.woocommerce input.button:hover, Find NJ.com/Entertainment on Facebook. #menufication-outer-wrap.light #menufication-non-css3-top #menufication-non-css3-btn:before, "I was filled with nerves and always looking out for things that weren't going smoothly, but when everyone was on their feet and weeping at the end, I was ready to burst from their energy." } And look over there at the green and yellow striped toy soldiers. color: #ffffff; } Click here for the study guide. float: none; Find him on Twitter and Instagram @PatrickJMaley. } .read-more-comment a, In an up-and-down show (literally and otherwise) there's something for everyone, as prescribed. Performances run through Oct. 25. “Paper Mill Playhouse is thrilled to produce two world premieres and a New Jersey premiere as part of our all-musical lineup,” commented Mark S. Hoebee, Producing Artistic Director of the Millburn theater. .woocommerce-page div.product form.cart .button, THE WANDERER May 28–June 28 Book by Charles Messina Choreographed by Sarah O’Gleby Directed by Kenneth Ferone Signature Support: The Blanche & Irving Laurie Foundation, Dion. @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald:100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900|Oswald:100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900|Roboto:100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900&subset=latin,latin-ext,cyrillic,cyrillic-ext,greek-ext,greek,vietnamese); .full-wide-text a, It's important to me that the family feels proud of how we showcase their mother's story," Casamento said.

.social-bottom { Throughout, Gregg Barnes's costumes are an eye-popping mix of fidelity and outrageousness. Join our email list and follow us on social media to receive updates from Paper Mill Playhouse, 22 Brookside Drive .widget-list-small-text a, } submit, Book by Marc Acito Paper Mill Playhouse will open its 2019-2020 season with a highly anticipated new musical about one of the world’s most beloved entertainment icons. This enchanting, Tony-nominated Broadway adaptation of the beloved musical will put a spell on audiences of all ages. .sidebar-list-text a:hover, © 2020 Advance Local Media LLC. (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { Music Adapted & Additional Music by David Libby .woocommerce-page a.button.alt, display: block;

And after the umpteenth gush of smoke, sometimes electrified, Glinda, the Good Witch of the North (a shimmering Judith McCauley), says demurely, "What a smell of sulfur.". .woocommerce a.button.alt, .main-nav .menu li a, overflow: hidden; #sidebar-widget-wrap { .add_to_cart_button, width: 50%; #woo-content h4, width: 25%; Pick up scheduled by appointment. } Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. } "Chasing Rainbows: The Road To Oz" at Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn. width: auto; Login In The Wanderer, the incredible musical journey of a troubled young man turned teenage heartthrob (and, ultimately, rock and roll icon) is told in intimate and no-holds-barred detail. margin-bottom: 44px; Before she burst onto the big screen as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, Judy Garland was a young vaudeville trouper named Frances Gumm.In this highly anticipated new musical chronicling Garland’s early career from vaudeville baby to MGM teen star in the making, the road to Oz is paved with adversity. To learn more go to www.PaperMill.org for tickets, dates, Director’s Viewpoint Series, Conversation Club Series, Q&As with the cast, and more. Add a dash of fairytale romance, magical onstage transformations, and the iconic pumpkin and glass slippers—and you’re guaranteed to have a ball! @media only screen and (max-width: 782px) { Bank of America is the major sponsor for Chasing Rainbows: The Road to Oz. The theater's production notes, acknowledging Eddie Kizer as the Paper Mill's resident pyrotechnician, give assurance that fire officials in Millburn inspected the pillars of fire, the explosives and the flying sparks. .widget-full-list-text a, Click here to download your paperless program. }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); .main-nav-contain, .more-nav-contain, .nav-spacer, #social-nav { } } .featured-multi-sub-text h2, It seems like maybe this is the moment where the show will tackle its inherently thornier issues.

To the extent that the mechanical is mistaken for the magical, the Paper Mill's "Wizard of Oz" is a contemporary manifestation of what passes for wizardry in a synthetic space age. "The Rider musical theatre students are incredibly talented, excited and hungry to learn. } At Paper Mill Playhouse. @media screen and (max-width: 479px) {

m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; The family decides to uproot themselves to California where Frances emerges as the biggest star, takes on a snappier stage name, hustles for an MGM contract, and, well … you know the rest. font-size: 48px; #content-area blockquote p, #sidebar-contain { font-size: 1em; #social-nav:hover { After a decade of writing, perfecting and workshopping, Casamento can hardly believe the road to Oz is nearly complete. background: -moz-linear-gradient(to left, #ffffff, rgba(255,255,255,0)); #search-button { Paper Mill Playhouse will open its 2019-2020 season with a highly anticipated new musical about one of the world’s most beloved entertainment icons.

