stream Shipping containers for mice can be purchased from Taconic and Zivic Miller. ȏ�/�.��X������PRABQ�����O By picking females in estrus, you can maximize the breeding of your mice, or obtain multiple females mated at the same time. Cold Spring Harbor Press. In some instances, the greater robustness and reproduction of an outbred strain like CD1 (from Charles River) is a sufficient advantage to offset the heterogeneity of the background, say, for example, in studies of embryogenesis. A major source of mouse pathogens is mice received from investigators at other institutions. How large a colony of mice should I maintain? Once you are approved for shipment by the veterinarian, they will give you the address for receiving. For more permanent marking, removing the last joint of a toe without anesthesia during the first week after birth is acceptable.

If unweaned pups are left without their mother, the ARC must be notified immediately so that euthanasia may be performed without delay. The skin on the back of the mouse can be trapped between the remaining fingers and palm. dJ���0���ݝpw��Ko\ ��:Ӻ�-֓G?�џ�_Y�a^?��s� D_���q��б q�UR�)m��oo����]�&��K~�$�c\�Q����ɤa aב�X�q(B�l@��g;��B ���x�:�.#�G������̈́��wb[_J㐪��?��_P~��ČSkպ��Ͽh� �;�K���g��v��۞�[��,e�uEʹ�JVC�]]A��Q�?��x�~� �B;{^��{���s�� ^�,��X4�����4��*Jj��PF&�{bc0�o�#F.���?nn#�>+͂1��T���ly`�s��A��w2���kSrJ���������;�8Ǒh/��׊�+��0�m�N�W�ڌW��A����O7>�S�RCs�&x'���]�Ū�~�|�{��8c8����?NO3��겑�^��&�6᭟E�KQ�,�&��I-8 �y{w��t��G0�_+R���Y�H{e"rPJ�o;{�*�C]�

Cryopreservation of mutants and strains is highly recommended for insurance against accidental loss. The estrus cycle is 4 to 6 days, so about 1 in 5 females on average should be in estrus at any time if the females are cycling randomly. Females housed together will sometimes not get along and this can manifest as whiskers trimmed to the root, other sharply demarcated areas of hair loss without skin lesions (barbering), or bites on the back and hindquarters. Upon arrival at The Jackson Laboratory, transgenic mice were bred to C57BL/6J inbred mice (Stock No.

House females of similar plug dates together through to weaning of the pups.

What are the acceptable methods of euthanasia for fetal and newborn mice?

Pick up the female by the tail in the proximal third, and with thumb and index finger holding the tail, let the mouse grasp the cage bar with forepaws and gently press down with the other fingers on the lower back and sacrum to tilt the genital-anal region up (a lordotic position).

If you are not in a rush to produce a lot of offspring, house a male mouse with one or two female mice.

The most expeditious way to ship and rederive is to ship frozen embryos or sperm, or live preimplantation embryos. Don't the males fight? Anesthesia must be used for toe-clipping of mice older than one week.

Extensive information on developing and validating assays for genotyping mice is available here. Females give a single band and males give two bands because of an intron difference between the X and Y genes (Agulnik et al. Mice that don't breed are a dead end, so make sure that if you have reduced your holdings of a strain to a minimum, that the mice are fertile and young. ;�4�ۮU�b1�_ |$�,e�@f��T

Tattooing is an acceptable alternative, although it is less commonly used. Figure 31.2 Carrying a group of C57BL/6 mice in the cupped hand. Scruffing the mouse properly is the key to success.

2 0 obj The ARC can assist with shipping mice to other institutions (Nonstandard Vendor Export form). Gestation is 18 to 20 days, depending on the strain. For a complete description of the stages of mouse embryogenesis and fetal development, see Hogan, B. L. M., Beddington, R., Costantini, F. and Lacy, E. (1994). An efficient way to manage your mice is to wean, ear punch, and genotype at the same time. Your particular needs will determine the level of detail that you will need in your breeding records. HFH4-hACE2 (here after hACE2) transgenic mice. }��{i�!���7�tӐ��ت�!�h'� �~Q����eH#�T�U!�Xr��A�+n�nŜN����h�E�,I��9��v7mX���+0xҚ�>�6P$�X�3g:�-nv�8P���':#��zͅS]�i?��p/�s�1t=���,# �����z����cB�)��A��j:�� m' Transgenic mice A uthors: Megha Kaushik and Archana Rao Introduction Transgenic is a word which is used to indicate an organism which has its genome altered. To get all this skin in your grip, start your scruffing motion low on the shoulders of the mouse, thumb on one side, and index finger on the other. When should mice be weaned? The mice must not be overcrowded, and must have sufficient food and water to last through working hours of the next working day.

