Fax: 254 41 2225086 / 2229254 / 2228711 I hate the idea if being in a noisy ward with no privacy. Tel: 254 041 2312191 / 2312099 / 2228010/2312190, Mob: 0733333655 / 0722203755 I was just looking into all my options just in case. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Our Blogs section provides resources and expert advice on health, relationships, fashion and parenting for local Kenyans. HOpefully since then they've done something about it. However, it has just moved to head down and engaged! The expression machine was filthy and then broke completely. i had dd in st thomas' in 2008 and loved it, but in the home from home bit so got my own room, is that an option for you? Register now It’s ridiculously easy. E-mail: info@mombasahospital.com, Tel: 041-2313577, 2313678, 2223247, 2314140/1 Would definitely like to try a water birth so fingers crossed. Difficult to say when you've never done it before. The ward was filthy and staffed by a succession of, well, bitches frankly, who were rude and unhelpful. Mine isnt that recent but had ds1 there in December 2004. I have found out that if I need a c-section my private health policy will cover a stay in the private ward there. and to be honest we made some sacrifices to use that facility and it really smoothed dd's first few days - i think it really set us up after cs with ds at st thomas, we were told there were no private rooms on the nhs - only option was a bed in a 4 bed ward. Will keep my options open and do my best to stick to the Home from Home. I am due to have my baby at St thomas's in the next week or so (first baby). £40 a night sounds like just a private roomfor £700 a night you are getting private nurses/MW care. They offer Maternity Facilities and Ante-natal Care. We look forward to serving you on your upcoming visit to our facility. To consider somebody a paedophile if they mention underage girls, be it during roleplay or not? Mums-to-be can expect flexibility, support, and assistance 24 hours a day from a team who will work around your individual needs. To refuse to take DD to dodgy job interview? I spent 5 days on the postnatal ward and in all honesty it was hell on earth, the worse experience of my life after the death of my father. St Thomas’ Hospital has been offering private maternity care for over 20 years and we boast some of the most accomplished and well trained private midwives, obstetricians, neonatologists, and anesthetists so you can be confident that the welfare of both you and your baby are in the safest possible hands. My SIL gave birth in the home from home bit in 2005 and had a completely different experience. Mingg, the Portland isn't a BUPA hospital. I could go on and on.When I later complained they said it was not normally that bad but over christmas and new year (he was born 27th dec) lot of agency staff - that maybe explained it but still didn't excuse it I don't think. If I need to have another section I'll be booking there again!However a friend gave birth about five months ago and she had a good experience on the postnatal ward. I used the landsell suite nearly three years ago and it was lovely. That is the first positive bit of feedback I have heard. As part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, one of the UK’s leading teaching hospitals, they provide high quality care from birth through to every stage of life. Thank you! Not Everyone is Rooting for You, 9 Unique Classes and Workshops to Take up this Year, 7 Fun Social Distancing Activities To Indulge In With Family or Friends, Sylvia Njoki : Festive Fashion on a Budget, You’re Pregnant – now what? It is owned by HSA, which owns lots of other private hospitals in London, although BUPA insurance will pay for certain treatment there, up to the limits of the policy. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. Please enter your username or email address. Good luck! I am thinking about having my baby at Thomas's. They were very happy with it. Thinking about? She said it was fine. 10 Hospitals in Mombasa Offering Maternity Services. Hi, I'm new to this site so firstly hello and secondly sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place. A c-section was looking like a possibility at one point because the baby was transverse. For over 20 years the private maternity suite at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital has been a centre of excellence, with some of the world’s most accomplished professionals working to offer the highest levels of care possible. The floors were thick with dust. Email: pandyahospital@wananchi.com. Their services include: antenatal clinic,Reproductive health  & Preventive & Social Medicine and Obstetrician & Gynecologist . you cannot pre book unless you go private for everything but it is rarely full and we had no problem - we phoned from the car on the way in and knew we'd be fine, and as soon as dd and i were settled in recovery, dh popped upstaird to sort out all the admin.we had to pay for ourselves, but it was worth every penny - lovely midwives (who helped me establish breast feeding), lovely food, lovely clean and comfy rooms with private bathrooms - what's nt to love! Share your child’s messiest moments with Farrow & Ball - £100 voucher, virtual colour consultancy and F&B Modern