TeamPages makes team management and communication easy. We will post all manufacturer responses at, where you can also find more information about helmet attachments, NOCSAE, and. South Milwaukee Little League Teams. by South Milwaukee Little League, 2020-08-03T12:44:36.000-07:00 August 03 2020, at 12:44 PM PDT ( 0 Comments ) SMLL Families, Do you have a child interested … Lunch will be served … Continue reading → The South Milwaukee Veterans Day event is planned for 11 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 11, at Van Eimeren-Kolonka American Legion Post #27. And be sure to follow me on Facebook at The general membership will be electing new board of director members. Thank you to all of the volunteers who make this happen every year, especially this year, as they've worked extra hard to provide some sense of normalcy… .lobar-content p a, .lobar-content p a:link { height: auto !important; color: white !important; background-color:#13aa37 !important; padding:5px 8px !important; margin-left:10px !important; line-height:13px !important; font-size: 13px !important; font-weight: bold !important; text-transform: none !important; } AA Baseball; Rank Team GP Pts? .lobar-content p a:hover {background-color:#0e852b !important;} .lobar-close {background-image:url('//') !important;} As the popularity of helmet attachments (c-flap, etc.) South Milwaukee Little League Teams. Send it along. AA Baseball; Rank Team GP Pts? South Milwaukee High School graduate Kyle Olson returned to the area to create two videos that highlight what makes South Milwaukee, South Milwaukee. South Milwaukee High School graduate Kyle Olson returned to the area to create two videos that highlight what makes South Milwaukee, South Milwaukee. SMLL Annual Membership Meeting When: Monday, October 12th, at 7:00pm Where: Moran’s Pub on Milwaukee Avenue All are invited to attend the 2020 annual membership meeting of the South Milwaukee Little League. Wisconsin District 6 Little League P.O. Nationals 2012? on Boys and Girls of Summer: South Milwaukee Little League Safely Reopens, Meet the Mayor: Announcing Three Upcoming Events, Boys and Girls of Summer: South Milwaukee Little League Safely Reopens. A South Shore Baseball & Softball Program TeamPages provides amateur sport teams with free and easy to use team websites to post their schedules, scores, news, photos, videos, and updates. South Milwaukee Little League, South Milwaukee, WI. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. South Milwaukee Little League is a Little League International affiliated program. Diamondbacks 2017? Mariners 2012 Rules Clinic . TeamPages makes team management and communication easy. Shot the night of Crusherfest, as we unveiled this statue to the world. For information on requesting an absentee ballot, in-person absentee, and for sample ballot information. TeamPages makes team management and communication easy. Has your kid's coach helped them through this crisis?Nominate them   for a chance to win $2500! Pirates 2012? Here is the schedule. Phillies 2017? - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. All questions can be posted via the chat window in WebEx and our panel of experts will use that tool to answer your questions. by South Milwaukee Little League, 2020-08-03T12:44:36.000-07:00 August 03 2020, at 12:44 PM PDT ( 0 Comments ) SMLL Families, Do you have a child interested … Email Mayor Erik Brooks at Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. TeamPages provides amateur sport teams with free and easy to use team websites to post their schedules, scores, news, photos, videos, and updates. Connect with the City October 2020. Thank you to all of the volunteers who make this happen every year, especially this year, as they’ve worked extra hard to provide some sense of normalcy in this difficult summer. The general membership will be electing new board of director members. Telling the South Milwaukee Story, On Film, Finance Committee - Public Hearing on Budget. Read on... View All /CivicAlerts.aspx. Altering a helmet in anyway (drilling holes, removing padding, etc.) Coaches have kept sports alive in 2020. Games continue weeknights through July. by South Milwaukee Little League, 2020-07-31T19:15:07.000-07:00 July 31 2020, at 07:15 PM PDT ( 0 Comments ) Please go to the VIP homepage and follow instructions to access the pictures.

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