Have team members share a non-work related goal with the rest of the team. This game can be easily played through a video conference and it’s a great way for team members to learn more about their coworkers. Encourage team members to start their workday by jumping on a call (extra points for video calls) with a fellow coworker while they enjoy their cup of joe. It can boost morale and, more importantly, it can help spark each person’s creativity, which can be extremely beneficial for meetings. The rules of this game are quite simple: ask your distributed coworkers to take … To get people jazzed up for a meeting, make a playlist full of throwback hits and have team members guess the name of the song and the artist. They don’t speak English (or any other language), so your team can only use images and symbols to describe your company and what it does. Ask them why that picture tells a story or is descriptive about them. People can show their workspace,a cool monument nearby, or their favorite coffeehouse. The fact is that virtual meetings can be more tiring than in-person ones. People’s homes reveal a lot about them. Managing Remote Teams, About Alliance Virtual These shared things can be anything between “we’ve all been working here for over 3 years” to “we all love pizza and ice cream”. And no, it doesn’t have to be pricey. When working virtually, having a place where people can easily log in to check how projects are going and moving forward can eliminate a significant amount of unnecessary emails, stress, and miscommunication. You can ask people to type their answers or to include a visual element (a snapshot of their favorite company swag). An alternative would be to pick a movie as a group and discuss it the next day before a meeting; a movie club! Face to face interactions continue to be king. Create an identical list of tasks to complete, send it to all team members, and divide them into small groups. Many people find it harder to unplug from their work when working remotely; having clear guidelines and protocols for working hours can go a long way in helping people keep some sense of normalcy. Simply ask each team member to share an unusual or fun fact about the country, city, or state they live in. While it should be encouraged for people to work during regular business hours, now that they are working remotely, consider being more flexible with their schedules. Virtual Offices The more you micromanage, the more distracted they become. As more companies embrace remote work and encourage employees to work from home or wherever suits them best, one key question arises: How can companies keep employees engaged and company culture alive when the office is out of the equation? Ask your team to share a photo of when they were a baby with you. This works particularly well for internationally distributed teams. A picture says a thousand words and photos can be a great way to get to know someone. Required fields are marked *. It could be their view, their ergonomic chair, their height-adjustable chair, their file organizer, etc. One great way to get new members to feel part of the team is to give them a virtual tour of other people’s location. Personality tests are a great way to learn about yourself and others. Instead encourage participants to bring their favorite drink to the meeting.

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