SEREBRAKOFF[Comes in reeling with terror] Hold him! HELENAI am going away out of this hell this minute. SONIAAutumn roses, beautiful, sorrowful roses! SEREBRAKOFFI said we would invest the money in bonds and buy a cottage in Finland with the surplus. VOITSKAYAJean, don't contradict Alexander. Repeat what you just said; I don't think I heard you quite right. Vanya doesn't work any more, but follows her around all day. VOITSKI My life has been a failure. I am a little in love with him myself! We won't put off the examination an instant. TELEGIN D on't, Vanya, don't. We are confronted by the degradation of our country, brought on by the fierce struggle for existence of the human race. I seem to hear him beside me every moment of the day. Oh, mother! HELENA[Goes quickly up to VOITSKI] You must do your best; you must use all your power to get my husband and myself away from here to-day! I am as out of breath as if I had been running three miles uphill. [SONIA does not hear. I am clever and brave and strong. I hate this house. SEREBRAKOFF [Wrathfully] What under heaven do you want, anyway? My brother Gregory's wife's brother, whom you may know; his name is Constantine Lakedemonoff, and he used to be a magistrate--. My best years have gone for nothing, have been ruined, thanks to you. Let me do it! HELENA Oh, why not? HELENA[Trying to wrest the revolver from him] Give it to me; give it to me, I tell you! [A pause] Now, look lower down. SONIA He is writing in Uncle Vanya's room. You write on art without knowing anything about it. He lays the portfolio on the table, takes out the sketch and fastens it to the table with thumb-tacks. Vanya announces that the Professor has asked everyone in the house to gather for some kind of announcement, and comments that Yelena staggers as she walks from sheer laziness. Dr. Astroff hardly ever used to come here; it was all we could do to persuade him to visit us once a month, and now he has abandoned his forestry and his practice, and comes every day. SEREBRAKOFFOf course it is Sonia's. For instance, see how thickly it lies in this part; there were great herds of them here, an average of three horses to every house. How cruel you are! I cannot stay in the same house with him. When the geese have cackled they will be still again. SEREBRAKOFF Tell me, what on earth is the matter? Listen, Sonia, will you allow me to speak to him? I have thrown over everything for you, and you love to see it. SONIA[In great excitement] Will you tell me the whole truth? Go and tell him at once that I want to see him. [A pause] I cannot continue to live in the country; we were not made for country life, and yet we cannot afford to live in town on the income derived from this estate. There are three doors: one to the right, one to the left, and one in the centre of the room. Oh, my God! My best years have gone for nothing, have been ruined, thanks to you. You are my most bitter enemy! [Shrieks] This is too much! [Furiously] Damnation! I cannot possibly live under the same roof with him. Oh, how lovely you are--what hands! [He goes out in great excitement.]. ASTROFFBeautiful, sleek tigress, you must have your victims! She lives here in this desperate loneliness with no one around her except these colourless shadows that go mooning about talking nonsense and knowing nothing except that they eat, drink, and sleep. I don't pretend that my scheme is an ideal one, and if you all object to it I shall not insist. HELENA [Trying to wrest the revolver from him] Give it to me; give it to me, I tell you! VOITSKI For twenty-five years I have managed this place, and have sent you the returns from it like the most honest of servants, and you have never given me one single word of thanks for my work, not one--neither in my youth nor now. It simply isn't interesting, that's all. He flings the revolver on the floor, and drops helpless into a chair. VOITSKI comes in carrying a bunch of roses, and stops in the doorway. Every one knows that I love him. I am sure that no matter what it is, it will be easier for you to bear than this uncertainty. Trust to him; he knows better than we do what is right and what is wrong. [They sit down] It is about a certain young girl I know. SEREBRAKOFF Of course it is Sonia's. SEREBRAKOFFWhere are the others? I am going crazy! How shall we live through the long winter here? Oh, won't you let yourself be one? SEREBRAKOFFBut what do you want? I cannot, I find, dispense with the help of well-informed people such as you, Ivan, and you, Telegin, and you, mother. VOITSKIHold on! [Furiously] Damnation! He said he had a sketch to show me. SEREBRAKOFF You--but what are you angry about? SEREBRAKOFF Here is mother. I am not saying this as I should like to, but you must understand us, papa, you must be merciful to us. With this object in view, a plan has occurred to me which I now have the honour of presenting to you for your consideration. ASTROFF I have my own desk there in Ivan's room. HELENA Frankly, my thoughts were elsewhere. ], TELEGIN[With embarrassment] I not only nourish feelings of respect toward learning, your Excellency, but I am also drawn to it by family ties. If it is anything I have done, I ask you to forgive me. HELENAI am a better and stronger woman than you think me. I say, this very day! And what do you propose to do with my old mother and me and with Sonia here? Those books of yours which I used to admire are not worth one copper kopeck. Thank heaven, that is over! Uncle Vanya at the Moscow Art Theatre (1899), Act III Vanya, Sonya, and Yelena are in the living room, having been called there by Serebryakov. 6:49. Sonya tells her there are lots of things she could do, if she felt like it: work on the estate, visit the sick, go to market. VOITSKI[Preventing her] There, there, my beauty, I apologise. HELENA I know so little about such things! First they cackle and then they stop. Has any one denied it? It is, on the whole, the picture of a regular and slow decline which it will evidently only take about ten or fifteen more years to complete. [She starts out, but stops near the door and looks back] No, it is better not to know--and yet--there may be hope. I can guess why, and feel guilty already; I should like to fall on my knees at Sonia's feet and beg her forgiveness, and weep. The elk, the swans, the black-cock have disappeared. Let him take himself off into the village or into the wing of the house, or I shall leave here at once. Will you? Will you? This video is unavailable. TELEGIND on't, Vanya, don't. Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen. HELENA[Taking his hand] You do not love her. Vanya announces that the Professor has asked everyone in the house to gather for some kind of announcement, and comments that Yelena staggers as she walks from sheer laziness. It is a regular labyrinth. For a whole month I have done nothing but seek you eagerly. ], ASTROFF Why good-bye? He comes here every day now. Will you? He goes out through the door in the centre of the room and MME. Oh, to be free as a bird, to fly away from all your sleepy faces and your talk and forget that you have existed at all! TELEGIN I am not very well myself, your Excellency. ASTROFFYou don't find this life very interesting, I dare say? [She and HELENA stand looking out of the window.]. [He points to HELENA] Look at her. [To SEREBRAKOFF] There now, ask him what he thinks; this estate was bought from his uncle. If this estate is yours, then take it, and let me be ruined! What shall I do? Our every thought and hope was yours and yours only. VOITSKI We were asked by the professor to be here at one o'clock. Ivan and Miss Sonia sit rattling at their counting-boards, the cricket chirps, and I sit beside them and paint, feeling warm and peaceful. VOITSKI[Wiping his face] Oh! HELENA[Very exited, to her husband] For heaven's sake, Alexander, go and have a talk with him--explain! This scene takes place in the drawing room. VOITSKAYA [Sternly] Listen, Alexander!

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