If your wax begonia is not blooming, then more sunlight is recommended. Like other begonias, wax begonia does not perform well in cold temperatures, so you will have to plant it where the temperature is up to 75 degrees. To have a nice window garden, simply take a few cuttings and place them 2 to 3 in each six inch pot. If it feels dry, insert your finger just under the surface of the soil, about one-half to 1 inch deep.

As mentioned earlier, deadheading wax begonia is not necessary as this plant tend to practice “self-cleaning”. Once appropriately placed in the flower bed or hanging basket, deadheading spent blooms and keeping the soil moist is the basis of annual begonia care.

The thick leaves make it somewhat resistant to pests, but they aren’t immune. Botrytis-infected wax begonia has soft, brown rot in stems along with gray spores in the rotting stem tissue. This is the time to move them to new containers where they can grow strong enough to be transplanted to the ground in your garden. Begonia Cuttings are best taken in the spring, and they should be about 5 inches in length. Required fields are marked *. plant to conserve moisture and prevent weed infestation. You can also give these begonias to your friends. Space new wax begonias 8 to 12 inches apart in all directions.

Another possibility is to take a few from each flat and pot them to use them in your window garden or in the greenhouse. To prepare your begonias for winter, use pruning. As I earlier mentioned, Wax begonia doesn’t need much attention to blossom.
Leaves are also described as having the shape of a hood , hence the epithet ‘cucullata’. Begonias thrive well in slightly moist, rich, well-draining based soil with light fertilization. If you plant them outside, snails and slugs are also a danger for them. You can buy them from the market. Most of the wax begonias grow 6-18 inches big and spreads 6-12 inches.

Gardeners praise these plants not only because of their beauty but because they are easy to grow and care for. Needless to say, along with proper soil type they also required enough sunlight. All rights This houseplant is mildly poisonous for pets and horses. When your new begonias are about five or six weeks old, give them some light house plant fertilizer. Keep in mind that begonias like rich but loose soil. Don't worry

This occurs when the moisture sets in the soil, adversely damaging the plant.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also make sure you water the plant from below the leaves. Once you place your plant inside, make sure you provide it with enough warmth and plenty of sunlight to resume its growth. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The wax begonia has made its way into the gardens and hearts of gardeners everywhere. Also, flush the soil regularly as it cleans soil from excess fertilizer salts and other chemicals in the soil.
This will give them a mass effect. Once your new begonias have at least a few true leaves, it is time to transplant them to the new containers. from Wax Begonia to Tropical Plants. The one that is rich in organic matter works the best. To appropriately grow your wax begonia indoors, you need a quite large container with a lot of drainage holes. The plant contains calcium oxalates that cause vomiting, and in large quantities can cause kidney failure. Cut back the wax begonias' foliage in fall when the plants begin to die back naturally. A group of begonias will give color to your home or garden from June until the September cold weather. To prevent this use a soaker hose instead and maintain adequate air circulation and space. It’s actually hard to beat these sweet little flowers when you’re looking for space-filling in your garden or house.

I grow everything I can from veggies to plants. Unlike old-fashioned wax begonias that prefer the shade, new varieties have been developed to grow perfectly in full shade to full sun. Whereas, Coffee ground works well with compost where it’s mixed with different things to get better food for plants. Tender wax begonias (Begonia semperflorens cultorum group) feature deep-green, waxy leaves and a multitude of small, red, white or pink flowers. You can grow them from seed but it requires careful attention to water, sunlight, temperature and also needs lots of patience. Applying this top-dressing of compost annually maintains a moist, well-drained soil rich in organic matter that wax begonias prefer. Therefore, in areas where summers are exceptionally hot, plant wax begonias where they will get afternoon shade. But keep in mind, it’s easy to overwater and trigger root rot. Having been popular since the Victorian age , wax begonia can be found in a variety of sizes from as small as 6 inches to nearly 3 feet tall. Its scientific name is “Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum” and has more than 1000 species. With that, to minimize fungal disease ensure your plant has proper air circulation. Wax begonias are a very attractive indoor houseplant. Wax begonias cultivar is not limited to bloom color and size. If you must water from overhead, for example using a sprinkler, do it in the morning so the leaves of your wax begonia can dry out before nightfall. When planted indoors , wax begonia can last for at least 5 years. Dwarf varieties are 6 to 8 inches tall. Semperflorens begonias come in these main categories: dwarf, medium and tall. These plants earn their name because of their waxy foliage and small blooms that shine with a waxy glow.

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