Related names include the more popular Sabrina or Serena. In American Baby Names the meaning of the name Sabina is: A Sabine. Sabienne, Sabina is a name for Girls The meaning of Sabina is Small sword, Flower Views : 19,442 Similar Muslim Names Sabrina Sabiya Saba Sabiha Sabbir Sabrin Sabeel Saboor Sabia Sabahat Sabit Sabriya Sabah Sabir Sabreena Sabaha Sabha Sabeena Sabeera Sabreen Savine, Sabina is a female name from an Old Roman family name (Sabinus) derived from the Latin word meaning “Sabines”. The name Sabina is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "Sabine". (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018). If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Sabina, try our name generator. Sabka, Poppaea Sabina, wife of the emperor Nero. Sabina as a girls' name is pronounced sa-BEE-nah. The name Sabina is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "Sabine". The Sabines were a tribe living in central Italy during the time when Romulus and Remus established the city of Rome. Birth Announcements: New Berrybabes in March, Berry Babies Born in August: Bruno Hummingbird and Wren Meridian, Coming Attractions: Latest starbaby predicitions. So, in essence the name means "radiating the light of understanding" or Wisdom. Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Sabiny, Name MatchMaker to find the perfect baby name for you! Sabina was a main character in the movie "Unbearable Lightness of Being". It can also be a place name, in honor of … Sebina, Sabine Sabyne, Romulus arranged mass kidnapping of the Sabine women so as to provide wives for the citizens of Rome. Bina and Sabine are the prominent alternative forms of Sabina (#1937 FROM CURRENT RECORDS). Any daughter I have will definitely have the middle name Sabina. (Russian) Know a Sabina? Has many positive associations such as a saint, the wife of Hadrian, and a region in Italy. So my family officially changed the spelling to Sabina. But my grandmother (who took care of me my first few years called me Sabine-chen (meaning Little Mouse). Sabina is a sleek but neglected name (possibly due to The Rape of the Sabine Women) from an ancient Roman tribal name that's well worth consideration. I have loved this name since I read the Alex Rider series. Related names include the more popular Sabrina or Serena. Adoption of these forms of Sabina was at its peak in 2009 (ADOPTION OF 0.01%) and has become much less since (ADOPTION 0.01%, 55% LESS). Savina, VARIANTS Bina, Byna, Sabine, Sabinna, Sabiny, Sabyna, Sahbina, Savina, Savine, Sebina, Sebinah, Sabina is a very popular first name for women (#1366 out of 4276, Top 32%) and also a very popular surname for all people (#45482 out of 150436, Top 30%). It can also be a place name, in honor of the Sabina region in the province of Rieta, Italy. I had an aunt in Holland who became a Catholic nun and took the name Sister Sabina (which was not her birth name). I named my daughter Sabina after my grandmother. I have always loved this name and been grateful that it stuck, rather than Helga. The equally alluring Sabine is heard in France. Sabinna, My mother originally named me Helga (more common in Germany). I thought it was a typo of Sabrina when I first read it, and I found myself falling in love with the name Sabina when I actually searched it up. Sabena, It's a more sleek and elegant, refined and serene version to the more springy and peppy Sabrina, and is definitely more unusual. When I tell people her name now, though, many seem to think it's very pretty -- maybe it's due for a revival! Sahbina, We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Sabina. Bina, Sabie, BEANIE, Beaner, Beano, Bean-pole, String Bean, Bean, Beans. I have always loved it more than Sabrina. My only hesitation with it is, as Nameberry mentioned, the association to the Rape of the Sabine Women. The Sabines were a tribe living in central Italy during the time when Romulus and Remus established the city of Rome. From there it became Sarina, then Sabrina, then Sabina. These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Sabina. Romulus arranged mass kidnapping of the Sabine women so as to provide wives for the citizens of Rome. Lovely name that I first encountered in the Alex Rider series, like the previous commenter. Would you like to follow Sabina? Sabin, Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community. Her name was often confused with "Sabrina" and required spelling explanation. The Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould (a male) was a famous writer of the Middle Ages. Sabina is the main character in Anais Nin's novel "A Spy in the House of Love." I love it because it's easy to pronounce in English and Spanish and it's not too common. All are equally lovely. Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. © 2020 I was supposed to have Sabina in my middle names but my parents forgot. And in ancient Hebrew (the Kabbalah) Binah means "understanding". Sabyna, Sabina as a girls' name is pronounced sa-BEE-nah. Sabia, Sabinka The forename Sabine came from his paternal grandmother's maiden name. Sabina Yasmin (Born 1953)(সাবিনা ইয়াসমীন) is a popular singer of Bangladeshi origin. It allows you to go beyond the similarities of a name, which can provide a lot of inspiration! (Czech) It is definitely way better than Sabrina for sure. An ancient name that's easy to say and known in many cultures. Meanings and history of the name Sabina Sabine means "woman of the Sabine people", the Italian tribe from which, according to legend, the ancient Romans kidnapped their wives-to-be in order to populate their newly-founded city. Like sa-BEE-na. Lol But, I really like the name, though. What are her siblings named? Byna, According to legend, the Romans abducted several Sabine … namecandy - Celebrity baby names, ask the Name Lady, & more. It became Sabine then Sabina. Vibia Sabina, wife of the emperor Hadrian; after her death, she became known as the goddess diva Sabina. The equally alluring Sabine is heard in France. (Polish) I have also read that it was derived from Czarina (as in Queen, wife of the Czar in Russia). It's not always pronounced suh-BEE-nuh. The Sabines were an ancient Italic tribe inhabiting the Apennine Mountain region of central Italy and parts of Latium. There is a Sabine river in Louisiana and a Sabine crater on the moon. Saby, Sabeen, Bina And Sabina Wise: artist, martial artist, author. Savya, This is a name that is very prominent in my family tree (German origin) back through the 1600s. Try the PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | Family & Parenting. Also a saint's name. Beautiful. Sebinah, It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Sabina is "Sabine". My grandmother was Mary Sabina and her aunt was Sabina. The Sabines were an ancient people who lived in central Italy, their lands eventually taken over by the Romans after several wars. I came to the states at age four from Germany where it was spelled Sabine and pronounced ZAH-bee-neh. I've never actually met a girl named Sabina and this name is so much prettier that Sabrina! In ancient Egyptian Zah or Sah mean "radiating light". Sabine means "woman of the Sabine people", the Italian tribe from which, according to legend, the ancient Romans kidnapped their wives-to-be in order to populate their newly-founded city. I love how they put emphasis on BEE. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. These names tend to be less commonly used than Sabina. Sabcia, Looking for the perfect name? (French). Sabina Veronica was my mother's name (born 1920), and she never liked it, giving herself the nickname "Pat" as a teenager and sticking to it all her life (many friends knew her only as "Pat"). Currently, Sabina Kelley: Pin-up Model, Fashion Model, Burlesque Dancer. Americans called me SAY-bine (as in BYE). Recommended sound-alike names are Albina▼, Babita, Balbina, Bambina, Bobina, Calina, Carina, Catina▼, Dalina, Darina, Davina▲, Fabia, Farina, Galina, Gavina, Habiba, Halina, Hanina, Hasina, Jaina, Jamina, Kalina, Karina▼, Katina▼, Laina, Latina, Madina, Mahina, Malina, Masina, Mavina, Nadina, Pamina, Raina▲, Ravina, Robina, Sabra, Sabrina▼, Sabrinna, Sabryna, Sadia, Sadina, Sadona, Safira, Safiya, Saida, Saira, Salena▼, Salima, Salina▼, Sarika, Sarina, Sarinna, Saryna, Satin, Savanha (see Savannah), Savonna, Serina▼, Shaina▼, Shalina, Sharina, Shavona, Sheina, Sina, Solina, Stina, Taina▼, Talina, Tarina, Valina, Vanina, Varina, Yamina, Yarina and Zarina. To rate names on Nameberry, please register for an account or log in to an existing account. You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Sabina on Nameberry. Sabina, the wise housemaid/temptress of Thornton Wilder's play "The Skin of Our Teeth". Sabinella © 2020 Wild Sky Media All rights reserved. Sabina is a sleek but neglected name (possibly due to The Rape of the Sabine Women) from an ancient Roman tribal name that's well worth consideration. There have been characters named Sabina in Thornton Wilder's play The Skin of Our Teeth and the Milan Kudera novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being. But since the name is not directly Sabine (which I also find a lovely name, but ehh on the association), it's less prominent of an association and I don't mind it quite as much. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Sabina is "Sabine". (2000 U.S. CENSUS), Sabina reached its highest rank of #707 in the U.S. in the 1880s, and is at #1937 currently. Some of us are called suh-BYE-nuh.

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