.custom-components .full-block-mobile-stack__wrapper { .custom-components .split-row .border-right { font-family: 'MontserratRegular', Arial, sans-serif; } .custom-components .category-tile-block .red-text a { Hours may change under current circumstances, Destinations: California, New York, Las Vegas, Chicago, My fiancé and I decided to drop by last min today and wondered if they're open during COVID. Growing up in San Francisco, you'd hear their commercials all over the radio, so why not give them a visit right? } } .custom-components .lp-new-text-divider .no-mobile-inline { font-weight: 400; top: 0; Write a Review Be the first to review Shane Co! margin: 0 auto; text-transform: uppercase; border: none .custom-components .lp-new-text-divider .sub-title { font-size: 18px line-height: 1.4; letter-spacing: 3.2px; .custom-components .full-block-new .text-align__right .cta-text { text-align: center; text-align: center padding: 0 0 50px; .custom-components .lp-new-text-divider .cta-link, .custom-components .tile-grid .title a { font-style: italic Excellent Experience at San Mateo Shane Co. .erbudget-header .hr { display: flex; letter-spacing: normal .custom-components .split-row .two-thirds-box { } I have jewelry not purchased from Shane Co., would it be able to be cleaned within a Shane Co. stores? letter-spacing: normal; We mentioned that we were having dinner with my parents that night. padding-top: 30px text-decoration: none } @media all and (max-width: 950px) { bottom: 0 .custom-components .lp-new-text-divider .divider-serif-title { } } } 10 characters minimum. In celebration of our 10 year wedding anniversary, my husband brought me back to Shane Co in San Mateo to buy me a ring. ).I was incredibly pressed for time and originally ordered the ring at the Cupertino location working Sheridan who was also fantastic to work with. .custom-components .full-block-new .overlay__top .full-block-new__text .overlay-text { display: block .custom-components .halves.pull { padding: 0; line-height: 1.5; } padding: 25px 0 0; } text-align: center; color: #7C2529 font-size: 36px letter-spacing: 1px .custom-components .three-column-one-third .centered-item, } } text-align: center; display: none align-items: flex-start display: flex; } } } } .custom-components .three-column-one-third .text-box, } .custom-components .split-row .half-box.align-right .cta-text, } Their service is always amazing! letter-spacing: 2.5px flex-direction: row-reverse .custom-components .split-row .one-third-box .text-align__right .split-row_text { We receive  impeccable service at Shane Co every time I return to get my rings cleaned.We worked with Mark, who was absolutely wonderful. .custom-components .split-row.white-text .sub-title, .cc-sans-serif-subtitle, width: 100%; By using the infofree.com you agree to the terms and conditions in this agreement. .custom-components .full-block-mobile-stack .title.sans-serif-bold a { max-width: 1280px; .custom-components .split-row .two-thirds-box.align-right .copy, background-color: #f8f1e9 } } I went into Shane Co. in San Mateo on a Friday night to get my engagement ring cleaned. } width: 100%; .custom-components .split-row .one-third-box.overlay__bottom.overlay__mobile-top .split-row_text { margin: 0 auto; font-size: 24px font-size: 2.4rem; } max-width: 250px width: 80% padding: 20px 0 0; } .custom-components .two-third-static-one-third.rev-row-col { line-height: 1.3; } width: 100%; .custom-components .hp-two-third-block .no-desk { Plus free cleanings, warranties, and free sizing for when baby comes- duh! } top: 0; margin: 0 auto; margin: 0 auto; } } font-weight: 400 .custom-components .popular-category .no-desk { bottom: 0; .custom-components .privacy-policy p { .custom-components .category-tile-block.white-text .sub-title, .custom-components .full-block-new .float-box_left .overlay-text { font-family: "Montserrat", Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; @media (max-width: 800px) { font-family: 'PlayfairDisplayRegular', Times, serif; } flex-direction: column; display: flex; height: auto .custom-components .two-third-one-third-three-stacked .box .box-fifty .left-content { } } border-top: 1px solid #ccc display: inline .custom-components .tile-grid .overlay__bottom .overlay-text .title, } text-decoration: none; margin: 0 auto; She went out of her way to let me know my earrings were ready for pick... more, Pretty poor experience, would not recommend - two stars. margin-right: 0 max-width: 200px .custom-components .full-block-new.white-text .sub-title, font-size: 1.4rem; flex: 0 1 auto; padding: 6px 10px; margin: 0; .custom-components .split-row .half-box.overlay__top .split-row_text, margin: 0 auto display: block } .custom-components .split-row .two-thirds-box.overlay__bottom.overlay__mobile-top .split-row_text, background-position: center .custom-components .full-block-mobile-stack .no-mobile { @media (max-width: 900px) { .custom-components .split-row .one-third-box .text-align__left .cta-link { @media all and (max-width: 800px) { display: none .custom-components .split-row .half-box.overlay__middle .split-row_text, .custom-components .split-row.white-text .cta-link, letter-spacing: 5px; } } text-align: center; } Shane Co 690 Concar Dr San Mateo, CA 94402. We are OPEN and excited to welcome you back into our store with a new shopping experience. .custom-components .stacked-products .product .cta { } margin: 0 auto; .custom-components .two-third-static-one-third .centered-item:hover img.default { } @media (max-width: 800px) { @media (max-width: 800px) { } font-family: 'PlayfairDisplayRegular', Times, serif; font-family: 'MontserratRegular', Arial, sans-serif; font-family: 'PlayfairDisplayRegular', Times, serif; @media (max-width: 800px) { text-align: center; I would definitely recommend Shane Co. 11/7/2017Hi R.B., thanks so much for the kind review! .custom-components .full-block-mobile-stack .overlay__top.overlay__mobile-bottom .full-block-new__text { } height: 100%; .custom-components .split-row .one-third-box .text-align__right .overlay-text { } .custom-components .lp-new-text-divider .divider-sub a { font-weight: 400; .custom-components .privacy-policy { font-size: 48px @media (max-width: 600px) { max-width: 100% } width: 100%; display: inline-block Thanks Juan for your help! position: relative @media (max-width: 800px) { Really !! @media (max-width: 600px) { display: inline-block; .erbudget-twothirds-row { .custom-components .privacy-policy p a { flex-direction: column .custom-components .halves .col a.btn-single-border-dark-grey { text-align: center; .custom-components .split-row .two-thirds-box.float-box_right.float-mobile_left .overlay-text, position: relative .custom-components .lp-new-text-divider .white-text .cta-link, } bottom: 0 display: inline-block !important line-height: 1.286; flex-direction: column-reverse display: none .custom-components .split-row .one-third-box.float-box_left.float-mobile_center .overlay-text { .custom-components .split-row .half-box .text-align__right .title, .custom-components .lp-new-text-divider .cta-text.gift-guide a { line-height: 1.3; Mark is one of those sales associates who listens carefully to the customers needs. } } } .custom-components .tile-grid .overlay__middle .overlay-text .title, } width: 100%; } } .custom-components .full-block-new .title { line-height: 1.5; margin: 0 auto; .custom-components .three-column-one-third .triple .title, background-image: url("https://images.shaneco.com/is/image/ShaneCo/JewelerBG?wid=913&hei=831&fmt=jpg&qlt=90,0"); margin: 0 auto; align-items: flex-start text-decoration: none; We both love this place.The salesperson Katane was wonderful and helped my husband out who didn't know a thing about engagement rings. .custom-components .split-row .two-thirds-box.overlay__top .split-row_text, .custom-components .tile-grid .title.large { height: 100% color: #333; .custom-components .hp-two-third-block .two-thirds-link a { @media (max-width: 767px) { .custom-components .lp-new-text-divider .divider-sanserif-title { @media (max-width: 800px) { } @media (min-width: 800px) { height: 100%; } line-height: 1.3; .custom-components .tile-grid .copy { .custom-components .split-row .sub-title.serif a {

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