Yes. Pierre Trudeau was chiefly concerned with maintaining the unity of Canada and ensuring good relations between English and French Canadians. Trudeau’s former colleagues were moving toward the idea of an independent Québec but Trudeau became a sharp critic of contemporary Québec nationalism and argued for a Canadian federalism in which English and French Canada would find a new equality, according to The Canadian Encyclopedia. The Second World War. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Also, on the night before his first election there was a parade in which he, along with other leaders, was bombarded by Quebec nationalists who threw rocks and bottles at him in an attempt to disrupt the event, according to (Getty). I was inspired by the extraordinary father I’d had, the example he set for me to follow. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau, PC CC CH QC FRSC (/truːˈdoʊ/; October 18, 1919 – September 28, 2000), usually known as Pierre Trudeau or Pierre Elliott Trudeau, was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada from April 20, 1968, to June 4, 1979, and again from March 3, 1980, to June 30, 1984. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Kevin Trudeau Convicted of Fraud: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Pierre Elliott Trudeau: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Copyright © 2020 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. The Liberal Party was returned to power in the general election of February 18, 1980, and Trudeau began his fourth term as prime minister on March 3.

Never… Before he married Margaret Sinclair, he dated Margot Kidder, Kim Cattrall and Barbara Streisand. With these major political aims realized, Trudeau spent his final years in office seeking greater economic independence for Canada, forming better trade relations between industrialized democracies and Third World nations, and urging further international disarmament talks. … He married his wife, Margaret Sinclair, who was 28 years younger than him, in 1971. 1. Sophie Gregoire, Justin Trudeau’s Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau speaks during a press conference in Paris 13 May 1977. Justin is more of an extrovert. Pierre is said to have taught his sons to box, play kick-the-can, made human pyramids, play Marco Polo and would even drill them on history, poetry and religion, according to The Star.

[But]they have deep love for each other,” says Gregoire in an interview with The Globe and Mail. Justin Trudeau delivered his father’s eulogy at the state funeral on October 4. Not much is known about Coyne, half-sister to the Trudeau boys, and the public didn’t even know of her existence until four months after her birth when it came out that Trudeau had been listed as the father on her birth certificate along with mother Deborah Coyne, according to The Star. Pierre Trudeau served as the prime minister of Canada from 1968 to 1979 and from 1980 to 1984. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, The Guardian - Obituary of Pierre Trudeau, The Canadian Encyclopedia - Biography of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Pierre Elliott Trudeau - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Pierre Elliott Trudeau - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Justin Trudeau, who became prime minister of Canada in 2015, is one of three sons of Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau (née Sinclair). Trudeau—a determined anti-separatist—helped defeat the French separatist movement. The Trudeau family can be traced to Marcillac-Lanville in France in the 16th century and to a Robert Truteau (1544–1589). In 1967 he toured the French-speaking African nations on behalf of the prime minister, Lester B. Pearson, who had appointed him parliamentary secretary (1966) and minister of justice and attorney general. He Identifies As A Feminist. As a determined antiseparatist, Trudeau in 1970 took a strong stand against terrorists from the Front de Libération du Québec during the October Crisis. He Passed Away in 2000.

Pierre Trudeau interesting facts, biography, family, updates, life, childhood facts, information and more: MA Political Economy, Harvard University , University of Montreal (1943), Institut d'études politiques de Paris (one year), London School of Economics (one year). A lively and informative new podcast for kids that the whole family will enjoy! Justin, who looked up to his father and eventually followed in his political footsteps as Prime Minister, told Liberal. Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau (L) and U.S. President Ronald Reagan walks together 18 July 1981 in Ottawa during the Summit of the leading industrial countries. We would like to express to you our deepest thanks for your contribution. During the next year and a half the prime minister faced a series of no-confidence votes in Parliament, but in the national elections on July 8 the Liberal Party won a clear majority and an increased number of seats in Parliament.

After a series of conservative blunders, Trudeau was returned to power in the general election of 1980. He served on the Privy Council for three years as a desk officer, and in 1950 he helped found the Cité Libre (“Free City”), a monthly critical review. His terms in office were marked by the establishment of diplomatic relations with China (1970) and improved relations with France, the defeat of the French separatist movement, constitutional independence from the British Parliament, and the formation of a new Canadian constitution with the principal additions of a bill of rights and an amending formula. (Getty). The elections of October 1972 left Trudeau and the Liberals much weakened, with a minority government dependent on the coalition support of the New Democratic Party (NDP). In 1980 Trudeau began work on plans to reform Canada’s constitution. Trudeau died on September 28, 2000 in Montreal from prostate cancer.

He was re-elected in 1980 and served until 1984. Canada officially entered World War II on September 10 1939. 2. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, (born October 18, 1919, Montreal, Quebec, Canada—died September 28, 2000, Montreal), Liberal politician and prime minister of Canada (1968–79; 1980–84). Proposed reforms included “patriation” (i.e., that the British Parliament transfer the authority to amend Canada’s constitution to Canada), a charter of human rights, broadened federal economic powers, and institutional changes in federal structures such as the Supreme Court.

As minister of justice, Trudeau won passage of three unpopular social welfare measures—stricter gun-control legislation and reform of the laws regarding abortion and homosexuality. Trudeau often talks about some of the lessons he learned as a child, he told The Star: My father got to introduce us to amazing people,” he said. On October 18, 1919, Pierre Trudeau was born to Grace Elliot and Charles- Emile Trudeau. They are very different individuals and they let each other have their own space. He also had some marital problems. We Found the Biggest Prime Day Bargains for You. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription.

His name was mentioned as a possible Liberal candidate in the 1963 general election, but Liberal leader Lester Pearson's acceptance of nuclear weapons for the Canadian armed forces offended Trudeau, who angrily denounced Pearson. Pierre Trudeau served as the prime minister of Canada from 1968 to 1979 and from 1980 to 1984. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Pierre Trudeau died of prostate cancer on September 28, 2000, in Montreal, Canada. Short Biography. Throughout the 1970s Pierre Trudeau struggled against increasing economic and domestic problems. Trudeau’s publications include La Fédéralisme et la société Canadienne-Française (1967; Federalism and the French Canadians 1968), Les Cheminements de la politique (1970; Approaches to Politics), and Conversations with Canadians (1972). Justin Trudeau, his son, was elected Canada’s Prime Minister just last night. Omissions?

Trudeau's anti-separatist position made him turn his attention toward federal politics. Canadians lay flowers at the Centennial Flame on Parliament Hill in Ottawa as they arrive to pay their respects to former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

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