Parents living in China are being asked by archdiocesan officials to not visit their children in the United States for the remainder of the school year. In addition to the usual purification of fingers with water after the distribution of holy Communion, all Communion ministers should again wash their hands. The notice said that students, as well as faculty or staff members, should not travel to China for the remainder of the school year. x���"�ME��_{�g�����>HD>��i���1x�wP'p�j�FF��j����� ��|F���v���Na��\4��Ht?`����Pª��� bѡ6�@�˻W����6����qf���Ik��| �%�j��s�R0OY����0{�nk8�'���/ �E�A�� Archbishop Nelson Perez announced the decision Thursday. <> %PDF-1.5 A hand sanitizer may be used in the pew by the extraordinary minister prior to the distribution of holy Communion. Thom Carroll/For PhillyVoice Philadelphia Archbishop Nelson Perez gave archdiocese Catholic dispensation from attending Mass on Sunday as a precaution against the spread of coronavirus. People who have flu-like symptoms or are feeling sick should not go to Mass or other Church gatherings. Philadelphia health officials prohibited gatherings. All rights reserved, impacting everything from study abroad programs, the release date of a blockbuster franchise film. During the current coronavirus crisis, you can help deliver the kind of news people need to know about the Catholic Church, especially in the Philadelphia region, and the world in which we live ― every day. The distribution of the Precious Blood to liturgical ministers and the faithful has been suspended. But parishes should make provisions for reception of the Precious Blood for persons with celiac disease who cannot digest the gluten in wheat hosts, according to the archdiocese. “Despite the suspension of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass, all regularly scheduled masses will remain open to the public for those who wish to attend.”, BREAKING: @ArchbishopPerez has EXCUSED all Catholics in the @ArchPhilly from attending Mass until further notice. ��w ۗ�v�D~�@���[|^�L����x`�b�Q����׳�a��'���JS!����+L�=�%B ��ה��I�ڻV+� ���� ���m�(D3&.�̊�%~"c�`�Z�`��A���[����W�G��e Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. @CBSPhilly, — Joe Holden (@JoeHoldenCBS3) March 12, 2020. People are encouraged to not receive Holy Community on the tongue and receiving it by hand is preferred. (Pool photo/ by David Maialetti/The Philadelphia Inquirer) Updated 3:15 p.m. Are you on the front lines of the coronavirus? What You Need To Know: Latest Coronavirus Information From Pennsylvania, New Jersey And Delaware Health Departments, “Effective immediately, and until further notice, in union with the Bishops of Pennsylvania, I have dispensed the faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass,” Perez said. Catholic Social Services’ Northeast Family Service Center to Provide Meals to Children Impacted By the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Wednesday, March 4, 2020 PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is putting together guidelines for parishes amid an outbreak of the coronavirus. The directives, which have been approved by Archbishop Nelson Perez and provided to archdiocesan clergy, take immediate effect until further notice as follows: Holy Communion: All priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of holy Communion are to wash their hands with soap and water prior to the celebration of Mass. “While there is no evidence to suggest the presence of coronavirus in any of our schools, we have implemented the following practices out of an abundance of caution,” wrote Sister Maureen L. McDermott, superintendent of the archdiocese’s secondary schools. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Another jetpack reported thousands of feet above LA, Fast Food May Be Your Only Dining Out Option Left, Experts Warn, Coronavirus Outbreak Prompts Archdiocese Of Philadelphia To Excuse Catholics From Attending Mass Until Further Notice. The period immediately following the lifting of the COVID19 restrictions requires us to be ready to assist people to reintegrate into an active, in person … 222 North Seventeenth Street 7th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103. Exchanging the Sign of Peace through physical contact such as handshakes, hugs or kisses has been suspended. A small, automated monthly donation means you can support us continually and easily. In addition, international students are being advised to wait until the end of the school year to return to their native country and to arrive back in the U.S. at least 14 days before the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is putting together guidelines for parishes amid an outbreak of the coronavirus. 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The directives to parishes within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, which are effective immediately, include the following: The new rules for Mass from the Diocese of Trenton include the following: More information on the coronavirus can be found on the Center for Disease Control website. By … 1 0 obj It’s a question of biology and math. Your gift will strengthen the fabric of our entire Catholic community. Faithful Citizenship: 2020 voter information, St. Francis of Assisi brings hope, healing to Frankford, Faithful gather in prayer for nationwide peace, healing, Priest, police light up the night for sick kids, Phila. IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA IN RESPONSE TO THE POTENTIONAL SPREAD OF THE CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE, March 13, 2020 Dear Priests and Deacons, At this point in the Coronavirus pandemic, our first response continues to be the spiritual and pastoral care of the faithful and all people in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Archdiocese of Philadelphia to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has issued a set of directives for the celebration of Mass designed to prevent the potential spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Science-based coverage sent each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday night to your inbox. (CNS Photo/Francis Wong), staff report • Posted March 4, 2020. #��9a��@����G�[�J��%����+"�[��Vz}�[ �0n��}�f�[1��MU3�=�a��I�Y�@O2F/)��҄���d]h�!J�Х�j�H$��v3ɲ�m�����=�j��'���Z��� D��a endobj �v́�sCZ%�{�L�j�7Ek�zԓ��.