Children who worked in factories were less likely to commit crimes. Children could be paid less than adults to do the same work. The amount of goods & services created in a given period of time is known as: The Transcontinental RR was completed in: How did the Transcontinental RR affect companies that made products? Which of the following facts about the Keating-Owen Labor Act is true? A: Factory owners could pay children less, Winston Churchill's reaction to the 1938 Munich Agreement was. Two of the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. during the Gilded Age were: T or F: workers needed to have specific skill sets during the gilded age. In the early 1900s, labor unions petitioned for child labor laws, women’s workplace rights, better working conditions, fewer weekly work hours and higher pay, but it wasn’t until 1938 that the Fair Labor Standards Act was signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Why did many factory owners in the late 1800s hire children rather than adults? There were several reasons as to why the children were employed to work in factories. In many cases, children weren't paid at all, but worked for their room and board. At times children were more useful laborer because their size allowed them to fit into tight spaces throughout the factories or mines. Many young girls worked in match factories. Small children had to work in coal mines without candles (if the family was too poor to buy candles) and were beaten by miners if they fell asleep. Children were small enough to crawl under machinery to tie up broken threads. Which change in the West was brought about by RR expansion? Andy ate 1/2 of the sandwich. They were also easier to have a control over and were the least to form labor unions. What is a characteristic of a corporation if it goes bankrupt? children could learn specialized skills more easily than adults. This was a strike in 1892 against Carnegie Steel. The industrial Revolution resulted in many new factories, children were a new source of labor and more importantly they were cheaper to hire. Children worked for less than adults, and their parents were often happy to send them off to work, as the lower classes did not value education. children were afforded more workplace protection than adults. a. Men, women and children worked in factories, often receiving pay that was incommensurate with their labor. What was daily life like in a factory in the early 1800s? It was hardly enough to make a living and nearly impossible to support a family. Manufacturing of products from 1800-1900: A __ is a group of people manage companies as a single unit. All rights reserved. A child labor law was not passed in the U.S. until which year? Their small size was also an asset and textile factories a narrow coal mines. History >> Industrial Revolution Labor unions are large groups of workers, usually in a similar trade or profession, that join together to protect the workers' rights. children could be paid lower wages than adults. Scott Michael Rank, Ph.D., is the editor of History on the Net and host of the History Unplugged podcast. A: Factory owners could pay children less, Winston Churchill's reaction to the 1938 Munich Agreement was. Why did many factory owners in the late 1800s hire children rather than adults? Which group would have been MOST likely to criticize the KOL? Another reason that businesses liked to hire children workers was because they worked for little pay. Western forests were cut down for lumber for RR's & bridges. union leaders negotiating on behalf of a group of workers. What is the best definition of a labor union? People did not have many break times, there was usually only one hour-long break per day. Because the machines ran on steam from fires, there was smoke everywhere. The industrial revolution change that as in just industrialist gathered their workers together in factories. Some of the reasons were: Children were much cheaper than adults as a factory owner did not have to pay them as much. The industrial Revolution resulted in many new factories, children were a new source of labor and more importantly they were cheaper to hire. the sandwiches were the same size whose sandwich, A spherical balloon with radius r inches has volume V (r) = 4 3 πr3. In 1894, the ___ was a railway workers' strike that spread nationwide. O Children were generally bigger and stronger than adults. The Industrial Revolution was a time when national labor unions began to form in the United States. which was a major goal of early labor unions? What was the overall goal of labor unions during the late 1800s and early 1900s? a. they can save more money and there is no child labor in late 1800's. The population between the Civil War to 1900 increased from: This was a new source of power used during the Industrial Revolution: The 2nd Industrial Revolution is also called the: The 2nd Industrial Revolution took place between the years: The Bessemer process enabled the mass production of: By 1900, there were 3 cities with a population of over 1 million people. Adults came, Why did manufacturers hire children to work in their factories? © 2020 Education Expert, All rights reserved. Why did many factory owners in the late 1800's hire children rather than adults? Who received the first patent in 1856 for developing a new process to make steel? A. Factoring had taken place in homework shops. Unsafe working conditions were taking place in most factories and mines. Pay was extremely low for common workers during the industrial revolution. The Keating-Owen Labor Act was created in which year? In 1900, _____ children had factory jobs in the U.S. T or F: child laborers received no schooling during the Gilded Age. the sandwiches were the same size whose sandwich, A spherical balloon with radius r inches has volume V (r) = 4 3 πr3. And girls were even cheaper. the owners of the factory's main target were the orphans, they didn't have to pay them just let them stay in a place and give them food. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. There were no unions that could represent workers and the Combination Acts outlawed unionizing or protesting for better Industrial Revolution working condition. Many factory owners would hire children opposed to adults because they accepted lower wages as pay. Population growth in the Gilded Age was due in large part to: Which two developments caused industrialization & the economy to grow during the Gilded Age? it mass produced steel, which was used to build factories. union leaders negotiating on behalf of a group of workers. Sometimes you would find more children than adults working at a factory. California – Do not sell my personal information. Which is an example of collective bargaining? During the late 1800s, the majority of unskilled workers in urban areas lived in: Which is an example of collective bargaining? Which of the following best describes environmental changes caused by westward RR expansion? Early in the Industrial Revolution, why did many employers want to hire women and children rather than men to work in factories? The harsh chemicals would often cause them lose their teeth. A) Employers could pay women and children less B) Children were a burden at home and needed work. Under the leadership of Samuel Gompers of the AFL, membership in the union: which was a major achievement of both the KOL and AFL during the 1800s and 1900s? Britain passed one of the first child labor laws in 1833. The owners of the factory preferred children rather than adults in the late 1800's because they could be less for two children rather than one adults. New machinery of the industrial revolution did a lot of the heavy labor and adult strength wasn't required for many factory jobs. included workers from different industries. Injured workers usually lost their jobs and did not get any compensation. None of the stockholders are legally responsible. They worked for a mere fraction of what an adult earned.

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