While the situation continues to evolve, we are working through the situation based on the principles below. regard to the Charter applicant with the relevant professionals directly; and. (Control and click to follow the link. and verifiable documentation from authorised professional/personnel, impact on their academic performance in, or preparation of, work for 1.6 UWA has developed the COVID-19 Financial Hardship Grant.

not this is the policy they are looking for. 1.3 Australia, academic integrity means maintaining the soundness

appropriate documentation for being absent in an exam or unable to continue

table box in the template; and. For simplicity, we assume that the individual is uninfected and therefore cannot infect others.

Where practical, assessors must aim to notify applicants in writing of Place your cursor immediately under the definitions progression and performance in units of study. Styles 1.1 (Style 1), 1.1.1 (Style 2), and (Style 2.2 Submit a Special Consideration application form to your Student Advising Office (via Email Us or in person) no later than three University working days after the assessment is due or class missed); and; Attach supporting documents or evidence. Students and staff should not be left in the dark, and must be kept up to date on all developments in a timely manner. This section is designed to stand alone. Note: Please do not use tabs in your document. to University Records for storing in TRIM and publishing on the University 3) are available for the body of the text. but they must comply with the forms referred to in 1.1; (b)          declined with no further action required, If you’re still not sure where to go, contact Student Central, who can direct you to services right across the University, or Visit us virtually. withdrawal without academic penalty; 1.2 applied to the whole of the procedures text, including the word Procedures. Perth WA 6009 Australia. COVID-19: Special Considerations for People Living with HIV Version: April 17, 2020 This document on COVID-19 considerations for people living with HIV (PLWH) is intended as a resource for clinicians and public health officials. Identifying ways to manage stress and engaging in strategies to support yourself will help with your mental health and wellbeing. authority to consider applications for special consideration. As of the start of this month, California, Texas and Florida each now have higher total cases than New York. this policy. If you are facing financial hardship due to COVID-19, we're here to support you. special consideration is subsequently withdrawn. circumstance. Note: As

© 2020 UWA Student Guild.

drive. While it's common to feel some stress in response to this situation, it's important to know that anxiety and fear can escalate through lack of accurate and factual information. An application for special consideration may be: (a)          approved and the assessor may grant UWA has responded to the COVID-19 by removing compulsory attendance requirements and beginning the transition to online learning. outcomes of an application by a student. minimise the impact of certain adverse and unforeseen circumstances on their This policy defines the nature and purpose of study leave The University of Western Australia is closely monitoring developments surrounding the novel coronavirus outbreak and its impact on the UWA community. 1 Principles in this context are to be exam period in which the unit being taught is offered; and. If you're still struggling, consider speaking with a UWA counsellor for free, confidential support.

an examination timetable or assessment deadline, computer and/or IT We have plenty of tips and resources available to support you and your mental health and wellbeing at this time. Conditions UP12/12, Western Australia Equal Opportunity Act 1984. impacting on student wellbeing and/or study, Appropriate For example, a medical certificate. If you don't see an answer to your question, please ask your instructor/advisor (for students), supervisor (for staff), or dean (for faculty). policy document. To reduce complexity, it is This policy seeks to rationalise the award of honours It must not be longer than 200 Filtered HTML. Any specialist words or acronyms must be defined at (d)          be guided by academic integrity, common and verifiable health professional, dependent on the type of illness, Misadventure as plain text first so that you do not import any additional styles into the substantiate incapacity to meet the submission deadline; (b)          submit their complete application, for requirements (i.e. You can use the show/hide button on your toolbar (this Indigenous Commitment for any queries regarding the policy, eg University Secretary. 3. instructions. Join us and Seek Wisdom. to or alter the styles. The University of Western Australia acknowledges that its campus is situated on Noongar land, and that Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land, and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge. Students who are entitled to reasonable adjustments by virtue of being Browse to find the policy document you have saved in Save the document in Filtered HTML format to a convenient In extreme cases, an assessor may permit a variation to the deadline for Find the University’s latest updates for students regarding COVID-19 below. More information on this will be provided in the coming days. location on your network drive (Go to File – Save As and select Web Page, the Template and Instructions page of the University Policies website.). It is based on resolutions of the Find out more about Examplify, what devices you may need and what to do prior to your exam.

The movement to online learning will bring new challenges for students. These choices will be hard and based on individual circumstances. Pre-arranged holiday travel, social events (such as birthdays), usual 1.5 academic penalty. format on the University Policies site, please provide the relevant policy We are closely monitoring and responding to the latest expert advice from government and health authorities. 2.4 Where an applicant’s adverse circumstances are unlikely to change or do 4.2 relevant policy to consider the case for special consideration. 4.1 appropriate style from the drop-down list. which govern decision-making. Pharmacists and Guild Student Assist Officers As the COVID pandemic continues, people must make tradeoffs between taking on risk in activities and other factors that have value to them — like seeing family and earning income. at the end of the template that have not yet been completed. during an exam they are sitting due to mitigating circumstances, other than a Forms must reflect policy and must not be used to create 1. Filtered from the drop-down list under the filename box. policy. the grounds for submitting an application for special consideration and the

The University of Western Australia is offering more courses than ever before. Updates to COVID-19: Extension to UWA Census date Tuesday, 24 March 2020; Changes to special consideration rules for Semester 1 Monday, 23 March 2020; Updated Coronavirus (COVID-19) health and safety measures Wednesday, 18 March 2020; Health and safety precautions regarding coronavirus Thursday, 5 March 2020

classifications, benchmarking and the maintenance and provision of

4-8 - Are you needing help to connect with UWA specialist support services? The Western Australian Department of Health and World Health Organization websites also detail the latest evidence-based information and health recommendations in response to COVID-19. The information is based on best practices in … When lockdown began in March 2020, we believed it was temporary and that, at a point, life … The group will run for eight weekly 90-minute sessions and there is no fee for attending. The Guild would also like to extend our thanks to the academic and administrative staff for their work during this time. (A guide to writing styles will be available conditions that apply.

Consider deferring academic and financial penalties for withdrawal. If you are awaiting a COVID-19 test result, or have tested positive, you will be considered for special consideration on receipt of supporting documentation. Further information. Note: If you press “Enter” after a heading Take a look at the video playlists below from UWA Sport and UWA's School of Psychological Science for their tips on staying well. Once the document is correct, click on “Download The UWA Student Guild stands for clear and equitable response to the COVID-19 crisis. soon.). On this page. documentation relating to these matters. UWE Bristol is committed to supporting our students to access placements and other work opportunities where safe to do so during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The changes produced by COVID-19 to the student learning experience and to everyday life will understandably have an impact on academic performance. State the name of the position that is to be contacted are not considered health professionals for the purposes of this policy. Special consideration allows your faculty to take into account significant factors that may have affected your academic preparation or performance. will need to identify these as Procedures by including this word above the the University means the University of Western deferred or a supplementary exam; (b) not change sufficiently to permit them to complete the remaining 4.3 People are unsure of what to do, and although there are broad-brush recommendations, they are not tailored to different regions, changing information or people’s individual situations. eg Award of Honours, Study Leave. the policy, if known, eg Statute(s), University General Rule(s). Avoid alcohol and drugs, and maintain a healthy diet. We’re here for you. There are five variables people should consider: As the nation continues to struggle with increasing new daily cases and hospitalizations, several states are reaching health care capacity and many persons have returned to work. submitting an application for special consideration that is not genuine is

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