Later, Mawin joins Per in the audience at the live competition tryouts. The way he behaved, am I the only one who got that. We add new episodes every day! The first song is always about “Please notice me, if you will, I’ll be here, I hope you find me worthy.” It isn’t singing a song of praise about yourself and what you’d do if you got the chance.

I want that body.” Right song for Earn, but wrong situation. Per tells a story about how he got in trouble for having pornography, too, and started hiding it in a toilet at Friday College instead (where it played a role last episode).

I think the abuse issue raises the stakes in the PerWin pairing. I do feel a slightly sad for Jeed after this episode, but honestly, not much. A freestyle rap battle. Synopsis. It seems to have more depth than the others, dealing with much harsher themes.

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We just will never know who the mystery drummer from chapter 31 is. Since Mawin’s father is a policeman, that won’t work. I know, I know, teenagers and their concern with social status means I should excuse Jeed for wanting to be friends with the mean girls and feeling disappointed that they don’t want her. During the live band tryouts, Phun exits to write a note to Noh to listen carefully to his band’s song. O.K.

He is there to help Noh expose Aim’s infidelity.

That fence we can see through is a wall as far as he is concerned, a marker of a territory into which neighbors pretend not to see. When Jeed lightly touches her replacement’s arm, the replacement fakes injury, crying out that Jeed is hurting her. Phun arrives with Aim. I guess the optimist in me believes that we’ll turn the corner and suddenly Fi will actually be able to lip sync, and the rest of the Friday College students will act as if they are at least in an air band, rather than staring blankly at the audience while music miraculously flows from their underplayed instruments. I forgot that Per pushed Win away for some time. You can practice until you get it right. Episode 10 saw the PerWin storyline suddenly become the most interesting of the five male-male pairings on the show at the moment. Hurt, she accuses Grace of circulating the shots. Yep. and wants to talk. Note: I group summaries by story line, not in presentation order.

Unlike Fairy and Marshmallow, I’m not as much interested now in whether or not Per and Win are “already doing it” as I am in Win’s safety.

Before Earn sings his second number, he tells Noh to pay attention. Earn is absent from a day of school and Pete ends up at his house because he didnt know what else to do with himself (67%) Mawin’s father drags him outside the house, beats him and burns a magazine. I think the distant cousin thing that you mentioned with Jeed’s storyline still applies. A little while later, Per opens his window and throws pebbles at Mawin’s window to get his attention. Follow Peale's View of the Talking Pictures on, Love Sick The Series Season 2: Episode 25 Recap, Love Sick The Series Season 2: Episode 24 Recap, Love Sick The Series Season 2: Episode 23 Recap, Love Sick The Series Season 2: Episode 22 Recap, Love Sick The Series Season 2: Episode 21 Recap.

One of the ways to interpret the first appearance of Per and Win together is that Win wants to be by Per because he has a crush on him.

Change ). He writes on an eraser-board asking Mawin if he is O.K. In the meantime, Phun and Noh already had had sex. Too many friends and she’d be annexing small countries. At some point this season, Mawin will bring Per more pebbles (probability: 58%), When Golf leaves the live competition, his motorcycle will have been impounded because it was illegally parked when left it (probability: 32%). Also Per seems to keep to himself what goes on with Mawin when he is in school even though he could get support from some of his friends and the older members in the music club.

Those pebbles make that fence useless, although Per respects that fence in this episode. He needed another song…one that reminds Noh that Phun is a moody guy with a girlfriend. I’ll do what I can to be more entertaining in a few episodes when rumor has it, someone dies. So if you would allow me to add to your predictions – Everything in this episode was perfect. I dont know, such a touchy thing. Missing those kinds of details again and again adds up and after a while the optimist is sorely stretched and tested. After Yuri leaves, Jeed calls Neung. Grace says that anyone could have used her phone and blames Jeed. Nan makes her aware of text chat screen shots that are circulating around school. At least Jeed has Neung to fall back on. They are still “fighting”.

It may be different from the novel. His friendship means he cannot be merely an observer, and over the years the boys have developed ways to use their windows to communicate. Moan is the one the writers have sentenced to death (probability: 67%). Per finds out that Mawin’s father was angry about finding pornography. Yuri tries to comfort Jeed and reminds her that she has a boyfriend who she can call. Jeed leaves in tears. People just tease them for being a couple. Samsal, I’ve been trying to convince the director to land me on that cameo role you are rooting me for about 27%. They will need to deal with those problems where those problems actually are. Review: Dangerous Boys (Thailand: 2014): Youthsploitation for Everyone? He’s probably also taking a little advantage of his position as a policeman as well.

( Log Out /  The next day, Per and Mawin eat lunch together. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Jeed arrives at dance rehearsals to find that Grace has replaced her on the team with an underclassman.

I mean, Lieuw seems to drop her suspicion of Grace fairly quickly because of “old friends are more important than new,” reasoning. ( Log Out /  If Per pushes Win away like he does in the Novel for a time, it will be very depressing. Earn was content with letting ringbacks and tryouts songs to deliver his love message. Here he was, sincere and serious about his feelings with Noh but wanted his love to be felt slowly. If Earn and Pete don’t develop into a couple, I’d be disappointed.

Love Sick The Series Season 2: Episode 10 Recap.

love sick the series season 2 | ep.36 (ตอนจบ) views 181,311 like 1,444 42:51. love sick the series season 2 | ep.35. Pop and Shay are still nowhere to be found; Phun and Noh are going nowhere until someone sticks an ice pick in Aim; Ohm and Mick are adorable but as of now uncomplicated, and Earn and Pete are barely aware that many fans want them to notice each other. Oh, crap.

Nan decides that dancing is more important than working out differences between the two sides. The twelve episodes of Love Sick the Series first season were made available on Netflix early 2018. Aim pretends she has never met Golf before. Fi says he’ll just withhold the 25,000 baht shortfall. If Per and Win stop being friends, I’d be downright depressed. Also, on the death. I thought it was a nice touch that Per keeps stones handy for moments like this. ( Log Out /  Series Information. The live band tryouts run late into the night. I haven’t focused on earn yet in any of my reviews, but I will a little more in one of the next write ups.

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