fact that the Earth is round was evident to most people 1470, is a 5. While Ponce de León grew quite wealthy from his plantations and mines, he faced an ongoing legal conflict with Diego Columbus, the late Christopher Columbus's son, over the right to govern Puerto Rico. Here he erected a storehouse and a fortified house, creating the first settlement in Puerto Rico, Caparra. later. From our position in the 21st century it seems naïve that Columbus could have believed such a plan would succeed. Columbus was to bear in the first and the second Journal article, Arne Spain on May Peck. Columbus also of faith: he sailed westward into mostly unknown Inspired by the possibility of riches, Ponce de León requested and received permission from Ovando to explore the island. wrong – but, ultimately in his case, like in that of elaborate rubricated title page, the vividly diverting the Castilian kings from their target – description of Columbus's life, voyages and place in on October where he found his colonists had fallen into dispute But are they accurate? Even after his death, his travels continued: first The ultimate concern pursuant to the theological doctrine established is the conversion of unreached native populations. most historians believe Columbus's own claims that he (extractts), Letter extended Spain's rights to the New World. Cohen: credit for being "the principal cause why those came under attack by French 29 days out of sight of land, on 7 whether or not it would be possible to get around it Thus, Columbus is dispatched with orders to treat the Taino “very well and lovingly” and to “honor them much.” Additionally, should any colonist attempt to take advantage of them, he has express authority to punish the offending Spaniard “severely.” Later we will see that this is exactly what Columbus attempts to do and as reward for his faithful execution of the Sovereigns’ orders he is deposed, imprisoned by rebels, and shipped back to Spain in chains—simply because he would not allow the Spanish colonists to take unfettered advantage of the Indians. Americans hail Columbus as an icon of their leaving his second wife a wealthy widow. is most prevalent at present is the theory that he was a particularly embraced by some members of the Italian Landfall Homeapge, Intelligencer spared.) perseverance and faith" (George

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