��8&-G��������M��8���Dux�b��^8�|Zw�Ns8��v��kB9�7����]d�}�#��[��3�GMd��dQR�d����vK/I��@�`�����ZZ,�)�SqM5Q�8JD �@�2������ �gU�ߢ��`��ҖA�M���=?2��5�8�����N��@7�Yc�|����n���_�tm�y���3Z�TY٣18 Distributing the Precious Blood from the Chalice to ministers and parishioners has been suspended. Archbishop Nelson Perez announced the decision Thursday. The mass suspension goes into effect Wednesday at 12 p.m. %���� ARISE: RESTORING CATHOLIC LIFE AFTER THE PANDEMIC. Philadelphia, PA 19103, PREVIOUS: Here’s how to share food with the hungry during Lent, NEXT: Once homeless, Ms. Pennsylvania helps men’s shelter, Readings of the Holy Mass – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2018-2019 Audited Financial Statements of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. '3f���쳥��#��GQ9e�ʮ@8EO�0CԳ+x���-���1½7�:�дhb�Y-C�'��F������3�4�)bΩ� l4G� ��.��k�՚)M�s��^����7E�"!�l+���a�w̄�3�M��T8��LJ��Z�f5`�u�T�Xb��wFbAU�_YY|�E[؀����� %>��!��Dة��!��4�������,�=D���е#�1Hr�[���ݢ�l,˟@*���R��� �m���s�fz�3� �[* We make sure your donation in any amount will go a long way toward continuing our mission to inform, form in the Catholic faith and inspire the thousands of readers who visit every month. Copyright © 2020 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. Extraordinary ministers may also use a hand sanitizer in the pew before Holy Communion. PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has excused local Catholics from attending mass due to the coronavirus outbreak. With the global concerns over coronavirus impacting everything from study abroad programs to the release date of a blockbuster franchise film, the local Catholic church is the latest institution taking steps to stop the spread of the virus. Distributing the Precious Blood from the Chalice has been suspended. Gas station employee fighting for his life after shootout in Philly, Woman now blind after stranger splashed acid in her face, This bakery accurately predicted the last 3 elections, WATCH - Jim and Terry - Pa. is the Pivot Point for the Presidential Race, Local contractor hits $1.3 million jackpot at AC casino, CA patients, doctors try to understand COVID-19 'brain fog', Phillies cardboard cutout fans help raise over $320K for charity, Igloo anyone? According to the CDC, the risk to the general public appears to be low in the U.S., where there have been no deaths and a handful of confirmed cases, all linked to travel overseas. Both the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Trenton announced new rules during Mass to help prevent coronavirus (COVID-19). �g���]I���� \$o�Ar����>Ud5[�M� �,j_��0���*F�e��ʢ��_E��2ԍ/�Ȭ*�=��3n1�b����D-���� #xsupportcatholicphilly:before{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0px; content: ""; opacity: 0.8; z-index: 1; background-color: #FFF; } Intentions for the prevention of the coronavirus and those impacted by it should be included in the Universal Prayer. The invitation to the Sign of Peace is optional and pastors should consult their community to determine the best way to observe it. Though more than 200 people globally have died from the infection, in most cases the impact of the virus appears to be fairly mild. Holy water fonts must be drained and refreshed more frequently than normal to avoid any contamination. Eagles Fans React To Season, Returning To Linc 02:05 - 13H AGO PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Archbishop Nelson Perez has announced the suspension of all public masses in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia amid the coronavirus outbreak. Restaurants get creative with outdoor dining, 'Fall resurgence' of coronavirus has begun in Pa., health officials say, Philly nurse who recovered from COVID-19 helps community through pandemic, Election officials working towards quicker results on election night. The announcement came just minutes before Philadelphia health officials prohibited gatherings of more than 1,000 people for the next 30 days. Archdiocese officials could not be reached Friday evening to say how many students might be affected by this policy. 222 N. 17th Street Priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion should wash their hands with soap and water or hand sanitizers before and after Holy Communion. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has issued a set of directives for the celebration of Mass designed to prevent the potential spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). If students returning from China are free of symptoms after 14 days, they can return to school. Students in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s 17 high schools are being told to stay home if they are just returning from China, due to concern about the coronavirus, according to a message sent Friday to school families. There is currently one presumptive positive case of COVID-19 in Philadelphia. Both the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Diocese of Trenton announced new rules during Mass to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Office of Catholic Education has created the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information page as a resource for our students, school families, and employees to help navigate this rapidly changing landscape.

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