The poinciana is native to Madagascar with its dry, hot climate.

No trolls. The tree does not like heavy or clay soils and flowers more profusely when kept slightly dry. No voice. The subtext, of course, is "are you up for house guests on (pick a date)." Dear Connor: Thanks for the lesson in digital classrooms, Three ways you know you live in Key West and not just any ol’ small town. Live in Zone 10 Fl.. Tree was planted 5 months ago. I love looking at poincianas and I say a grateful prayer that there’s not one in my pocket-size yard. It prefers an open, free-draining sandy or loamy soil enriched with organic matter. Poinciana trees are semi-evergreen or deciduous with …

And, with that, it’s time to do some chores. Or it is Iron deficient. Key West Island News connects Key West residents and friends of the island, fosters our One Human Family culture and advances understanding of shared goals for our island community.

I admit I was delighted to escape every small town in which I unpacked a... House rules: Pretty simple. Primary voting is Tuesday, Aug. 28. It heads 40 feet or more skyward and spreads a canopy of 40-60 feet, with roots to match. Check this website from the Lower Keys chapter of the League of Women Voters.

The poinciana drips leaves and brittle branches most of the year, just ask anyone with one in their yard. Not to mention through the walls of your swimming pool. The Key West City Commission at the urging of lame duck Mayor Craig Cates named the Royal Poinciana Key West’s official tree this summer.
The University of Florida says there’s not much you can do about them, but if you feel the need to “do something,” here’s the link to the best source I’ve found. very sporadic. Just enter your address and click away. derfberger. She is a nationally recognized legacy newspaper editor and publishing executive with more than 40 years of professional experience.

After all, living in paradise doesn’t mean there’s no laundry. They’ve been around the island since they were first reported in 1942, which is about the time poinciana lovers decided the island needed some really big, colorful trees.

So, keep those poinciana plantings where they belong: big rights-of-way and the new Truman Waterfront Park.

So, if you’ve not done either, get thyself to a ballot box tomorrow. It prefers an open, free-draining sandy or loamy soil enriched with organic matter. And, still there are locals who plant them right next to their houses or in a tiny slice of dirt in an otherwise impervious sidewalk. With the exception of the ubiquitous coconut palm (the one of postcard variety), no tree is more closely identified with Key West than the Royal Poinciana. Just recently leaves started to turn yellow, no pattern. They'll appear under the leaves, but can be … We’re reaching record turnout for the Florida primary. Although royal poinciana trees don't have a lot of pests, some species of caterpillars may chew away on the leaves. Every decade and a half or so, these nasty things crawl out of the ground, head up the poinciana trunk and chow down on the leaves, red and otherwise. We’ll do iguanas another day. Shall we talk about poincianas?

If you spot spider mites, increase the humidity or set the plant outdoors.

Key West Island News went live in 2018. Pretty much lovers of big cities with their cosmopolitan flare, corporate headquarters and skyscrapers do the sniffy, rolling eyes thing when they're forced to contemplate life in a small town. Good Monday morning, my friends. It is one of two things. Scale insects can also be an issue.

It is noted for its fern-like leaves, and the reason why it is also known as Flamboyant is because of the proud display of its flowers. Note: Hurricane Irma in September 2017 did some major pruning of the island’s weakened poincianas. No evidence of insect or fungus. We keep a rain barrel, which collects water from both our gutters and the air conditioner condenser for watering the non-native plants, especially the flowering ones you see in the video. Come October my up-North friends with an eye on the coming winter calendar ramp up the "how y'all doing there in Key West" calls and texts. She built her new media company business plan, packed up four cats (now the Cat 5s) and a husband and launched her digital solutions company for small businesses and not-for-profits.

Each oblong leaflet is less than 2 inches long.

Please accept our privacy policy Please accept our privacy policy Required: Accept privacy policy. Keep it civil. You can see the super-lacy damage high in the canopy. Or out you go. 'Regia' means regal, royal or magnificent - all perfect descriptive terms for the poinciana. Access Privacy Policy, We depend on our friends, businesses and organizations to help us offset the expenses of running a local news website. Early voting ended Saturday and vote-by-mail continues. It hails from the Fabaceae family, and is a species of flowering plant. They’ve got you covered — in a beautifully non-partisan way. Royal Poinciana yellow leaves. This lovely tree is decorated in summer with rich orange-red flowers on its umbrella-shaped crown of fine-textured leaves. My ride along with the Key West police Saturday night. Lack of micro nutrients would be uniform either starting at old leaves on bottom or new growth so not the cause. Additionally, spider mites can be an issue, particularly if the tree isn't in a humid environment. Not sure where to vote, if you’re registered, or who’s running?

