However, he punched with his good arm and was more controlled. We saw also how Claire tried that route and FAILED miserably. Discussion group for the webtoon unOrdinary, Press J to jump to the feed. "WE'RE NOT MONSTERS ENDEAVOR, WE SHOULD GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN." Since Seraphina can't infinitely pause time, she would have to stop at some point giving John a chance to copy the ability and rewind all the damage done to his body. All Might thought shocked. Maybe someone else who just haven't been introduced? We saw already how he hated losing fights to anyone. If he had other abilites during the battle, say healing ability, then he wouldn't have to use the high tier ability and can conserve his stanima much more. I will put my trust in the genius Uru chan to make the right choice, and wont go that typical and predictable manga shit like " oh i lost, i.m wrong and must change may ways". Sounds like a big stretch to me. "So what are we gonna do with these kids?" "Augh!" He started walkng towards Arlo, and carried him in his arms. (A/N: Says the one who knocked out Arlo). it couldbe a character that hasnt been announced yet. Tbh I think it would be a tie IF, when they rewind time, they could rewind their stanima and health, then it would be an endless battle i think. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There’s no evidence that he’d lose. I say it's Seraphina. Prior to John's arrival, Seraphina lacked the yellow streaks in her magenta hair and overall had a respectable appearance. During school hours, he is typically found wearing the Wellston school uniform with his hair gelled flat against his head and a single lock hanging over his face (Seraphina calls this hairdo his \"helmet\"); his casual hairdo is unkempt and spiky. However, All Might didn't care about the tone John used. Seraphina would probably beat John until he is unconsciously making her the winner, but if John had other abilities to lessen the damage just by a hair, John would still have a winning chance. from the story An UnOrdinary Hero (A Bnha x UnOrdinary Crossover) by Dust-20 (User-Chan) with 1,179 reads. So if they fight for a second time or the fight gets prolonged to the point where John can copy her abilities, he wins. He always came back angrier and stronger next time to beat his enemies. #unordinarycrossover It ain't the teachers, with Cecile, Keene, and the principal, that's 3 high tiers for 2 high tier slots. Sera meanwhile has little to no physical ability. As he started walking towards Blyke and Isen, he heard something which set off alarms in his head. A good example of that is how Remi was capable of countering John's lightning pretty easily, while he couldn't do the same, because he didn't know how. Said Gran Torino, with concern in his voice. John is hands down the best fighter shown in Unordinary, mostly due to the fact that for years posing as a cripple he had to fight without an ability. So, it is extremely hard to tell as of now-at least till John's ability is fully confirmed and figured out. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. #blyke He already knows where the ability is coming from and can react). Yelled out All Might. Did you mean make out or make up? #myheroacademia Remember the top 10 list at Wellston? How's he supposed to copy Seraphina's ability, if he's frozen in time.That'll give her a decisive opportunity to win. Seraphina is a third-year student at Wellston Private High School. More so, he was caught off guard by what he said. John can copy an ability if he can see the eyes glow and if the ability is activated, he couldn't copy Juny's and Claire's ability cuz their activity is random and they activate it on their own. That being said, manhwa fights aren't usually that clean. So who's higher level? 'It can't be!' Seraphina would beat John. But I don't want this thread to be closed from built-up toxicity Loading editor. John vs. Seraphina has a limit to how far she can rewind and how long she can pause time. Jan 3, 2018 - Explore Haiden Wattley's board "John and Seraphina (unORDINARY)" on Pinterest. Also, his mastery seems to be pretty high, considering he has demomstrated that he was better than everyone he has faced at using their power. Since Seraphina can't infinitely pause time, she would have to stop at some point giving John a chance to copy the ability and rewind all the damage done to his body. When Seraphina finds out John is Joker, she somehow manages to teleport her and her friends into the Bnha universe! Hey there, I hope that if you read this Fanfiction you enjoy it. Sera is stronger. After a bit, All Might figured he wasn't going to do anything. #isen An UnOrdinary Hero (A Bnha x UnOrdinary Crossover). However, whe he started looking at Arlo, he had sadness and disbelief in his eyes. #crossover If John gets the split opportunity to copy her time altering abilities, I think he would win, cause he's also able to copy other abilities. "Your ability sure is useful, All Might." High tiers rely on their powers too much (ie look at how John beat Arlo). Gran Torino said, going up to him, and smacking his head. Or more like, who he saw. So the first thing I want to mention is the "List of the strongest People in Wellstone" from Uru-chan. John has raw strength and Seraphina has precision. "I'll go get the black-haired boy and the pink-haired girl." "Tch, why don't we just lock them up?" #abilities I'm down with them doing both. But, we don't know if he has stats outside of just a really high trick stat, or why his passive to sense auras is involved with his ability. It will be over between them. That's why I think she would win if she is the one to attack John but he would win in any other situation. If we're talking about the two of them fighting, it would be in a theoritical scenario where they don't really know each other. 'Such a shame to see young, powerful kids fall into villiany.'

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