© 2020 BBC. Despite not being included in the list, Scotland's A&E has experienced similar levels. Experts warn the “worrying” data shows the NHS is at risk of breaking down ahead of winter. Coronavirus: Berlin ad sticks middle finger to mask rule breakers, US election 2020: World reaction to long queues of voters in US, Sir Elton John and ex-wife Renate Blauel resolve legal dispute, Amy Coney Barrett: Trump US Supreme Court pick faces fresh questioning, Hidden camera's hugging tiger wins wildlife photo award, Netherlands backs euthanasia for terminally ill children under-12, Glen Snyman: South African accused of fraud for saying he's 'African', Thai protests: Thousands gather in Bangkok as king returns to country. We pay for your stories! 4.42 million patients on the waiting list at the end of September, the highest number ever, 84.8% of them waiting under 18 weeks - below the 92% target and the worst performance since the target was introduced, in 2012, 76.9% of cancer patients starting treatment within 62 days - below the 85% target, 83.6% of A&E patients admitted or transferred within four hours in October - below the 95% target and the worst performance since the target started was introduced, in 2004. We're loving their inspirational, body-positive messages. An NHS spokesperson pledged that all trusts’ deficits would have been erased by 2023-24.

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Hospital errors are responsible for 180,000 deaths per year, and 400 per day.

If you are looking for an NHS trust, you may wish to look at List of NHS Trusts East Midlands.

She said she was left in "excruciating" pain waiting for a hip replacement. Winter has only just begun, and the NHS is already stretched to breaking point. 25 Worst Hospitals in the U.S. Is Yours On the List? The monthly figures - the last before the election - prompted Labour and the Liberal Democrats to attack the Tories' record on the NHS. Search for a hospital The Conservatives have promised annual NHS budget rises of 3.4 per cent, giving the health service £149 billion by 2024. The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments. She should have been seen in April 2018, but waited until July for her surgery.

We inspect and rate NHS and independent (private) hospitals. Key targets for cancer, hospital care and A&E have been missed for over three years - with delays for hospital care and in A&E hitting their highest levels since both targets were introduced. Whatever the spin, our NHS continues to suffer from Tory austerity.”.

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