Either it is getting to much water.

Each major leaflet is finely divided into 25 to 35 pairs of minor leaflets, which gives it a finer texture than the jacaranda leaves. Linda Grist Cunningham is proprietor and editor of KeyWestWatch Media LLC and Key West Island News.
I’ll share my observations in a later post. Living in Key West | Saving Stars and Stripes during Covid-19 isolation. We got a bit of much-needed rain this morning, although it didn’t do much more than settle the late summer dust. This Key West poinciana is just down the corner from the porch.

Its seductive beauty enticed long-ago travelers to spread it around the world where it adapted as best it could to wet, tropical and sub-tropical island weather and soil. Cunningham is a veteran journalist who relocated to Key West in 2012, when legacy media proved itself too cumbersome to change with and adapt to today’s information world. The Royal Poinciana should be kept damp but not soaking wet, so you should probably water it every 3 to 4 days.

4 years ago. Good for the environment if not for postcards. No vote? The leaf has a green upper surface and a paler green lower surface. Learned a long time ago: right tree, right location. Once established they’re drought and salt tolerant so they don’t require irrigation.

I know some folks think sable palms, myrtles-of-the-river, Jamaican capers and various stoppers aren’t particularly “beautiful,” but they are hardy in this Zone 11, sub-tropical climate. The royal poinciana requires a tropical or near-tropical climate, but can tolerate drought and salty conditions.

Policing paradise isn’t for the faint of heart, but there’s a reassuring sense of safety, goodwill and expert competence among those on the force. Mostly because its flame-red crown is spectacularly gorgeous — and because it makes a darn fine vacation photograph for sharing back home.

There is no way a person passing by would possibly miss getting a view of this strikingly gorgeous tree, all thanks to its … A poinciana leaf is also bi-pinnate, with 10 to 20 pairs of major leaflets alternately growing along the mid-rib. However, it should not defoliate the entire tree. The royal poinciana requires a tropical or near-tropical climate, but can tolerate drought and salty conditions. The royal poinciana tree is known by two other fitting names: the flamboyant tree and the peacock tree. Living in a place others dream of visiting is a joy.... My second-grade grandson is sitting across the double desk in math class. He's here from Atlanta, a visit that's been postponed four times since March. Also known as Flamboyant, the royal poinciana is scientifically known as Delonix regia. Its seductive beauty enticed long-ago travelers to spread it around the world where it adapted as best it could to wet, tropical and sub-tropical island weather and soil.

OK. Back to the current explosion of caterpillars, which has poinciana lovers — and haters — all abuzz. Think of them as the Key West’s version of the gypsy moth, which does in oak trees every few decades up in the temperate climate world.

Key West Island News collects and stores my name, email and other information I submit. With its wide-reaching canopy, this tree is way too big for smaller properties and can overwhelm even a medium-sized yard. Why are so many of Key West’s visitors angry these days? The tree does not like heavy or clay soils and flowers more profusely when kept slightly dry. The trees and shrubs around our home are mostly native to the island or the Florida Keys. Its sprawling root system burrows under sidewalks and into roadbeds — and your sewer and water lines. Bless its heart, the poinciana is a favorite dish for Key West’s insects-of-terror, the subterranean termites, which munch away at the poinciana’s innards until the tree comes crashing down in high winds.

These may be the poinciana’s only resume items — “Hey, I’m beautiful, photo worthy and have a title.” The poinciana is native to Madagascar with its dry, hot climate. What to say when friends ask: How are things in Key West? The poinciana drips leaves and brittle branches most of the year, just ask anyone with one in their yard.

Getting plenty of water and fert. As a sponsor or supporter, you will connect your business or company to an established Key West community, Copyright 2008-2020 | KeyWestWatch Media LLC.

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