Where in Runeterra is she from? This subreddit is dedicated for League's starry-eyed songstress: Seraphine!
新英雄Seraphine的推特账号曝光之后,拳头频繁发布Seraphine的翻唱和个人哼唱作品,收获一众玩家好评,很多玩家也都好奇“新老婆”Seraphine的原声到底是谁。, 经过Reddit带侦探网友的搜寻,最终把Seraohine的声音锁定到亚裔艺术家Chevy身上,证据有6条:, 1.Seraphine和Chevy的Soundcloud账户都关注一个名叫Shawn Wasabi的人,Shawn Wasabi是一名流行音乐制作人,Chevy和他有合作唱歌过。, 2.Chevy的经纪人Soradotwav是一名词曲作者,他发推特时说正在制作3首原唱歌曲,这些歌曲会在10月份发型(S10总决赛在10月)。, 3.网友根据Seraphine和Chevy在Soundcloud和推特上关注的人群类型,音乐品味和艺术风格很相似。, 6.两个月前,Serphine开始发推特时,Chevy停止在油管上传视频,两人的交替时间似乎预示着什么。, 不过这些只是Reddit网友根据自己找到的线索的推测,并非是拳头公布Seraphine声音原声是谁,大家可以到推特或油管上听听Chevy的歌声,看是否跟Seraphine相似。, T1夏季赛收官之战对战DRX,首局新中单Clozer拿到MVP,第二局T1将Clozer换下,Faker登场,但第二局T1的发挥不是很好,Faker的加里奥虽然打的没有问题,但还是输掉比赛。, Faker输比赛后,第三局T1重新让Clozer上场,Clozer再次配合队友拿到MVP,T1收官之战以击败DRX结束。, 赛后很多网友讨论,T1这波属于“甄嬛传”层面,先让Clozer上场拿MVP,再让Faker上场,其他人演Faker,丢掉一局比赛,随后Clozer再上场拿到胜利,这样就能名正言顺的让Faker替补。, 不得不说网友脑洞还是大,简单的一场BO3能想出宫廷剧的桥段,但话说回来,T1的决定也关系到他们的成绩,是否Faker坐替补是好的,还要看他们季后赛和世界赛的表现,毕竟Faker以往可是屡次带队进世界赛的。, 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。. so you're telling me she can kill someone in-game just by using tiktok? unpopular opinion: she is not a champion, she is an aspect. Are we supposed to believe they have access to soundcloud, twitter, camera phones, and laptops in runeterra? Kỹ năng Seraphine LOL.

I even came up with my own champion idea as like a more blues /rock oriented rockstar type guy who was ‘loosely’ related to sona but got adopted to Piltover instead of Demacia thus giving him more artistic/cultural freedom. , TOP STRONGEST CAR IN LOS SANTOS | GTA V GAMEPLAY #95, Kya Kya hoga Aaj ? New Champ: David504, Slaps his basses to is enemy and says checkmate, and her ult is dressing an anime girl and hunts simps. No, Seraphine twitter is her skin that is in the same universe as kda and TD= our world, As everyone else has said, Seraphine's Twitter is based on her K/DA / World's skin, not the champion. Calling it insane might be a little dramatic, but it's a huge deal because the red side has a blast cone to access the dragon pit more quickly, and the blue side has similar setups either. On her SoundCloud, Seraphine posted a cover of ARY’s “Childhood Dreams” as her first official musical release.
Then check out our website: www.proguides.com/yt. Like epic seven did with the korean girl? League of Legends seems to be teasing a mysterious new champion named Seraphine and her musical talents on Twitter and Instagram. Seraphine is basically Belle DelphineChange my mind, there is no way her youtube account was made back in 2014 so unless the thought of her since then and made that account then i call not a new champ, NEW CHAMP SERAPHINE LEAKED + TEASER? Wait... go on hate me on this but... is this related to belle delphine? Pyke, Sett, Senna, Zoe, Yuumi, Samira, Aphelios, Yone, and Lillia are NOTHING alike in any shape or form and are VERY creative champions regardless how you decide to look at them. Soradotwav. Seraphine is a cool idea for a champion promotion, but the way she is being promoted completely destroys LoL lore.

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