More than four in 10 people would leave it longer to get health advice than they normally would have before the coronavirus outbreak. “So whether you or a loved one has a routine appointment, or a potential cancer symptom, our message is clear – you are not a burden, we are here to safely care for you so please don’t delay.”. We invent stuff, we just fling it out there, we let anyone use it. Emma plays the firm but fair Nanny McPhee- but she'd need all her magical powers to revert the course of the English language, She went on: 'There is the necessity to have two languages - one you use with your mates and the other that you need in an official capacity. So Facebook and Twitter are definitely not her thing. “Don’t put it off, and don’t think you’re not a priority during coronavirus.”. “They’re very young now. They were connected every day 24/7, you know! Oscar-winning actress Emma Thompson is making her views on social media very, very clear in a new interview with Vanity Fair. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, Treat yourself to the perfect entertainment bundle with NOW TV's offers, Get a discount code to save on your internet security, Discover a range of promo codes on kitchen appliances, Find Just Eat's special deals and offers this week, Listen to podcasts and books for less with these offers, Kim Jong-un cries as he apologises for his failures during pandemic, Hilarious moment frustrated toddler quits 'Operation' board game, Driver kills one person after plowing into outdoor dinning area, Aerial shot shows police trying to seperate crowds in Liverpool, Mark Grisanti pushes police officer who tries to cuff his wife, Wirral: Gym owner refuses to close despite coronavirus orders, Incredible moment 'hunt supporter' truck rams into saboteurs car, Thai activists stage a rally in Bangkok and confront the king, 'I rule out nothing:' Johnson hints lockdown could still happen, Boris Johnson refuses to back down from regional lockdown plan, Moment cyclist not looking where it's going gets hit by red van, CCTV captures fly-tippers ruining a beauty spot in Tameside. since. Check out a recent Thompson film about a time way, way before social media, with a clip from “Effie Gray,” embedded below: Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Michael Keaton as BatmanWhen Keaton was cast as Batman in Tim Burton's 1989 "Batman," the decision was met with heaps of resistance; he was allegedly too small, not fit enough and/or didn't resemble Bruce Wayne. "Saving Mr. Banks" actress Emma Thompson is going off on social media in a new interview with Vanity Fair. Hang on.” They were connected every day 24/7, you know! Copyright © 2020 Penske Business Media, LLC. A three-year-old could f------ be on Twitter. The prospect of the "Girls" star playing the "Star Wars" reboot's primary villain had many fans worried. It's safe to say, four movies and $1.5 billion later, that debate has been settled. And -- the humanity -- his hair was BLOND! “These days they just say, ‘I’m going to be an actor because I want to be rich and famous.’ And then they do a little part on television and everyone knows who they are. Subscriber This Article is related to: News and tagged Emma Thompson. Now, of course, he's considered a favorite among the pantheon of Bonds despite his disparaging comments about the role. However, Lopez was roundly praised for her performance, which most observers believe was the film's strength. When it was announced that Affleck would star opposite the Man of Steel in Zack Snyder's "Batman v Superman," the decision was met with tens of thousands of protests, with reasons ranging from his dissimilarity to Batman to his artlessness as an actor.

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