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L’hypothèse naturelle à faire est que Ruth est le Docteur d’un univers alternatif.

Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. But what if she isn’t her own regeneration?

But it all pales to the big reveal: Ruth. Jodi Whitaker’s Doctor also soon realizes that it is a Time Lord hunting the “fugitive” Doctor.

This is said to be an amalgamation of all the evil within the Doctor and was created somewhere between the Twelfth and Final incarnations, so between the 11th and 12th regenerations. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), DOCTOR WHO EXPLAINED | Everywhere the ‘RUTH DOCTOR’ Can Fit on the Timeline, Bambi Live Action Film | Knights of the Old Republic Reboot & More, 10 New MCU Shows on Disney+ | Sam Raimi Directing Doctor Strange 2 // Geekend Update, The Marvel Cinematic Universe Chronological Timeline | Complete Film and Show Edition. White Lines : Quelle date de sortie sur Netflix ? Greenleaf Saison 6 : Quelle date de sortie Netflix ? Tom Baker regenerates into Peter Davison’s Fifth Doctor in Logopolis.

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Join Planet Minecraft! De nombreux fans en ligne ont supposé que Ruth devait être antérieure au Premier Docteur de William Hartnell afin de s’inscrire dans la chronologie établie. We neglected to discuss the regeneration between the Second and Third Doctors.

It’s possible that there could be another hidden incarnation between War and Nine, but we find it unlikely, and we hit that 12 regeneration wall limit again. The Doctor’s real memory and personality were stored in a pocket watch in Human Nature; here, we learn they are stored in the glass of a lighthouse. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account.

La version senior a toujours reconnu son ancien soi.

Note that the minute hand is about to strike 12, and the seconds slow down just before that occurs. How Long Would it Take to Binge-Watch Your Favorite Animated Series?

( Log Out /  Et ils pourraient être liés d’une manière ou d’une autre. Based on the information we have to date.... No.

Sometimes you just have to let it go, sadly for me 7th Feb 2020 is the end. Pourquoi le Docteur ne se souvient-il pas d’avoir été Ruth ?

1. As always, his flair and charm are on display, as he kisses Bradley Walsh, believing him to be The Doctor. Have a good one. Let me know your thoughts, and please, please, please help us by sharing this post on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, or anywhere! Tout d’abord, le TARDIS n’atteint pas sa forme de boîte de police permanente avant que le Premier Docteur ne quitte l’Angleterre. It is explained in the very first episode of the series, An Unearthly Child, that the TARDIS’ Chameleon circuit got stuck and the TARDIS’ appearance would remain a 20th Century English Police Box. Ruth is not the Valeyard. But what if the Ruth Doctor fit between 2 and 3? So if Ruth isn’t after the Thirteenth Doctor, isn’t before the First Doctor, nor is she a parallel universe Doctor, it stands to reason she fits between one of the regenerations, or in stead of a current incarnation. I don’t know what my mum was thinking plonking me in front of the telly when I was 3 and seeing the autons spring to life but I was hooked from that moment (and terrified). Et cette phrase se lit comme quelqu’un qui connaît bien le processus de régénération. Considering it’s already stuck as a Police Box, and it got stuck that way during Hartnell’s run as the Doctor, it’s a safe conclusion to make that her incarnation does not occur before the First Doctor. Elle est un docteur dans le futur de Jodie Whittaker.

“Time is swirling around me,” says The Doctor in the latest episode of “Doctor Who” and indeed, it is. And it’s impossible that Ruth’s Doctor is the metacrisis Doctor that was banished to Pete’s World, as that Doctor has no regenerative abilities. There is so much more. VIEW. After letting the news of a potential, err, 16th incarnation of the Doctor gestate for a bit, I can succinctly say I’m thoroughly confused and not yet on-board.

Mais le changement ultérieur pour Jon Pertwee est plus ambigu. The Time Lords granted the Doctor a new regeneration cycle, presumably of 12, in The Time of the Doctor. There is one final theory I’d like to postulate however. Surtout depuis que le douzième Doctor est arrivé et reparti. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account.

