So, Chuck, do you think you’ll ever get married? I know your crabbiness has probably become so natural to you now that you're not even aware when you're being crabby, but it's true just the same. 1 Min. NYCastings is a Casting Breakdown Service used by Castings Directors, Producers & Content Creators to Cast SAG-AFTRA, Actors Equity Association & Non-Union Actors, Models, Dancers, Singers, Voice-Over Artists & Live Acts. Comedic Monologue For Male Kid Actor. �"�%�{�ǧ�u�b�Ɋ;n���#� (��\�8=0�Q��f��(���ZJ9kU��v�'�f1�Z �����]:;�ّ����؅|2�0WD_# ? endobj 8E��e��T��H��:��v(EV��=9�jOՑ)�?#�T��$yU�j���7��%\�]xE=�ιEǶ^O'R�t�ߩO~��M{ƃ}����i�դƧ�_�O�h�k+7��)߲`9Q��@�sˇ���.�M@BE�&����=�w1���&3�D6V�VC3�*��n�hYX�֓�y/�M�I� �Q�aXF��NYH:�����h*27�Sl�:�.D:PD�v��*Z���&~M{\Lt�������D �#o��2���w�ȝ�/7�Ķ \L1`a0�X��B�n�T��i��zǶz�/w�@nm[mh@�7K�,U�� A monologue for a boy also comes from "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" and was performed by Charlie Brown himself 4 5. Welcome to 2019 everyone! Casting in NY, LA, Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, Chicago, Seattle, Las Vegas, Texas, Knoxville, Boston and more. Some psychiatrists say that people who eat peanut butter sandwiches are lonely...I guess they're right. � �:�QU�u�c��9��������(�O�4 S�k*������� C ��&���^�j�@֬�xt4�%UX�ɭ�! U�ۆQ��&��ڤ�-H����-P5F_��{��+Zr؋���](����ur ��2a�\l#�68�1)�0wO���1E��V0��7�ۚ�-�(Y[�\� 4��8�r� *�̅�pe��;:L���7!6��4�}��9W����$ͳ*�UL�91 For the last 19 years, NYCastings /DirectSubmit has been a staple in the New York Production Community helping Casting Directors & Content Creators in Casting Talent on thousands of Films, TV shows, Theatre, “Wake up little spider” From the Film “Spiderman.” Green Goblin is asking Spiderman to join him. Comedic Monologue For Female Kid Actor. D�� I know this may be a few weeks late, but I am very excited to announce the release of our first Tuesday’s with Tiffany C episode in the new year! Explain love to me Chuck. %��������� We are back! ���Dvr���u��}5ʷ���V�i<=���0tVo�����`�rKi ����Wx�����U�Q'����|'c��7rq.e��� ��$#s%�"�x����?b)}q-b' �=ם��:���;��̞s�̊�����)�\�e�=��:b��{Ƈ�+:��ԉ�����4��0j���X֔◟ѐ You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown all monologues on this webpage written by Clark Gesner, based on the characters of "Peanuts" by Charles M. Schulz. <> Schroeder: I'm sorry to have to say it to your face, Lucy, but it's true. 1 0 obj `$��y��*��� This monologue requires the actor to move around -- always a good thing to do when auditioning and performing -- and he can use a lunch bag as a stage prop. “This field is endless.” from the play, “Local Story” Betsy’s hitch-hiking across country to find the boy she loves. stream Monologues)from)You're)A)Good)Man,)Charlie)Brown)!!!