It is expensive because the lens itself is expensive and the use of the surgical center is expensive. So to further improve and advance the procedure, Femtolasik was developed. In nutshell,  instead of a 20mm cut for a flap creation, there is a small 2mm cut for removing the cornea, Surgical Advantages of SMILE Lasik laser over Femto Lasik laser. ICL will usually give more eminent quality and greater acuity vision than LASIK. No serious complications occurred in either series. ICL surgery making use of a Toric lens is also a reasonable alternative but unfortunately this variety of ICL implant is not as of yet available in the U.S . Due to surface ablation, the post procedure recovery period was painful and there some  initial problems noted related to delayed and inferior healing. Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. ( Log Out /  The femtosecond laser helps in creating the flap. Unaffected by outside temperature, humidity, draft, etc. +91-9711115191 Our Work ICL provides better nighttime vision than LASIK with lesser complaints of haloes, distortions of light and sensitivity to bright light. Third generation lasik – Relex Smile lasik: What if we have a procedure where we can do away with flap as well and make it more precise, accurate, and safe compared to the previous laser vision correction procedures? So first a flap is created and then Excimer laser ablation is done. This entire treatment takes place in a closed environment unlike a flap based procedure. LASIK is usually more reasonable than ICL surgery and is invasive to a limited extent as well with the latter being reversible. Dr Vandana Jain, Cornea and Lasik Surgeon, Mumbai, India, How to choose the best eye hospital for Lasik surgery procedure: A guide, Delay In Treatment For Fear Of Corona Infection Led To Worsening After Lasik, Taking care of your eyes in Monsoon season, 30, The Affaires, Palm Beach Road, Sector 17, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai, Induction of spherical aberration is minimized. Visian ICL LASIK PRK High definition vision Excellent throughout FDA approved corrective range. Third generation lasik  – Relex Smile lasik: What if we have a procedure where we can do away with flap as well and make it more precise, accurate, and safe compared to the previous laser vision correction procedures? Compare ICL vs Lasik vs PRK and find out which eye procedure is right for you. Let’s for a minute go back and see how the Laser vision correction started and how it has evolved. Therefore artifacts are avoided during the laser procedure. She is one of the best lasik surgeons in India and is an expert in Pre-Lasik tests, Corneal evaluation pre lasik and has done more than 5000 Lasik surgeries in her career spanning more than 12 years. This ‘lenticule’ is then removed through a small key-hole 2mm opening made by the laser in the periphery of the cornea. It is also usually safer because of the minimal impact of the new lens compared to changing the cornea the amount that would be required with LASIK in these cases. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Sometimes this price will include an additional laser treatment after the surgery to correct any residual astigmatism. The stability of refraction (< or =0.5 D change) was significantly better in the ICL group than the LASIK group through 6 months. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The Money Factor in LASIK vs ICL. Compare ICL vs Lasik vs PRK and find out which eye procedure is right for you. However, ICL is frequently recommended for our Atlanta area patients with a very high degree of nearsightedness who may not be a good candidate for LASIK. This. In the evolution of refractive laser techniques, we surgeons have always longed for a time when closed intra corneal surgery would come to the front, avoiding the need to disturb the corneal surface and creating a flap. For the -6.50 or higher, ICL will usually provide higher quality and higher acuity vision than LASIK. This is even truer for us, Lasik surgeons, who continue to get access to better laser vision correction procedures. - Lasik will not further effect your eyes once the recovery period is over. Dr Vandana Jain is a renowned Cornea and Lasik Surgeon heading the Centre for Lasik Surgery at Advanced Eye Hospital & Institute, Navi Mumbai, India. Femto-lasik thus allowed the laser vision correction surgery to become even more safer by adding extra precision. Advent of First generation LASIK: The next advancement which became hugely popular was LASIK. ICL vs Lasik both the surgery have there own factors of differentiation like on the basis of safety, UV Protection and Cost comparison. Following are the conditions for which, LASIK is not suitable and ICL surgery is preferred. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Conclusions: The ICL was safer and more effective than LASIK and seems to be a viable alternative to corneal refractive excimer surgery in the treatment of low myopia. Learn more. Very rarely, the power of glasses required for optimum vision may change after surgery also. The Visian ICL is an implantable, bio-compatible contact lense that can remain in your eye indefinitely, freeing you from the constant need to maintain and change your contacts. But the fact of the matter is that flap creation is still done. Therefore ReLEx smile patients are more likely to, When flap is created during femto Lasik nerves are cut and this causes dry eye. At her centre, which is the best lasik surgery centre in western India, she offers counsel and advice for Custom lasik, femto lasik, Relex Smile lasik, Watch Dr Vandana Jain perform Relex Smile lasik laser –, Interview of Dr Vandana Jain about Smile lasik, Video of a Smile lasik journey for freedom from glasses, Dr Vandana Jain can be contacted at or her appointments are available at +91-22-67313636. LASIK is usually more reasonable than ICL surgery and is invasive to a limited extent as well with the latter being reversible. Reversible Procedure. Choosing a vision correction procedure is an important decision. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It is also a quick process. ( Log Out /  Once the flap is created, patient bed moves to the Excimer laser machine. - ICL causes cataracts in many healthy eye patients within 10 years. Hence Femto-lasik was also called bladeless LASIK. In Femto LASIK, patient is first positioned under the Femto Lasik machine. The laser precisely creates the tissue disc inside the cornea. These differences make the procedure gentler, safer and painless and give rise to many advantages-. Excimer laser precisely burns the corneal tissue and reshapes the cornea. Also there is no need to unnecessarily increase intraocular pressure to very high levels. Wouldn’t that be wonderful and make the procedure so much better. I am the only surgeon in Michigan routinely performing CATz lasik which is the most advanced form. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. We offer sig­nif­i­cant dis­counts for refrac­tive surgery. How is Relex Smile lasik different from Femto Lasik/ Custom lasik? degeneration is not a contraindication for LASIK. But the problem of a large 20mm cut for making a flap remained  whether with the blade or with Femto second laser. ICL surgery making use of a Toric lens is also a reasonable alternative but unfortunately this variety of ICL implant is not as of yet available in the U.S .  The VisuMax is a silent, soft, and gentle laser. If you’re experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. Flap is then repositioned and it again becomes a part of the cornea. LASIK gen­er­al­ly costs about $2200 per eye, while ICL can cost as much as $5,000. In SMILE Lasik laser vision correction, with the help of femto second laser generated from a platform called Visumax from Carl Zeiss, a tissue lenticule is prepared inside the intact cornea, thickness of which is dependent on patient’s eye power. ( Log Out /  A gentle touch of the cup and a mild pressure are felt during the procedure. With Smile Lasik laser surgery the disadvantages of earlier procedures have disappeared and the advantages have remained! Based on reports from Visian ICL recipients, about 81 percent achieved 20/40 visual acuity or greater after the procedure, with 41 percent achieving 20/20 vision. I think this is where ReLEx SMILE also called SMILE Lasersurgery comes into picture. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we don’t provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. Learn more. Change ). LASIK recipients report that 99.5 percent achieved 20/40 visual acuity or better, and 90.8 percent achieved 20/20 vision.

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