Vote Sullivan. A handful of voting sites will be open for an extra two hours on Oct. 28, 29 and 30. And now we have Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht, who let police reforms "die on the vine," according to a report from the Office of Law Enforcement Oversight. Legislative District No. "Summer Taylor was killed in early July. The Muslim ban is one such fire, and so is the White House's open support of white supremacist organizations. Lascelles, who is gender nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, has lived in teen homeless shelters east of the mountains. Until this year, Washington state wasn't one of them. Now is past time, however, to send more Black women to the state Legislature. Returning power to a democratically elected King County Executive and County Council to appoint and approve a Sheriff might help fix these accountability issues. Vote yes. Vote Jayapal. You're not, because we're telling you not to, and because everyone—even those freaky little Safe Seattle activists—agrees we need more mental health treatment space, more hospital beds, and better hospitals. 7. Legislative District No. Well, last year the Legislature passed a 0.58% payroll tax starting in January 2022. Overall, we like Wellman. Takedown Policy. Though we waffled back and forth, we ultimately settled on North. Vote for Chris Reykdal with the same speed and enthusiasm that you conjure when you vote for Joe Biden. 5 State Senator. And, thanks to the pandemic and to unsuccessful chair liberator Tim Eyman’s car tab tax cap, the STBD is going to be a whole lot smaller in 2020 than the last version we passed in 2014. But he's open to decriminalizing sex work! The first part of the amendment requires the Executive to launch an inquest if someone dies in the state's hands. He's too powerful, we said. The Stranger Election Control Board is Matt Baume, Chase Burns, Nathalie Graham, Jasmyne Keimig, Charles Mudede, Rich Smith, and a mid-level Antifa bureaucrat who requested anonymity for fear of doxxing himself. They want to take that success to the state level, where they support taxing the holy fuck out of the rich, investing massive dollars in housing, and ending the homelessness crisis. Atchison also opposes the state's comprehensive sex education bill because it would "prescribe" new parents for children. In 2020, we saw for the first time the economy subordinated to a public health crisis. His record so far is 22-0 on cases where a judge has given a final ruling. On the primary voters' pamphlet, she claimed she had a master's degree from a one-year program at an online university, but she didn't. Vote Valdez. We're here because Reykdal performed poorly in the August primaries. Do you like it when the bus comes on time? So, yes, Biden is bought. As a consequence, the county can sell some of its land to nonprofit developers at a value that's considerably lower than the prevailing market rate. giant premium tax loophole for big business, massive insurance tax loopholes for big businesse, built a hand sanitizer factory for sex workers during COVID, people selling private planes out of state, promoted a group that trains child soldiers for Holy War. He then tells a self-deprecating joke and reaffirms his stance: "But this time, all I can say is 'trust me.' 1. Still, Macri has sway, she's got pull, and, if the answers candidates gave us during meetings are anything to go by, then Macri will have more than enough support to easily usher her bills through the House. A few days after the SECB's interview with Dembowski, King County Undersheriff Patti Cole-Tindall recommended firing the deputy in question, but how it took the Sheriff's Office three months to finish this investigation and issue a memo is beyond us. We know some of you are out there voting for incumbent Secretary of State Kim Wyman because you find some sort of elemental wisdom in the idea of a Republican overseeing the electoral policy of a largely Democratic state. Right now, for example, even if they wanted to, the county couldn't dispatch social workers and paramedics instead of armed police officers to mental health crisis calls. Support local, independent media with a one-time or recurring contribution. Fuuuuuuuck Barbra Madsen. The shit this man has said and done is so laughably insane the SECB takes little joy in dunking on him. He's a small-town cop who initially made headlines after refusing to enforce a modest voter-approved gun safety law. Legislative District No. So phrases like "citizen participation" would change to "public participation." Anyhow, Boeing basically demanded the Legislature pass Engrossed Senate Bill 6690 to avoid tariffs the World Trade Organization threatened to impose because the tax breaks we give that company are so good the rest of the world thinks they're literally legally unfair. (Hudgins has admitted to supporting those policies too, now that he has a primary challenger.) Travis County voters picking a sheriff in the Nov. 3 election will be choosing between an incumbent Democrat who wants to expand on the priorities of her … But Goodman's challenger is some Republican whose platform includes this plank: "Violent Felons in Jail should be given to ICE." It’ll raise $42 million a year. She claimed she's "not a politician," but she ran a failed campaign for a Washington State House seat in 2018. Until then, let's at least increase the size of the applicant pool for the job. | You get the idea. She argues that issuing such a condemnation would politicize her role and thus undermine faith in the state's electoral process, and so she'll continue to dance around Trump's nonsense and just restate Washington's experience with vote-by-mail instead. At a time when the Trump administration has consistently assailed citizenship for immigrants, these seemingly small changes to the charter preserve the rights of all of our neighbors and friends to access services they have a right to. Pat McCarthy, the Washington State Auditor, is the only woman who can get to the bottom of the mess ESD created for itself. The seat serves Western Travis County … Her opponent, Doug Larsen, represents himself as the "change candidate." No matter how you vote on this, nothing will change. The only thing more exciting than seeing "Democratic" State Sen. Mark Mullet booted from office is knowing that Ingrid Anderson will be the one wearing the boot. But we forgive him these trespasses, as he's since offered reasonable replies/excuses/apologies. Legislative District No. (Unless these assholes are bullshitting, which they probably are.). Vote Slatter. To the non-matter at hand, Engrossed Substitute Bill 5323 regulated single-use plastic bags that decapitate precious turtles and pile up in landfills forever. 