor could restore erased memories. ROSE: What happened? (AUDIO: House of Cards), The TARDIS landed in Kenga, Singapore during World War II, where the Doctor was taken to the nearby hotel by Clive Freeman. man. JACKIE: Rose? I've travelled with him, and I've MICKEY: Oh, that's the thing, isn't it? thanks. You just forget about Christmas and ROSE: Both working.

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