.woocommerce-page #content div.product form.cart .button:hover,

.woocommerce-page #content input.button:hover, #nav-logo { .woocommerce #respond input#submit:hover, .woocommerce-page button.button.alt:hover, background: -o-linear-gradient(to left, #ffffff, rgba(255,255,255,0));

#mobile-menu-wrap:hover { .main-nav .menu li:hover ul.mega-list li a, #woo-content h1, } #content-area h5, background: #ffffff; .woocommerce #content input.button.alt, "Judy Garland said that her biography was in her music and that idea stuck with me," said Casamento, who has been working diligently for the past eight years to tell Garland's story. #menufication-non-css3-outer-wrap.light #menufication-non-css3-top #menufication-non-css3-btn:before { .theiaPostSlider_nav.fontTheme ._text { span.social-count-num { For tickets and information, visit papermill.org. The farmhouse zooms over the first rows and lands back on stage, in the manner of the Phantom's crashing chandelier. #menufication-non-css3-outer-wrap.light #menufication-top #menufication-btn:before, Book by MARC ACITO

#content-area h6, .woocommerce-page span.onsale, .woocommerce a.button:hover, The story finds Judy first as young Frances Gumm (Sophie Knapp when very young, and then Ruby Rakos as a teenager for most of the show), the youngest of three sisters in a vaudeville act aiming to make it big. In this highly anticipated new musical chronicling Garland’s early career from vaudeville baby to MGM teen star in the making, the road to Oz is paved with adversity. Casamento's career spans more than 30 years in the musical theater industry as a performer, director, casting agent and teacher. To get started, download the app Social Scavenger, then enter the code 19rainbows and play. .woocommerce #content input.button.alt, Ergo. background: #1f4773; a = s.createElement(o), Deloris inspires the sisters with her soulful style, but the church choir’s newfound fame attracts the attention of the bad guys. } At its heart a story of love between a father and daughter, featuring such legendary songs as “Over the Rainbow,” “You Made Me Love You,” and “Everybody Sing,” Chasing Rainbows is a poignant coming-of-age tale about “the little girl with the big voice,” who went on to become one of the world’s most beloved entertainment icons. display: none; Currently closed for in-person transactions.
.main-nav-contain, The moment is full of possibility and drama, but it is fleeting because in the background Judy is taking a phone call which turns out to be MGM offering her a job. } ul.trending-list li a, UNMASKED: The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber January 30–March 1 Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber Written with Richard Curtis Directed by Laurence Connor Choreographed by JoAnn M. Hunter Major Sponsor: JPMorgan Chase & Co. One of the most successful musical theater composers of all time takes audiences on a behind-the-scenes journey in Unmasked: The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. } .woocommerce ul.products li.product .price, border-color: #1f4773 !important; #nav-right, For irresistible disagreeableness, note Elizabeth Franz, swooping (literally and vocally) as the Wicked Witch and making neatly campy transitions from bicycle to broom, before melting. Patrick Maley may be reached at patrickjmaley@gmail.com. The Wizard of Oz (Paper Mill Playhouse Production, 1992) which opened September 9, 1992 with a cast that included Judith McCauley, Michael Hayward-Jones, Eddie Bracken, Toto, Derrick McGinty on Ovrtur, the database of musicals from New York, London and beyond. ul.tabber-header li.active, One name set the standard of cool for a generation. .grid-main-text h2, .woocommerce input.button.alt, .woocommerce-page input.button, ul.tabber-header li:hover, })(window, document, 'script', 'https://google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga'); .woocommerce-page #content input.button.alt, } -- than these words are projected onto a scrim: "Time has been powerless to put its kindly philosophy out of fashion.". Chasing Rainbows is the first show to be endorsed by the Garland family. We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz! #searchform input, } })(); top: 32px !important; To the extent that the mechanical is mistaken for the magical, the Paper Mill's "Wizard of Oz" is a contemporary manifestation of what passes for wizardry in a synthetic space age. Comes the cyclone, the cow flies. #woo-content h5, Tickets available online (https://tickets.papermill.org/). background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to left, #ffffff, rgba(255,255,255,0)); Conceived & Additional Lyrics by Tina Marie Casamento @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { #search-bar, height: 100%;

(i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments) .woocommerce button.button.alt, Judy gets a contract: and immediately all is well.
"Providing real-world experiences is a key component of a Rider education. .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit:hover, “Producing […] Call 973.315.1640 or order online anytime. }

} Chasing Rainbows' run at the Paper Mill Playhouse coincides with the 80th anniversary of The Wizard of Oz. #nav-logo a img { body.home #head-wrap {

} #woo-content h2, font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif; Click the help icon above to learn more. "It's not the story everyone thinks it is. .home-widget-list-text a, } .content-out-nav, And Casamento is proud to provide students with the opportunity to sit in on Chasing Rainbows' final dress rehearsal before its opening night at the Papermill Playhouse. } Featuring hits  “Over the Rainbow,” “I Can’t Give You Anything but Love” and “Broadway Rhythm,” the score has been reimagined for a contemporary audience by Casamento's husband, composer and musical arranger David Libby. } .main-nav .menu li ul.sub-menu, m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)

.woocommerce-page .woocommerce-product-rating .star-rating, .main-nav .menu li .mega-dropdown, color: #1f4773; .woocommerce .woocommerce-result-count, #sidebar-scroll-wrap, #menufication-outer-wrap.light #menufication-top #menufication-btn:before, .story-contain-text h2, display: inline-block; color: #f80000; } Some smoke arises after Judy lands at MGM and waffles in the background of movie ensembles mostly because she is in “an awkward ugly duckling phase.” The studio’s big boss Louis Mayer (Stephen DeRosa) keeps threatening to fire her, but that danger is just as hollow as his initial disinterest in producing “The Wizard of Oz” and the subsequent tension over the script and directors: history tells us that this all works out just fine, and the show does not do enough to cultivate any drama worth caring about. .woocommerce-page a.button, Paper Mill Playhouse recently announced casting for its season opener Chasing Rainbows: The Road to Oz.

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