2. Join The Seattle Public Library for online events in October, including Tommy Orange on 10/17. This funds Seattle’s Transit Benefit District (STBD), which funds bus service in the city (and 8% of King County Metro routes! We jumped at that opportunity, and I think we'll all be better off because of it. Full disclosure, she once taught a class about policing to a young philosopher named Charles Mudede, who sits on the SECB. Vote yes. In the long and hard struggle to obtain affordable housing for the wage-earning classes, the best thing going during this election period is King County Charter Amendment 2. Berry's position has been plain: NO CUTS, outside of "reducing funding to law enforcement and putting that money toward social and intervention programs." During that time she shed light on the state's rape kit backlog, where around 10,000 rape kits sat in storage, untested and gathering dust until she passed legislation to address the problem. Pollet sponsored a fuckton of bills this session, and he was the primary sponsor on bills that addressed sexual misconduct in colleges and improved the transparency around special districts. As King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay put it after passing the ordinance that put this amendment on the ballot, "We only get one shot every ten years to update the charter, and this amendment gives us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make significant, effective, innovative changes to our system of public safety. "The arching theme of 2020 is we have failed," says Schrier, "We have 4% of the world's population and 22% of the world's death. Scores of studies show that inclusive sex ed brings down these numbers, but, according to survey data from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), 40% of school districts in Washington don't teach sex ed at all. It was a good bill! Please consider supporting local, independent, progressive media with a one-time or recurring contribution. Two fucking mediocre white guys challenging the first Black woman and the first Native American ever to serve on the Washington State Supreme Court. The idea is: more money, more long term care. Of course, standing in the way of any reform is the Sheriff's union, which can treat accountability measures as bargaining chips in contracts. Once you're finished sticking it to our wannabe dictator and his sycophantic goons by filling out the ENTIRE ballot, either slip it in a mailbox before November 3, or, better yet, drop it off in a drop box near you. If voters put her back on the bench, she plans to move the Court beyond simply recognizing that implicit bias is an issue to actually dealing with the impacts of it, which she's in a great position to do as co-chair of the Washington State Minority and Justice Commission. Three years ago he was "accused in a lawsuit of botching a child sexual-abuse investigation and intimidating the victim with threats of a false-claims charge," according to the Seattle Times. This year she took a lead role in establishing the country's first state Office of Equity, which coordinates efforts across state agencies to make sure nobody's getting left behind. 2. Nationwide, large majorities of LGBTQ kids faced vicious bullying. Seattle Reads Celebrates Indigenous Voices. In a recent "episode" of his snoozy Facebook live series called "Ken Moninski: Unmasked," he called Loren Culp Washington's "great Republican candidate." It's gaslighting. Throughout the charter, the term "citizen" is generally used to mean "person who lives in King County." She also oversaw the Chamber when Amazon filled its political arm's coffers with $1.45 million in donations to crush the progressive candidates running for Seattle City Council. He will also never check the power of banks, nor will he rein in the bloody expansion of the military-industrial complex. 1. Legislative District No. But we're in a much better place now that we can support former Democratic Washington State House Rep. Mike Pellicciotti, who we'll describe as "the law school version of Death Cab for Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard.". If approved, Prop 1 will fund a $1.74 billion expansion and modernization of Harborview Medical Center, the only Level 1 trauma center in the region, which includes Washington, Idaho, Alaska, and Montana. We're voting for Santos if only to save the lawmakers in Olympia from Stafford's patronizing tirades. The Office of Law Enforcement Oversight (OLEO) is the civilian committee that investigates the King County Sheriff's Office when its cops or employees fuck up. Buuuttttt, moving on. 2. We're not talking about a new course here. We can't wait for some progressive to primary this guy. The amendment also changes the "Office of Citizen Complaints" to the "Office of Public Complaints," which would prompt a change to the county code if approved by voters. She also became the only justice in the history of the world who has ever rocked a sweet-ass tattoo of a gavel with a feather on it that reads, "Be Kind, Do Justice.". Right now, he’s working to change some incredibly tedious but important rules around pre-trial release. They'll still be able to request documents from the Sheriff's Office, but they won't be able to acquire them legally. A Secretary of State who refused to condemn Trump's attacks on our democracy. Doglio is a longtime climate activist who rejects corporate PAC money, and who spent her time in Olympia trying to pass decent-to-very good legislation, including a bill that would tax CEOs based on the income gap within their companies. They'll still be able to request an interview with an officer, but they won't be able to force that officer to show up.

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