As PepsiCo continues to grow and evolve, responding to changes in the market and shifting consumer demands, its supply chain has evolved as well. Enlist Your Company ico-arrow-default-right. One of the innovations that PepsiCo is exploring is 3D printing. For instance, some products require cold chain logistics, while others require ingredients sourced from multiple regions around the world. A 24/7 anonymous hotline is available for every partner worldwide. Utilising prescriptive analytics during COVID-19. Thomas uses cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Just in time concept is applicable in non- seasonal period and not applicable in seasonal period. Harnessing the power of data, however, is something every company should already be tapping into. COVID-19 Response: Source manufacturers & distributors providing COVID-19 medical supplies Welcome to Thomas Insights — every day, we publish the latest news and analysis to keep our readers up to date on what’s happening in industry. Pepsi has a global supply chain and it sources raw materials from several nations around the world. Can Your Company Help Provide Critical Supplies? Achieving that requires technological innovation, at scale and across the industry. PepsiCo’s overall philosophy of cooperation, integration, and innovation helps ensure its varied and complex supply chain remains stable, resilient, and flexible. Along with the aforementioned digital tools and tech, Pepsi has been experimenting with 3D printing – even creating several ridged potato-chip prototypes to test preferences among consumers. PepsiCo has been increasingly focused on investing in digital tools and advanced technologies to create a more efficient, streamlined supply chain. In Europe, PepsiCo's territory spans over 50 markets and has over 60 manufacturing plants and hundreds of distribution centres. These noncarbonated products, however, demand more complicated supply chains. Prescriptive analytics has been a core capability for the business, enabling insights on how to optimise the supply chain to influence positive outcomes in the future. Manufacturing Global Magazine is the ‘Digital Community’ for the global Manufacturing industry. Company. By improving ordering algorithms, stores can put in much more accurate orders, accounting for sales histories and purchasing trends. The company has also expanded its product line to include juices and coconut water. To ensure a streamlined, efficient supply chain, PepsiCo taps into lean methodologies – but now every link in its supply chain is being tested.

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