Individual characters are listed in separate articles. These aliens are referenced in Michael Feeney Callan’s The Children of January in February 1986. Vampires related to the Great Vampires seen in State of Decay are featured prominently in the Virgin New Adventures novel Blood Harvest, the Missing Adventure Goth Opera, the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures novel Vampire Science, and the Big Finish Productions audio dramas Project: Twilight and Project: Lazarus. The Slitheen are a family of massive, bipedal extraterrestrials. They become visible after death, having pale skin and a gaunt appearance. A race that lives in the Kondonian Belt, but is very few in number. In the Torchwood episode "Immortal Sins", Captain Jack Harkness and Angelo Colasanto discover that The Trickster's Brigade plans to cause the victory of Nazi Germany by assassinating Franklin Delano Roosevelt with the use of a brain parasite but Jack shoots it in the head, killing it instantly. It appeared to know human biology well (or at least just enough), knowing it needed the opposite gender in order to get the energy. The ship crashed near present-day Heathrow some 140 million years ago. Where does it state that we'll get it next year instead of next month? The Doctor eventually prevented the existence of these things by resetting time, preventing the TARDIS from being damaged and salvaged by the Van Baalen Brothers. Sarah Jane returned to the point of his manifestation in an attempt to stop him, but could not think of a suitable method. The Whisper Men are faceless beings who serve the Great Intelligence. Varga plants resemble cacti; they are covered in fur and thorns. They are the dominant species of sentient humanoids on planet Spiridon in the Ninth System. They travel to other planets through wormholes created in the fabric of Spacetime by circling a planet faster and faster, and as each swarm can contain billions of giant stingrays, they rip a hole in space. to avert a war caused by the Time Lords' return. The revolutionaries intended to relocate to Earth as the Doctor assured them it would have regenerated in their absence. In The Man Who Never Was (2011), a Skullion ship crashed into China where the aliens were sold at a black market to Mr Harrison, who uses them as slaves, attaching collars to their necks as torturing devices. The Time Beetle[7] is a member of the Trickster's Brigade, a group of aliens that serve the Trickster. I just finished watching the latest episode of Dr Who and to my surprise everyone’s favourite time lord appeared to use his Aikido skills – something he hasn’t done in like 35 years. Although never seen or actually discussed in Doctor Who, the Third Doctor was a master of a martial art known as Venusian Aikido (or Karate). After subduing Earth, the Master aims to establish a new Time Lord empire with himself as the leader and the Toclafane as his people and ground troops. They have also appeared in The Sarah Jane Adventures episodes Revenge of the Slitheen and The Lost Boy. However, the Doctor's intervention meant his nemesis' TARDIS was sent to Xeriphas where events became out of his control. [1], The Empress appears briefly in a flashback in "Turn Left" (2008). When the ship she was doctor to crashed in a spatial rift where the Fancy had been becalmed (and the crew dead from a human disease), she impulsively started to take the injured of the ship, even if it was for a simple cut, showing a great lack of intelligence. As they are mostly made of calcium, they are vulnerable to acetic acid (vinegar). A race of amphibious humanoids introduced in the First Doctor serial The Keys of Marinus (1964).

Like the Zygons, Rutans can shapeshift at will. In an accompanying "Monster Files" episode, Captain Jack raised doubts over whether the whole of the Trickster's Brigade consists of beetles, suggesting all individuals are of different species. When the Doctor foiled their plan, Rosanna committed suicide by allowing her brood to devour her. Like the Silurians, they went into hibernation and wanted to take the planet back from humans when they awoke. Each possesses the ability to morph into other species. An unnamed gaseous alien parasite that comes to Earth to feed on orgasmic energy in "Day One" (2006), claiming that there's no other energy in the universe like it; it's possible that orgasmic energy is like a drug to the gas, and that it's addicted. The Claw Shansheeth of the Fifteenth Funeral Fleet announce to Sarah Jane Smith via UNIT the death of the Eleventh Doctor, and take charge of the funeral procession; Mr Smith confirms their status as the undertakers of the universe, finding fallen heroes on battlefields. A pair of Vinvocci came to Earth as part of a salvage operation to recover Vinvocci technology—a medical device for healing entire planets, which Joshua Naismith named the "Immortality Gate". Reapers are multi-limbed, flying creatures similar to pterosaurs, with a large wingspan, sharp teeth both in the form of a beak and a secondary mouth in their torsos, coupled with a rapacious attitude. April found her way to the Shadow Palace and defeated Corakinus in battle. An alien species, which resemble giant scorpions; they appear in the novel The Crawling Terror. Tenzas have powerful psychic abilities such being able to create monsters with just their imagination, as well as mentally creating massive perception filters that alter their foster parents' memories. The Wirrn's life cycle involves laying their eggs in living hosts; the larvae emerge to consume the host, absorbing its memories and knowledge. The Shalka would then live beneath the surface, with the rest of the universe believing that Earth's inhabitants had died of self-inflicted ecological damage. The Reapers are apparently extradimensional, materialising and dematerialising out of the spacetime vortex. In "Tooth and Claw" (2006), a bacterial life form was worshiped by a religious order, and wanted to establish the Empire of the Wolf by infecting Queen Victoria. Like bats, they sleep by hanging upside-down in a cavern. A Sontaran first appeared as the antagonist in the Third Doctor serial The Time Warrior (1973–74). The Terileptils destroyed the Sonic screwdriver which did not appear again until the Doctor Who TV movie.
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. In issue #1 of the IDW published Doctor Who comic book, a Sycorax is collecting near-extinct species to use with shape-shifters for expensive hunts.