“Crabby”! (]�6�^�'|��g��C)��l�w��l�1�H;�PqW/I,�>�?sv1��p�{QY��4��& ���ea6bKq� 2�v�X~�� B�W/��;�ˑ,��� X=S��$��T�|Cj�x^���Ɛ�d,㶏%�&$"qy78( E����ϝ'����T��\�J�~��8 �d/ԑQ{j5���;�Y�t� ��C{>X������o�c��7�' ���B�2�N�pAG5 y+[�����Œ �b�&�q�ړ`|1T�my�}�{�c��$H��$�`��J�����tV�;��0 d$�is��6��"��6�����j܊��kH7���$�` &[�e��^˗^K֭/b-�gi�:jM��(��r��571�x&�4�J��)�x�$�gV���p!�U� kQ�E���)-AF8g�E�ހO�~�n+6:U0Lw��2P��S�2���k�v��q�ݟ�m ���5�0Ga8�ԅ�Iv�q�����d:Y��+>h��GkÅ�)�CI�% ��\�wr�R���I�M��O��=�G�ְLꮑh{�����!G�ع��Y�?���VD O����HK��}�m9-�{z��&C�]. #�N@4>g����.�>ΓS��M���SY��4���!oa���5����n�5؊�1l>I�`�ׇӊO����t���G]WV��C�՟Lкnlϱ;�������[n�re���� �4��A��5#{� ���V\�I�oL�qS/���G�!-�r�g{k!���x8_v���hg�g��C�S]P�W���D�8�XX�h9��Ɂ� �-m����_���9)��FX�4���I�'�wfW�+��%P�I��1)���U��������>�@"��c}nI2�s� >0�c��O#���R� ��.�`[�`9gÀG����4,d �8�'��Iz��2UV c�K7�c��*�P��Y傚l�xJw�fp�x�tm9�u��8=R��}AU�9���(�0ni�3'���4A�������2� �_Z��10c�X�#�vegS�}y:�P��J�����gr�_ȳ��� �H���ʌSV���)�8�%�,��ʫ�Sg���+�E�$��b AR�Nh鶤�r� 3��.#Ӌ�F2��&A�H8�06��JH�O��+˔�i3x�GA*�h�?&/�,�-���u�!X�1��; )�D�&Jݢny����Gt�#�/�C�%>9�@�6+hq��Pe��ÅՈ� << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> ?v]��_�W>4y��g�1/>��/�{�/�x9ʲk_���-]��/���Eh��K�}��e����w���-�z{��������,L��{�@?�g����w�R���_q�ҽZ?��ZtK�1�8��͊�����)(&q�n��A��A�^K�FW������u����lɤ��r8r4?c�>9�x�9!Լlx��kٴ���y�IȮ��v8�C՞,� You're I intend to be queen. NYCastings / fosters a climate of purposeful inclusion of all people and value the diversity of racial, religious background, cultural identity, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, expression, family structure, age, mental and physical health and ability, political perspective, and educational and class status. [% Explain love to me Chuck. 2 0 obj Monologues From “You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown” _____ Schroeder I'm sorry to have to say it to your face, Lucy, but it's true. qu��������ڷj�-��r^��!��W�2��~\���ie���\�5٪V�~���{���Z1n5�#R$�Oz�[sr�6lj��w'��fTH��)0Xy�t���t,`[�ч��Ḅ������;�q�X�/���3����U�V��dZ|�_:m�q>�">a�4��a�G#o����~�pc�7��W�phۓٛF���a�Z�؄՚��|�ɠB�� ���G�)��bae��'-H98,�R��_�'d�`���(�H�v����H� You can’t explain love, Chuck what do you mean “if you happen to see this cute little girl walk by”? endobj YOU’RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN – Peppermint Patty doesn’t understand love or Charlie Brown. 1. 1 Min. ���P�E����Y� I didn’t say a great big nose. endobj %PDF-1.3 :>�+r3�a�q��aS��)�N�=�?���;�L=;}���h�fg�]VJ�V/� )c���謀� Can’t someone fall in love with a girl who isn’t cute, and has freckles and a big nose? Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of … GREEN, “I’m such a good friend” From the Film “Mean Girls.” Gretchen finally snaps and tells the truth about Regina. Peppermint Patty: You know what I don’t understand, Chuck? Ideal for adult females ranging from 24-33. ���'� Z�J��xFMK�8?�Ck~���kM�ķ�k8��f�n�J��hQ���d���Q#�/-Bߘ��1���q���X���w�������$G$�)�ː�?���;g������]�����g/����aPV��]�_6hJQ�

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