Edmund Francis Gabriel. Thanks! I think the following would work, if you like any of them :) I think the following would work, if you like any of them :) It may be more familiar to people in other areas. What are her siblings named? × Sibling for Seraphina? Both names (Seraphina and Lyra) are of characters in the his dark materials books... a bit theme-y but cute! I remember seeing Tristan and Isolde as a teenager and trying to decipher how it sounds. I like the name Diana but wonder if it's about to have a huge popularity spike because of the royal baby. Thanks! Or Gabriel? I’d imagine someone named Seraphina’s sisters to be something with more substance, like Aurelia or Cordelia or Evangeline. I'm really stumped on this one, and can't find any I like. I could probably figure it out, but she'd have to repeat it. Lucian Xavier Ferdinand Anton Girls. I know Seraphina seems quite fancy, but to me it's more saint's name than posh name...that may be misguided! Rowana. Related Names: Seraphina. Seconding this. 1 0. denise. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A community for those interested in names. What do you think of the answers? Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. I'm from the Midwest U.S. Lv 7. :) Celeste and Estelle . 11 Answers. Less fancy? I guess Violet & Seraphina go together well enough. Violet’s sister would be something more old fashioned, but still cute, like Eliza. Please suggest ATLEAST 3 girl names that would go well with Seraphina as siblings! Evangeline Dorothea Christiana Guinevere Angelica Esmeralda Flavia Xanthe Valentina Luciana Daniella Estella. Or Silas? Try our baby name generator. Josephine/Josephina!!! We're having another baby, and have a couple of names chosen for a boy, but not for a girl. Our daughters name is Lyra. We both like Zelda but that has been taken by another family member. Persephone for a girl, Gabriel for a boy. Juliette. or Gabriella for a girl and Angel for a boy. Especially girl names? AdelaideRosannaSaffronWillowBenedictBrandonEdwinLouis. Or Angelo. More than 3 would be AWESOME too! To consider somebody a paedophile if they mention underage girls, be it during roleplay or not? We're having another baby, and have a couple of names chosen for a boy, but not for a girl. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Saints aside, this name is unapologetically religious. Seraphina definitely overshadows Violet. Persephone Rosabelle Aurora Octavia. I'm obviously a bit biased to the name as well haha. Seraphina is long, elegant, and unusual, so I'd pick other names that fit that criteria. Maybe it's more common in your culture though? Try the Name MatchMaker to find the perfect baby name for you! You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. What are some sibling names that could go well with Seraphina? I like the name Seraphina a lot lately, but really having trouble coming up with sibling names! Louisa.Scarlett. ? I really like Xanthe and Guinevere from this list. I do like a bit more unusual than Christopher, Matthew etcWhy is baby naming so hard?! I'm not expecting, just bored. We can't find anything that works! Luciana is also nice. So, what might I like, boy or girl, if my DD is called Seraphina? Sister & Brother Names. Gaia. I really love Isolde but my husband thinks people won't know how to spell/say it (I disagree, seems pretty easy to me - anyone want to weigh in on that?!). I like Deanna & Lucia [pronounced Loo chia]. The only reason I didn't veto it is because it technically meets our criteria and does sound nice with Seraphina... but I'm just not that keen on it. Need a name for little sister to Seraphina. I think the following would work, if you like any of them :). Just here to say that I agree with your husband on Isolde. Think these names are a little dramatic & have also the prettiness of Seraphina though that name is quite unique & hard to beat! Sadly my brother (the one who has also taken Zelda) names his first daughter Guinevere! 13 hours ago. US Popularity of Serafina Over Time. Be Creative? Tea for two. Don't you remember that one movie, Tristan & Isolde? Lv 4. Need help find the right name for your newborn? Our surname begins with H, is three syllables and ends in "wood". How about... Celeste and Selene or Celine (which ever spelling you prefer.) Francesca. GabrielJosephAnthonyDamianAdrianMariaCeciliaAnastasiaUrsulaBridget. Can't have Gabriel or Gabrielle or derivatives of the same, I do love them, but it would be a bit narcissistic to use them, if you get my drift...I like Dominic and Meredith.At least using Gary would mean they were the only one in the class! Relevance. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hi Name Nerds, Our daughter is called Seraphina. I like Felicity, and Genevieve is my confirmation name (lapsed Catholic). Enter Sibling Name . So... Any and all suggestions gratefully received :) Thanks for your help! Hi folks, I need inspiration, only a few names I vaguely like and nothing feels like the right fit.So, what might I like, boy or girl, if my DD is called Seraphina?TIA, Boys.LucianXavierFerdinandAntonGirls.PersephoneRosabelleAuroraOctavia. Love the name Celeste! This is page 1 of 3 (This thread has 61 messages.). So many pretty names. Help me out? Boys. The seraphim are an order of six-winged angels referenced in both the Old and New Testaments. Sister names for Celeste? Still have questions? Know a Serafina? OP’s posts: See next | See all Add message | Report | See all. To be annoyed with DH for forcing me to isolate? I've never encountered that name and have no idea how to pronounce it. lol Thanks so much!! Looking for the perfect name? 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Our criteria for a girl's name is: Prefer classic/unusual names, don't generally like made-up or trendy ones, Prefer to avoid names starting with H or ending in "ina" due to alliteration/rhyming, Would prefer a name that translates easily into multiple languages. Today’s Name of the Day is Seraphina. TIA. For a boy, maybe Samuel? Zipporah is such an unusual name - interesting choice! Penelope. Girls:MeredithAudraElouiseGabrielleBoys:MilesElliottMatthewMark, Ah crossed with the Gabrielle/a suggestion - fate must be pointing at that one, Marlena. Dominic or Daniel for a boy, Ezekiel (Zeke)DorianEmersonPiersRamonaMarinLilithMiriam, ColeJulianJasperDustinDylanIvanSidneyAshtonBrandonLiam. Would prefer a name that is spelled as it sounds for most people (so, not Gaelic, as beautiful as they are!). My husband likes Annalisa, which I think is okay but kind of dull/common, especially compared to Seraphina. Awwlookatmybabyspider Sun 05-Feb-17 17:46:13. NameVoyager. Is the name Kyrief more of a boys name or girls name. But ever since Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck chose this name for Violet’s little sister, she’s been all Hollywood. Get answers by asking now. 4 months ago. 2 days ago. That’s my top pick. Hi Name Nerds, Our daughter is called Seraphina. Calista. Seraphina Elizabeth is a bit of a mouthful IMO, although I love the name Elizabeth as it is DD's middle name. Your posts are welcome so long as they stay on topic and remain civil, Press J to jump to the feed. What do you think of the name Cagney for a baby boy? Christabel for a girl and Ezequiel for a boy. As for Isolde, speaking for myself, I wouldn't be familiar with it if asked to spell it. Our surname begins with H, is three syllables and ends in "wood". Also, her reaction when she finds out the afflicted student is Seraphina. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. ‘Is old?’ ‘Is sol dee?’ I think she would hear every pronunciation possible with that one, it is very beautiful though! I like Annalisa a lot, I wouldn't consider it too common.

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