So what do we know of Ruth Clayton? Colin Baker quit before he could film his regeneration, but through the power of TV Magic the regeneration was created using Sylvester McCoy as both a lookalike Sixth Doctor, and a unique Seventh Doctor. And on occasion in Doctor Who books and audiodramas the Valeyard claims to work for or have been created by the Time Lords, another reason why Ruth may be on the run. Doctor Who : Quel Docteur est Ruth parmi les autres ? Jo Martin is terrific as Ruth/The Doctor. We assume that there must be a regeneration wasted by shoving Jo Martin’s Ruth Doctor in there somehow. Anything’s possible in Doctor Who, but it’s unlikely, and confusing, and it’s not a route I think any fan wants to go down. Voici tous les endroits possibles où le nouveau Docteur pourrait s’insérer dans l’histoire du personnage.

ruth-doctor-t-a-r-d-i-s-doctor-who-series-12-fugitive-of-the-judoon-2020. This is likely while he’s still a normal Gallifreyan, before he looks upon the Untempered Schism, and goes into the Academy, becoming a Time Lord. Well, sure.

( Log Out /  And we see Jo Martin’s Doctor wearing something wholly different here. La chose même qui a effacé les souvenirs du Docteur et l’a forcé à se cacher pourrait bien arriver plus tôt que prévu. First and foremost we are privileged to the fact that she used the Chameleon Arch, first introduced in the Tenth Doctor 2-parter, Human Nature and The Family of Blood, where The Doctor used the device to modify his biology to become human so as to hide for a period undetected.

A future Doctor? Instead of being called an in-between Doctor, what if Ruth’s Doctor was still the Second Doctor, just with a different face? Sure, it’s possible the Time Lords could have gifted the Doctor another regeneration, though by the Deadly Assassin time period, there doesn’t appear to be any way for the Time Lords to do that yet, so that’s unlikely. ( Log Out /  For me yes. There’s not a sort of parallel universe going on, there’s no tricks.” So there’s that. So what do we know about the Doctor? The Third Doctor stumbled out of the TARDIS with the Second Doctor’s clothing.

After 26 seasons, Doctor Who was shelved for over 6 years, until the TV Movie was released featuring the regeneration of McCoy’s Seventh Doctor and Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor. Toutes les éventualités ci-dessus exigent un certain degré d’infléchissement narratif afin de s’inscrire dans le canon établi.

We have 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 7-8, 8-War, War-someone, 9-10, 10-10, 10-11, 11-12, and 12-13.

When Jo Martin breaks that glass and becomes The Doctor once again, donning an original, but somehow wonderfully evocative Doctor’s outfit, this viewer believes.

Captain Jack finds and later returns the hand to the Doctor in Utopia. In the final episode of the Fourth Doctor story the Brain of Morbius, the Doctor challenges Morbius to a mindbending contest, where we see all the previous faces of the Doctor in descending order (Baker, Pertwee, Troughton, and Hartnell), as well as 8 other faces. Ruth est le Valeyard ? Cela dit, la saison 12 de Doctor Who a introduit un certain nombre de menaces potentielles pour la vie du Docteur. Cela expliquerait l’écart entre les deux médecins, ainsi que le problème du tournevis sonique.

Cependant, cela est impossible pour un certain nombre de raisons. Si Jo Martin était dans le futur de Jodie Whittaker, le Treizième Docteur ne devrait pas se souvenir d’elle par la suite, et vice versa. As the Time Lords promise, the secret of the TARDIS is removed from him, and he doesn’t have access to it for much of the Third Doctor’s run.

Nor is she the Rani/Master in disguise, the meddling Monk, the Celestial Toymaker, a doll or any other of the myriad of other explanations being bandied about.

I think that’s the most likely solution for fitting the character in in a way that narratively makes sense and doesn’t flub the regeneration cycle any. Gat is killed when she fires a sabotaged weapon confiscated from Ruth. Work It 2 : Quelle date de sortie Netflix ?

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