The ugly primary battle drew national attention and was a marked shift from most previous GOP elections in Tennessee. ... 2020 Tennessee Statewide Race Election Results. Alexander’s retirement ensured Tennessee would see an open Senate race for the second time in two years. Neither campaign focused much attention on specific policy issues, rather choosing to prove their support for Trump and echo his sentiments on hot-button topics: disavowing antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement, criticizing China for the COVID-19 pandemic and pledging to stand up to metaphorical liberal mobs. Tennessee voters will choose electors to represent them in the Electoral College via a popular vote. Jeb Bush, for whom Hagerty served as a delegate, and Rubio, R-Florida. The winner is still a coin toss. “All due respect, we don’t need any more rich old men in the U.S. Senate,” Wamp said to cheers as early results began to come in. Both candidates said they took rapid tests for COVID-19 Wednesday evening and received negative results. The last Democratic candidate to win the deeply red state was Bill Clinton in both 1992 and 1996. Click here to see the legal reasons to vote by-mail. Complete election results from the 2020 Tennessee Republican Primary. In Manchester, Sethi, appearing on stage with his wife, two children and mother just before 9 p.m., thanked the cheering crowd of his supporters. 2020 Tennessee Primary Election Results. Republicans nominated former U.S. Additional data from U.S. Census Bureau and POLITICO reporting. 2020 Tennessee Primary Election Results. Former U.S. Rep. Zach Wamp, who lost a bid for governor in 2010, told Sethi supporters he was on edge about the stakes of the election. Previous statewide and congressional district election results data from the MIT Election Lab. 211 7th Ave N, #100, Nashville TN 37219,, What Happens to Medicaid and the Marketplace if the ACA is Gone. Sethi, who maintains he has always remained opposed to the ACA and "socialized medicine," has attacked Hagerty's donations to Romney, Bush and former Democratic Vice President Al Gore. POLITICO's primary coverage of 2020 races for President, Senate, House and Governors. Hagerty wore a mask on Thursday morning as he met with supporters in Chattanooga. Marquita Bradshaw (D) vs. Bill Hagerty (R). [6][7], 59th United States presidential election in Tennessee. Lee, who did not weigh in with a public endorsement in the race, could be seen at the event stepping forward to listen closely as Sethi spoke. Here's who we think will win the 2020 elections in Tennessee 11 Electoral votes 1 Senate race 9 House races Published 11/19/2019 5:00 PM EST Updated 9/9/2020 4:30 AM EDT Reach Joel Ebert at or 615-772-1681 and on Twitter @joelebert29. Tennessee Presidential Election Results for the 2020 general election. In 2016, Donald Trump won the state with 61 percent of the vote, according to NBC News results, while Hillary Clinton received 35 percent. A subscription to one of our Tennessee publications gets you unlimited access to all the latest politics news, podcasts like Grand Divisions, plus newsletters, a personalized mobile experience and the ability to tap into stories, photos and videos from throughout the USA TODAY Network's 261 daily sites. The win came after a rancorous final stretch of the race that saw high-profile endorsements and attacks on the airwaves and in person. Tennessee State Election Results 2020 Live election results: Get the latest on Tennessee's primary races for president, Senate and House. Published 11/19/2019 5:00 PM ESTUpdated 9/9/2020 4:30 AM EDT. Congressional district presidential results from Daily Kos. 7 of the 9 congressional districts in the state voted for Republicans in the 2018 midterms. NBC News is tracking and updating daily the number of coronavirus related deaths in each state and U.S. territory, as well as the jobless claims as reported weekly by the Department of Labor that counts how many people have filed for unemployment benefits. Since then, Republicans have increased their vote share in each election, including Trump's 61 percent in 2016. Bush and worked at a management consulting company. Find your local elections. Want to read more stories like this? Despite a strong showing for a first-time candidate, Sethi was unable to overcome the president’s backing of his opponent. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and former Vice President Joe Biden were among the major declared candidates. And although he is a medical doctor, Sethi repeatedly raised doubts about the severity of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This particular Republican primary resulted in a significant divide within the state and national GOP: Federal and state lawmakers sided with both candidates as the two campaigns called into question the other’s conservative credentials.

Bill Hagerty speaks after defeating Manny Sethi in the U.S. Senate Republican primary in Tennessee. While Hagerty led polling by double digits for nearly a year as he touted the president’s endorsement, Sethi gained momentum in early June, coinciding with both candidates’ launch of television ad campaigns. The latest results from the August 6th Tennessee Primary Election. During this one-hour webinar, we will discuss the impacts a Biden or Trump Administration will likely have on these vital public health programs as well as the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM). Sethi, meanwhile, countered with attacks on Hagerty’s previous associations with moderate Republicans like Utah's U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney, describing Hagerty as an establishment candidate who only backed Trump in 2016 after first supporting former Florida Gov. Hagerty largely shied away from touting his business background during the race, focusing instead on current events while distancing himself from Romney, whose presidential campaign he served on in 2008 and transition team in 2012. Live election results: Federal, state and local results from Thursday's primary. Hagerty said voters valued his experience as an ambassador in the Trump administration and as economic development commissioner in Tennessee as a winning combination as the nation faces a pandemic and an economic crisis. Calculated by taking the difference of 100% and all other candidates combined. Neither candidate wore masks while campaigning and continued to shake hands with and crowd in around supporters, against public health guidelines. The 2020 United States presidential election in Tennessee is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, as part of the 2020 United States elections in which all 50 states plus the District of Columbia will participate.

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