Spontaneity is an important element of fun. Thanks for your awesome comment, Sylviane! The committee should consist of representatives from a wide range of departments, and committee membership should rotate. It’s rare, I know that. Do something nice for someone else, or yourself, and you’ll make your day great! So, rally your coworkers and bosses and brainstorm ways to best celebrate. If you’re looking for career where you can have fun while you innovate, Spanning is hiring now! …the people. Applying your new skills in your day-to-day job can make your work more enjoyable. Right now you might be thinking, “I’d love to do these things at work, but I’m not the boss”. Designate a wall in the office as “The Wall of Fame”. By coming up with ways to have fun at work. ….the dog friendly office. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. I set my music to my desired mood- be it fun, energetic, peaceful, passionate, hopeful, bouncy, and more. Remote Working Tips to Make Your Holiday Easier and More Enjoyable, Advice for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2019, 7 Ways to Create a Culture of Team Building, Play some games! He further argues that employees can rewire their brains for happiness by following 6 simple habits for a period of 30 days. Crush Procrastination With the Bus Trip Analogy, “The Levity Effect: Why it Pays to Lighten Up”, 6 Easy-Breezy Habits for a Rollickingly Happy Brain, 10 Ways to Have More Fun and Play As An Adult, How to Laugh More – 22 Ways to Bring More Laughter into Your Life, 75 Simple Pleasures – Enjoy the Little Things, The Elasticity of Time: Four Ways to Stretch Your Time, 67 Ideas for Your “Just Because” Bucket List, 9 Ways to Cure Wanderlust When You Can’t Travel, How to Increase Your Goal Commitment to Achieve Anything You Want, How to Cope When Things Are Tough: Coping During COVID-19, How You Sabotage Your Ability to Learn (and How to Stop). amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; No problem. Think you’re too busy to take a break – think again. You can play trivia, guess the song/band games, what would you do if you won the lottery, and so much more. (and it was work – how about that!!). This is a holiday in which workers blow off a little bit of steam at work. Some companies have a “Success Bell” set  up in an accessible space of the workplace. Get playful! Colleen Barrett, who retired as CEO of Southwest Airlines, sent over 3,000 handwritten notes every month for nearly 30 years thanking employees for specific things they had done to improve the passenger experience for Southwest customers. No employee is happy at work every single day, and even jobs you are passionate about can sometimes be frustrating or tedious. '//www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); It is National Fun at Work Day which gives us an official permission to have Fun at office.”, “You can perform much better if you are having Fun at work….. Best wishes on Fun at Work Day to you and I wish that you enjoy each and every day at office.”, “Let us charge ourselves and put on the party shoes because Fun at Work Day is here and we are needed to paint the city red.”, “The best way to balance the regular, boring days at work is to celebrate the Fun at Work Day which will infuse our body and soul with new energy.”, “The most awaited time of the year is here as we celebrate Fun at Work Day….. Wishing a wonderful day full of fun activities with your colleagues.”, World Students Day Wishes Happy Fun at Work Day Messages “It is time to loose, it is time to enjoy, it is time to have some fun….. All rights reserved. Work is your new favorite.”, 10 Things You Probably Shouldn’t Get Caught Doing At Work. However, this said, each of your tips can be very well applicable in an office setting and lighten anyone’s day. Laughter yoga proponents argue that voluntary laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. Since everyone’s calendar is different employees share the tips, jokes, or riddles that they get each day with everyone else. Not just any kind of music either; I’m a lover of what I call, music for the soul. It is National Fun at Work Day which gives us an official permission to have Fun at office.” “You can perform much better if you are having Fun at work….. Have double the fun on April 1, because it is not only April Fool’s Day but it is also Fun at Work Day.. How about a chair race today?

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