Emulsion paint to be won, St Thomas's - private room vs postnatal ward, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. Thank you - that is really good to hear. If not, the above makes me feel slightly more at ease after all the horrendous things I have read! Nothing worked. To find out more visit The Westminster Maternity Suite or Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, call +44 (0) 20 7188 3457, email: westminstermaternitysuite@gstt.nhs.uk. Please register to Complete your resource download, Sign up to receive most comprehensive weekly newsletter. Earplugs I guess.I might start one now! 1. Also does anyone know if I can go in as an NHS patient but pay for a private room for postnatal care? Get all the information you need on pregnancy, adoption and parenting from other women and health experts. In fact, I decided to discharge myself when I was not well (lost lots of blood) but I couldn't stand one particular midwife, she spoke to one baby next to me: drink (formula, mother was diabetic) your milk or you will be in the NICU soon. Guy's and St Thomas' Private Healthcare are based in the heart of London, and offer world-class clinical services, delivered by internationally renowned consultants. She tried to get into the landsell but it was full, though she called for couple of days, then decided she was OK where she was. And I think its strange that they advise you to take ear plugs in for the postnatal ward - how are you supposed to hear your own baby then?!! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Please share it here and we will spread the word. Sounds like Babyphat's more recent experience was much better.Appreciate everyone's feedback though. does anyone have any recent experiences with them? I have heard great things about the care during labour but horrendous things about the postnatal wards. With every child a mother is born. About Westminster Maternity Suite. The maternity experience will also house a new OB Emergency Department and an OB Intensive Care unit with a dedicated suite of rooms staffed by critical-care trained physicians and nurses. Email: info@kilomenhhospital.com, You may also like: 14 Maternity Packages for Hospitals in Nairobi. I think its the privacy issue that bothers me more than the noise. By then I was fed up and I said: Well, this is a post natal ward, all babies cry and if the women wanted a quiet night, then this is the wrong place, this is a hospital and not a hotel.Like I said, I discharged myself, still anemic and not strong enough to hold my baby boy.Good luck and PM if you wish. Thanks both, that's encouraging. I saw my friend that was there recently yesterday and checked again. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Don’t have an account? st thomas nhs post natal ward was ghastly - noisy and the bathroom was not always clean.... shower was out of order when i was there too...for second baby we went onto the lansdell - after a cs on the nhs - was prefect. It offers maternity services with affordable packages and accepts NHIF cards Your Hospital Needs Beyond The Maternity Unit; This is an unmissable opportunity to gather all the information you need about private maternity care in one place. Specialists from Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Private Patient Services will be in attendance at The Private Pregnancy UK Show to answer any questions or queries you have about private maternity care. I assume baby will be next to you so think you'd be OK with earplugs, I don't recall mine really waking in the night for the first three days. Not sure? Hi - I'm new on here. Mobile: 0733-600663, 0722-206424 They also accept NHIF cards. Lost your password? I think if there was any danger of ending up in the medical post-natal ward for any length of time I would try and sort out an alternative.Second birth was at my local hospital in 2007 where I left straight after the birth so don't know how 'normal' this experience is. Just want to get it over with now!!! St Thomas's - private room vs postnatal ward (28 Posts) Add message | Report. not sure if CS is a possibility or a definite from your post?all the midwives that dealt with us were lovely though, and we were in for a few days in the end as we were readmitted due to jaundice.and seemed like everything was being cleaned all the time - am sure the room and bathroom was cleaned every dayi would like a home birth next time but if it doesn't pan out would be perfectly happy to end up in St Thomas' again on the basis of my first experiencehth. Would add that had dd in lansdell and didn't seem to be full on any of occasions when I was there so could take a chance.Can't rate St Thomas highly enough for care I got. We are setting up online Video Groups to run Antenatal Classes online, once is up an running you'll receive an email with more information (PLEASE, ALSO CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER). I would definitely attempt to book into the Landsell Suite in the hope that there would be room. App it has got better. It is a General Medical clinic and is located in Ganjoni Area. Something like £700 a night someone in my NCT class told me. Find advice on how to find, train and keep a good Nanny.

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