Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Name that government! They are often used to provide varying levels, to make a show more visually interesting. L'encyclopédie française bénéficie de la licence Wikipedia (GNU). such an operating system, software, etc. https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Plate-forme&oldid=172663699, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, La plate-forme ferroviaire désigne une surface linéaire aplanie et généralement de faible. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'platform.' Typically, they are built to be assembled modularly. Globe Theatre, London Celebratory performance marking the opening of the Globe Theatre in London, June 12, 1997. Toutes les traductions de Platform_(theatre), dictionnaire et traducteur pour sites web.

Define platform. A vessel, such as a submarine or an aircraft carrier, from which weapons can be deployed. Send us feedback. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic, We need to make our research readable and. 2. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Homasote is sometimes used because it is quiet and more comfortable to walk on. Hardboard is sometimes used as an easily replaceable and sturdy cover.

○   Anagrammes Fully searchable, our glossary is helpful for technical staff, directors, actors, producers, or anyone wanting to better understand the inner workings of theatre. By Observatorio Petrolero Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They waited on the platform for their train to arrive; The London train will leave from platform 6. A temporary framework with a floor, used by workmen: As we were seated and our guards retired to the foot of the stairway leading to the, The pretty wax doll bade good-bye to the Princess Ozma and the others and stood on the, Fogg rose, and, followed by Fix, went out upon the, Little groups of sunburnt men were greeting old friends upon the, The wind seemed as though lying in wait for her; with gleeful whistle it tried to snatch her up and bear her off, but she clung to the cold door post, and holding her skirt got down onto the, Beneath the trees a flat projection of rock jutted out, and formed a species of natural, I directed my steps to the central staircase, and mounted the, And in another minute the train drew up alongside of the, Thus, when old Doctor Meldrum, with his well-known curly-brimmed opera-hat, appeared upon the, A hundred yards from the beach was a little level spot, fairly free of trees; here they decided eventually to build a permanent house, but for the time being they both thought it best to construct a little. → รถไฟที่จะไป............จะออกจากชานชาลาไหน? the webmaster's page for free fun content, Platform Battlefield Information System Application, Platform Brabants Toeristisch Bedrijfsleven. b. A hardware platform is a set of compatible hardware on which software applications can be run. a stage that extends well beyond the proscenium arch and is usu. Today, 9 October, is the penultimate day of this year’s World Space Week, a UN event launched in 1999. Renseignements suite à un email de description de votre projet. A stage projecting into the audience area. går fra? Middle French plate-forme diagram, map, literally, flat form. Αυτή είναι η σωστή πλατφόρμα απ’ όπου φεύγει το τρένο για ...; C'est le bon quai pour le train pour ... ? Les cookies nous aident à fournir les services. ○   jokers, mots-croisés Platforms are composed of a frame, a lid, and legs. The party has announced a platform of economic reforms. La plupart des définitions du français sont proposées par SenseGates et comportent un approfondissement avec Littré et plusieurs auteurs techniques spécialisés. Delivered to your inbox! Platform stage synonyms, Platform stage pronunciation, Platform stage translation, English dictionary definition of Platform stage. What are synonyms for platform stage? having a standard design for use with compatible. Astuce: parcourir les champs sémantiques du dictionnaire analogique en plusieurs langues pour mieux apprendre avec sensagent. Von welchem Bahnsteig fährt der Zug nach ... ab? A platform is a group of technologies that are used as a base upon which other applications, processes or technologies are developed. Steel framed platforms are often built with brackets to affix legs made of steel pipe. Fixer la signification de chaque méta-donnée (multilingue). platform synonyms, platform pronunciation, platform translation, English dictionary definition of platform. All rights reserved. Is dit het juiste perron voor de trein naar ...?  | Dernières modifications. – The G20 summit in Buenos Aires concludes Argentina’s G20 presidency. Lettris est un jeu de lettres gravitationnelles proche de Tetris. Each specific hardware platform has its own machine language, and programs must be built specifically for a platform that involves a standardized type of processor and associated hardware pieces. The orchestra arranged themselves on the platform. Czy z tego peronu odchodzi pociąg do ...?

We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! The online version of the Collins Dictionary has just been updated again, with another batch of new words and meanings inspired by the events of the summer. c. An oil platform. Le service web Alexandria est motorisé par Memodata pour faciliter les recherches sur Ebay. When large numbers of platforms are being used together, a stud wall is assembled to support seams between platforms, instead of using legs at all. Une plate-forme métallique dans l'industrie permet d'aménager les entrepôts et d'augmenter leurs capacités de stockage par l'ajout d'un ou plusieurs niveaux. All Years Common rules of thumb dictate that the lid should not overhang the framing by more than three inches, and that internal framing should be two feet or less apart. Wooden framed platforms usually use 2x4 legs, which rest just inside of the framing, under the lid, with a cleat which supports the framing. Framing is usually arranged to be at or near every edge of the lid.

ريلوے اسٹيشن پر لائنوں کے درميان کا مرتفع حصہ. Open stage, also called thrust stage, or platform stage, theatrical stage without a proscenium, projecting into the audience and surrounded on three sides by the audience. LA fenêtre fournit des explications et des traductions contextuelles, c'est-à-dire sans obliger votre visiteur à quitter votre page web !

Από ποια πλατφόρμα φεύγει το τρένο για ...; Vanaf welk perron vertrekt de trein naar ...? Ist das der richtige Bahnsteig für den Zug nach...? → Je tohle správné nástupiště na vlak do ...? I stood on the crowded back platform of the seven o'clock bus. the central pillar of a winding staircase, esp one that is made of stone, the rectangular slab or block that forms the lowest part of the base of a column, statue, pedestal, or pier, an approximately triangular surface bounded by the outer curve of an arch and the adjacent wall, the end wall of a building on the side which is topped by a gable. The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross-section of speakers. Les lettres doivent être adjacentes et les mots les plus longs sont les meilleurs. Sometimes another layer is added on top of the plywood. He walked to the platform to begin his speech. You can get a certain insight into human nature from analysing the words that people look up in dictionaries. to land amid the continuing floods. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. An amateur theatre maintained by an K-12 educational institution for the entertainment and cultural profit of the student body, and for the training of students in dramatics. Nick finished what he was saying and jumped down from the platform. It was held at the Platform theatre space in the Central Saint Martin’s art school – CSM – part of University of the Arts London. How do you use platform stage in a sentence? → Hvilken perron kører toget til ... fra? A horizontal surface raised above the level of the adjacent area, as a stage for public speaking or a landing alongside railroad tracks. A horizontal surface raised above the level of the adjacent area, as a stage for public speaking or a landing alongside railroad tracks. → Z kterého nástupiště odjíždí vlak do ...? Copyright © 2010 by

→ Är det här rätt perrong för tåget till ...? Les jeux de lettre français sont : Definition - What does Hardware Platform mean? The train was about to leave and I was not even on the platform. They are also used to separate areas on stage, and as seating bleachers. Typically, they are built to be assembled modularly.

Learn a new word every day. Framing is most commonly made of nominally 2"x4" lumber or rectangular steel tubing, oriented so that its longer dimension is vertical, perpendicular to the lid. This is in contrast to scenery wagons, which are mobile platforms that are supported by casters instead of feet. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Platform+stage.

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