A new strategy to expand woman’s suffrage emerged in 1900 when the new organization elected Carrie Chapman Catt as its president. In September, the president traveled to Capitol Hill with almost every member of his cabinet to demonstrate support for the amendment. div#block-eoguidanceviewheader .dol-alerts p {padding: 0;margin: 0;} Alice Paul rejected Catt’s wartime strategy. Martha Tabor, who worked many blue collar jobs and was a union organizer, captured this experience through her photography, such as this portrait of Lillian Lightbourne. (Viewed on October 14, 2020) . By the early 1910s, America was awash in suffrage propaganda that kept the issue in the news. Pro-suffrage groups were not the only ones using maps to promote their cause. Though Wilson was re-elected, the anticipation of female voting power did change behavior. Despite this rejection of female suffrage at the federal level after the Civil War, the movement claimed smaller victories in the sparsely settled West. “and other so-called feminine occupations”. Mary Harris "Mother" Jones (1837 - 1930) defied the gender norms of the day to become one of America’s most prominent labor organizers, 1902. That November, three more states joined the suffrage column, which brought the total number of electoral votes in states with equal voting rights to 237. When political action was necessary, he believed labor should have an independent, nonpartisan political agenda. Samuel Gompers was extremely influential because he was the founding president of the AFL and served in that role until 1924. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. Although some of the material appears in the published volumes of the Samuel Gompers Papers, most of it does not. Women's Rights. The two foremost organizations — the National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association — merged as the National American Woman Suffrage Association, but its aging leadership counted few successes outside the West. Catt avoided the rhetoric of gender equality, and instead tapped the more prosaic sentiment that women should be permitted to vote as mothers and as “municipal housekeepers.” This strategy helped at first — over the next few years women won the right in several states to vote on local and state ordinances regulating taxation, schooling and the sale of alcohol. Photograph by E. Chickering, 1911. More specifically, 56 of the congressmen who changed their vote from no to yes represented states that had enfranchised women in 1917. Age of Enlightenment Signals the Start of Change for Women, Women in the Workforce During the Industrial Revolution, Women in the Workforce and Unionization in the 1820s, Women in the Workforce After the U.S. Civil War, Women and the American Federation of Labor, Women in the Workforce During the Great Depression, Women in the Workforce During World War II, Women in the Workforce After World War II, Passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Boosts the Power of Women in the Workforce. The Samuel Gompers Papers. By defeating Wilson and congressional Democrats, she argued, women would flex their political muscle, demonstrating but also amplifying their power. In 1974, the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) united members across all unions and sought to increase female membership and representation in leadership. These conditions, along with persistent patriarchal views on women in the workforce, gave rise to a second wave of feminism which had a profound impact on labor. Cornell University/PJ Mode Collection of Persuasive Cartography. A 1917 postcard that was part of a  grass-roots efforts to pass suffrage in New York. Samuel Gompers First and longest-serving president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Then, in the fall of 1917, New York again considered a referendum to grant women full voting rights. Samuel Gompers helped to found the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions (FOTLU) and the International Labor Organization. "Samuel Gompers." Leading this drive was Alice Paul, who parted with the National American Woman Suffrage Association to adopt a more forceful approach. /*-->

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