He also received the French Legion of Honour (1960), UK Companion of Honour (1977), UK Order of Merit (1996). One is inclined to trade on the qualities that brought one's reputation….". Overview; Biography; Filmography; Photos; Awards; Date of Birth: Apr 14, 1904 Birth Place: London, England, UK . Er spielte bereits 1930 das erste Mal Hamlet und galt neben Sir Laurence Olivier und Sir Alec Guinness als der bedeutendste Interpret der großen Rollen von William Shakespeare seiner Zeit. Gielgud's more recent film credits include: Arthur 2: On the Rocks, Shining Through, The Best of Friends, The Power of One, First Knight, and Shine. April 1904 in Kensington, England; † 21. During the 1970s, he acted in Home (1970) and Veterans (1972). Gielgud was knighted in 1953 and held honorary degrees from St. Andrew's University, Oxford University, and Brandeis University. Jahrhunderts. Although he wrote several books about his life in the theater, he admitted to enjoying reading "trashy" American novels and listening to opera in his elegant country home in Buckinghamshire, England. Both roles guaranteed his success as an actor. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 27. Other considerations of his career can be found in Poet at the Piano by Michiko Kakutani, The Player by Lillian Ross, John Gielgud's Hamlet by Rosamund Gilder, and Sir Laurence Olivier's autobiography, Confessions of an Actor (1982). Erste Erfahrungen sammelte er ab 1922 bei der Schauspieltruppe von Phyllis Neilson-Terry (1892–1977), seiner Cousine. Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln. He was soon viewed as one of the most important Shakespearean actors of his generation. Privacy Policy. One of the 20th century's most distinguished actors, John Gielgud (born 1904) was noted for his Shakespearean roles for the stage, especially Hamlet, and appeared in numerous theatrical and television films and on recordings of classic books and plays. Er produzierte ebenfalls Schallplattenfassungen von Theaterstücken, zum Beispiel Oscar Wildes Bunbury für die Columbia. He also won an Oscar nomination for Becket (1964). Einer seiner wenigen Filme war die Hauptrolle in Alfred Hitchcocks Geheimagent von 1935. John Gielguds Weg in die Schauspielerei war bereits vorgezeichnet, er war Mitglied der Terry family, einer bedeutenden Theaterdynastie. Juli 2020 um 23:32 Uhr bearbeitet. He was also noted for his performances of Jack Worthing in The Importance of Being Earnest (1939). Gielgud's career has been multifaceted. Gielgud wurde in den deutschen Synchronisationen seiner Filme vor allem von vier einander sehr ähnlich klingenden Sprechern vom Typ des würdevollen älteren Herren gesprochen, die ihm alle vier in annähernd gleich vielen Filmen ihre Stimmen liehen: Friedrich Schoenfelder, Leo Bardischewski, Friedrich W. Bauschulte und Wilhelm Borchert.[1]. Other considerations of his career can be found in Poet at the Piano by Michiko Kakutani, The Player by Lillian Ross, John Gielgud's Hamlet by Rosamund Gilder, and Sir Laurence Olivier's autobiography, Confessions of an Actor (1982). Plays he appeared in include The Importance of Being Earnest, The Seagull, The Potting Shed, School for Scandal and Tiny Alice. John Gielgud ranks among the foremost interpreters of Shakespeare in the 20th century and was one of the most prolific theater artists; continuing to work in theater, film, and television abundantly into his eighties. John Gielgud Biography. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 27. Dies half mit, die Entkriminalisierung der Homosexualität in England und Wales voranzutreiben. Sein letzter Film wurde in seinem Todesjahr veröffentlicht. Gielgud made his film debut as Daniel in the silent 1924 film Who Is the Man? He also authored several theatrical "reminiscences" throughout his career. Gielgud became involved in managing and understudying with James Fagan's Company in 1922. John Gielgud was a pupil at Westminister School. Biography. As a director, he worked at the Queen’s Theatre during the 1937-1938 season and then at the Haymarket Theatre in 1944-1945. He won immediate acclaim in his Shakespearean roles, and over the course of his career he played most of Shakespeare's leading men including: Angelo, Oberon, Lear, Julius Caesar, Romeo, and Mercutio (which he alternated with Laurence Olivier in 1935), Prospero, Antony, Macbeth, Hotspur, and Richard II. Sir Arthur John Gielgud, OM, CH, [.mw-parser-output .IPA a{text-decoration:none}ˈɡiːlɡʊd] (* 14. Im selben Jahr wurde er von Königin Elisabeth II. Jahrhunderts. About his early career, in a 1983 interview he noted that: "I played a lot of very neurotic young men. He starred alongside Cate Blanchett who was cast as Elizabeth I, Geoffrey Rush, Christopher Eccleston, Joseph Fiennes, and Eric Cantona. For on-line resources about John Gielgud see: , , , and . On television Gielgud appeared as Edward Ryder in the television adaptation of the Evelyn Waugh novel, Brideshead Revisited (1982). He created a one-man show based on the works of Shakespeare entitled Ages of Man, which toured Britain and was seen in New York and on American television. 1953 wurde Gielgud anlässlich eines Klappenbesuchs strafrechtlich verurteilt. He was a member of the Oxford Playhouse and then joined the Old Vic company (1929-1931). Er gilt als einer der herausragendsten englischen Theaterdarsteller des 20. John Gielgud: The Authorized Biography: Amazon.de: Morley, Sheridan: Fremdsprachige Bücher. Two good biographies exist in John Gielgud: A Celebration (1984) by Gyles Brandmeth and Ronald Hayman's John Gielgud (1971). By continuing, you agree to our He obtained a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), and after leaving there in 1923 he played a number of parts, the most significant of which were Trofimov in Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard and understudying, then taking over for Noel Coward in Coward's play The Vortex. Gielgud's numerous and recent television credits include: Brideshead Revisited, Wagner, The Far Pavilions, The Master of Ballantrae, Oedipus, War and Remembrance, A Man for All Seasons, and Inspector Alleyn. He was famous for his resonant speaking voice, voice acting in many radio programmes including dramas and plays. Fortunately he was offered a scholarship to Lady Constance Bennett's Drama School, and through this experience made his first professional debut as an unpaid walk-on in Henry V at the Old Vic.

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