endobj Jackson, I. J. and Abbott, C. M. editors. Transgenic Mice for Human Diseases: Transgenic mice are important for the development of therapeutic drugs and possible gene therapies, besides the understanding of the human disease. CO2 must be delivered from a tank, not from dry ice. How can I prevent mothers from cannibalizing their litters? Mice are social and care better for their young when they are housed with friends. Grasp the tail with your right hand and then scruff the mouse with your left hand. A number of the strains commonly used for making transgenic mice either are blind (FVB/NJ), or segregate a gene for blindness (B6SJLF1/J and B6CBAF1/J). Depending on the pathogen status of the mice, they may be approved for receipt into the clean or dirty quarantine.

Know what to expect from your strain: the Jax listing of strain characteristics is useful in this regard.

The mouse will try to pull away from you using the bars of the cage.

Grasp the mouse by the base of the tail between thumb and forefinger and place the rest of your fingers of the grasping hand on the sacrum and lumbar region of the mouse.

How long is gestation? The following instructions will result in a mouse immobilized in your left hand, with the right hand free. %PDF-1.5

The IACUC regulates the marking of mice. �PW:�0�� �`����M��[�VР�֝|�G��y���p�*B�����zI��׷u^���\2�a7�o�hg�:��z9)���(4�S�o]�r�0AmK$�E��zt$�|r�ްF�Ҙ���ދ����6 %PDF-1.6 %���� In pigmented strains, male newborn mice have a spot of pigment over the scrotum. Place the mouse on top of the cage bars, with the bars running left-right. The procedures that you need to follow are set by the ARC and will depend upon the type of housing. The amount of fat in the diet can have a significant effect on female fecundity (more fat, more fecund), but increased fat can have a detrimental effect on stud performance. If the mice become upset, do something else and return to them after they have calmed down. Female mice in estrus will be receptive to mating. What are the acceptable effective ways to mark mice? However, discuss the health of your mice with the veterinarian often. Mice may be euthanized by cervical dislocation without anesthesia by experienced, competent individuals, if scientifically justified.

Mild to moderate barbering may not require separation, but merits closer observation in case aggression escalates.

In many strains, pups ready to wean will "popcorn" when the cage lid is opened. The IACUC guidelines for mice with litters limit the number of mice to 2 adults and no more than 20 pups. Be aware that isoflurane is a health hazard, and exposure to personnel should be avoided by confining use to chemical fume hoods and anesthesia apparatus and by proper storage. After sexual maturity, males will fight when introduced to a new male. Let the gas flow for 1 minute to fill the chamber and leave the chamber closed for 5 minutes. Death should be ensured by cervical dislocation. Transgenic strains often lose expression of the transgene irreversibly through methylation of the insertion site, so it is wise to check transgenic lines for expression at each generation. Implanted ID transponder chips are an alternative, if cost and labor are no obstacle.

They need to be able to jump up to the top of the cage to feed and drink. W�>0��l��Ӛv�6S���.�s+t&�[|���hæ�d�Mi:� r��C�F�2��p2AJY�V��́��.��#��Rڡ w�e�����0�k�Xe�Ͼ;�� mI The transgenic mice develop malignant tumors at rates that are statistically significantly greater than controls and non-transgenic littermates after exposure to many known carcinogens. Plugs are detected by visual inspection or by probing gently with a sterile toothpick or blunt probe (Fisher seeker 08-995) on a female immobilized as described above. 4 0 obj TRANSGENIC AND KNOCKOUT MICE 1 2. The donating investigator reported that the transgene was microinjected into fertilized C57BL/6 oocytes, and mice from founder line K were bred to C57BL/6 mice to establish a colony (see SNP note below). When do mice become sexually mature? endobj Under no circumstances are mice to be received without prior approval.

My mice are not breeding.

However, do not add mice to a cage just a few days before birth, as this will disturb them. Plugs are useful for obtaining timed matings.

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