Venusians are inhabitants of the planet Venus, the closest planet to Earth. A creation of the Rani's by pooling the intelligence of all the most brilliant minds of history together. The Raak was a sea monster experimented on by Crozier in Mindwarp. That’s right, we “whovians” were introduced to Aikido more than a decade before Steven Seagal ripped into his first ikkyo on the big screen. The Shakri are a species spoken of in Gallifreyan myths, said to be the "pest controllers of the universe"; Amy Pond found it a "strange choice for a bed-time story". However, "The Day of the Doctor" (2013) shows that this was a ruse; the Time Lords are still alive in pocket universe, where all of the Doctors put them to save them from destruction. The Trickster made reference to the Tenth Doctor's future regeneration and added that the Doctor's first meeting with the Pantheon of Discord had sent ripples back through time. Because Solos' environment changes drastically every 500 years, they must undergo major mutations periodically in order to survive. They adapt perfectly to what their foster parents want, such as "George" becoming the son Claire was unable to give birth to.

Upon arriving 300 years later, she finds a visibly aged Doctor, proving that Time Lords experience natural physical changes during each lifespan between regenerations. ", Press J to jump to the feed. Consequently, the Xyloks that survived the crash were trapped beneath the surface of the Earth, regrowing over thousands of millennia. Venusian aikido is allegedly very hard for two-armed beings to learn. Realising that the Trickster intended for Sarah's marriage to end her life of defending the Earth, Sarah Jane convinced Peter that he must break the deal, sacrificing himself so that Sarah Jane could continue to save the world. Simon then disappeared around the same time as Jack Harkness arrived (implying he had been captured or killed by Torchwood), and later Jack met with Amanda's father and (apparently) made an agreement to have the entire village, including Amanda, subjected to amnesia pills, have all records and evidence that the Davies' existed in the village (including Amanda's diary) confiscated, have the alien baby removed before Amanda died, and then send the Davies family away with a new identity. The Doctor returns to Spiridon in spin-off audio adventures Return of the Daleks and Brotherhood of the Daleks. The Doctor believed the race to have been wiped out during the crossfire during the Vardon/Kosnax war. They are completely invisible, detectable only by their footprints and the sounds they make while moving through the jungle. Convicted for their crimes on Raxacoricofallapatorius, they have been exiled from their homeworld and face execution if they return. Although Venus today is utterly devoid of life, the Virgin Missing Adventures novel Venusian Lullaby shows Venus to have been inhabited billions of years ago, before the surface became too hot to support life. The first four to be seen also exhibit apparent teleportation or cloaking abilities, not displayed by others of their race. This entry point was razed for the construction of an A road in 1964.[9].

Love that ship! A Venusian sees life as a gift and feel they have much to explore and enjoy in its brightness. The Racnoss appeared in 2006 Christmas special, "The Runaway Bride". By 2008 it had completely devastated the planet and enslaved the human population, and was working on conquering other planets. Native to Raxacoricofallapatorius, Raxacoricofallapatorians are grouped by extended family names which are sometimes used to refer to their species generically.

The Trickster is briefly referenced in the Torchwood: Miracle Day episode "Immortal Sins". The Trickster was revealed to be vulnerable to artron energy (the power source of the TARDIS). The Xeraphin were an ancient species encountered by the Fifth Doctor in the story Time-Flight (1982) by Peter Grimwade. Varosians are the descendants of prisoners that were kept on the planet, though the truth of this has faded with time, with only a few knowing the truth.
The alien also makes its host secrete a blend of ultra-powerful pheromones that cause tremendous sexual attraction in those around it for the purposes of feeding; those with stronger wills might be able to resist the pheromones. In the same episode, the Doctor saves Clara's life by sending her home to her own time, but in protest she clings to the TARDIS through the Time Vortex on its return. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The Usurians from the planet Usurius are a species that abandoned military conquest in favour of economic conquest. Such metal ended up on Earth and Lady Peinforte used it to make a statue of herself, the Nemesis Statue.

When this fact was revealed, by intervention of Luke Smith's computer hacking, Kudlak destroyed the computer. They communicate through high-pitched screaming, which they can use for a variety of effects, like tunnelling through rock or mentally controlling other life forms. Producer Russell T Davies, in the documentary series Torchwood Declassified, refers to it as a "sex monster".[4]. Since the start of the Kaled-Thal war however, exposure to radiation and chemical weapons had caused them to rapidly evolve into a much deadlier form, capable of self-locomotion.

They were ruled by the Shadow King, who ruled from the Shadow Palace on the Underneath. Originally intending to travel to Utopia, the last refuge of a dying universe, they find nothing but "the dark and the cold" of space.

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