1875. The 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act would go on to ban immigration by Chinese men as well. 141.-An act supplementary to the acts in relation to immigration. [25] Also, "the appearance of the body and clothing supposedly offered a range of possible clues about inner character, on which some officials drew when trying to differentiate prostitutes from real wives. With a SensagentBox, visitors to your site can access reliable information on over 5 million pages provided by Sensagent.com. "[26] In addition to all the questioning that took place in regard to a woman's character, there were also detailed questions about Chinese women's fathers and husbands. Do you intend to live a virtuous life in the United States? Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in determining whether the immigration of any subject of [5] However, anti-Chinese sentiment could already be found in discriminatory laws in 1852 that limited Chinese possibilities. "Polygamy, Prostitution, and the Federalization of Immigration Law", "Ulysses S. Grant: Seventh Annual Message December 7, 1875", "How Trump's 'Shithole Countries' Comment Echoes a Century of American Immigration Policy", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Page_Act_of_1875&oldid=975504126, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. President Grant reaffirmed the United States bearing regarding the immigration of women originating from the Far East.[7]. ), University of California Hastings College of the Law, Guide to Internet Resources on Racism, Race, and American Law. [28] Men, on the other hand, faced more lenient restriction practices and were not required to "carry photographs, nor to match photographs that had been sent in advance to San Francisco Port authorities. 0000002202 00000 n [26] Chinese women were subject to this method of identification prior to any other immigrant group because of the "threat of their sexuality to the United States. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Company Information 0000001369 00000 n [6], In 1875, President Ulysses Grant delivered a Seventh Annual Message to the United States Senate and House of Representatives. 2005): 641-716. Do you go to the United States for the purposes of prostitution? [13] Furthermore, the polygamy, prostitution, and subjugation of women that the Chinese men practiced made Congress believe that they were unfit for self-governance or assimilation. [9] Enforcement of the Page Act resulted not only in the reduction of prostitutes but also the “virtually complete exclusion of Chinese women from the United States”. Do you know that you are at liberty now to go to the United States, or remain in your own country, and that you cannot be forced to go away from your home? [19], The Chinese women who “passed” these questions according to the American consul were then sent to be interrogated by the harbor master of the British colonial government. CH. 0000001152 00000 n [24] Also, “the appearance of the body and clothing supposedly offered a range of possible clues about inner character, on which some officials drew when trying to differentiate prostitutes from real wives. [8] Both Chinese male “coolies” and Chinese female prostitutes were linked to slavery, which added to the American animosity toward them since slavery and involuntary servitude was abolished in 1865. Once on board the ship, the women were questioned again. © Powered by Mynd Integrated Solutions 2020 copyrights - All rights reserved. What is to be your occupation there? This fear became concentrated on Chinese women, because some white Americans believed that germs and disease could most easily be transmitted to white men through labor of Chinese prostitutes. 0000001746 00000 n [11], Furthermore, the American Medical Association believed that Chinese immigrants “carried distinct germs to which they were immune, but from which whites would die if exposed”. [14] Some Chinese men had a wife as well as a concubine, usually a lower class woman obtained through purchase and recognized as a legal member of the family. [19] He would ask the women the same questions in an effort to catch liars, but if the women were approved they were then allowed to board the steamer to America. 28 0 obj <> endobj [18] The declaration was then sent to the Tung Wah Hospital Committee who would do a careful examination and then report back to Bailey about the character of each woman. [31] In 1882 alone, during the few months before the enactment of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and the beginning of its enforcement, 39,579 Chinese entered the U.S., only 136 of them women. The first year that Bailey was assigned to differentiate wives from prostitutes he did not yet have the assistance of the Tung Wah Hospital Committee, and 173 women were allowed to sail to California, he was disappointed with that figure and granted only 77 women passage in 1877. [26] Chinese women had to demonstrate that they grew up in respectable families and that their husbands could afford to support them in the United States. [20], The Chinese women who "passed" these questions according to the American consul were then sent to be questioned by the harbor master on duty. Are you a virtuous woman? The Page Act of 1875 ( Immigration Act) FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. What are you going to the United States for? 0000000016 00000 n [33] Not until after World War II was an appropriate sex balance established, because between 1946 and 1952 almost 90% of all Chinese immigrants were women. [12] California state laws could not exclude women for being Chinese, so they were crafted as regulations of public morals, yet the laws were still struck down as “impermissible encroachment on federal immigration power". Your name. Are you married or single? [22] Upon their arrival in San Francisco, Colonel Bee, the American consul for the Chinese would observe the documents with photographs of each woman included and ask her the same questions she had heard in Hong Kong. Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. Enter your details below to subscribe to our email newsletter. The English word games are: Add new content to your site from Sensagent by XML. "[26] Bodily clues used to examine Chinese women included bound feet, “prettiness, youth, demeanor,” and how they walked. [5] They intended to make money in the United States and then return to their country, so even though more than half had wives and families, they stayed in China. trailer See if you can get into the grid Hall of Fame ! Have you lived in a house of prostitution in Hong Kong, Macao, or China? 0000002522 00000 n [24], Photographs were used as a means to identify the Chinese women through each stage of the examination process in order to ensure that unqualified women would not be substituted for a woman who was properly questioned at any point in time. 141, 18 Stat. Both Chinese male "coolies" and Chinese female prostitutes were linked to slavery, which added to the American animosity toward them since slavery and involuntary servitude was abolished in 1865. [6] Without enough money to send for their wives, a prostitution industry developed in the male Chinese immigrant community and became a serious issue to white Americans living in San Francisco. <<5AAB95BE0AF7124AA9522EDD5096D5F2>]>> Do you wish of your own free and voluntary will to go to the United States? Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of L.A. Di, Cookies help us deliver our services. Each square carries a letter. Therefore, these women were subject to this because officials "accepted that male intentions and actions were more likely to determine a woman's sexual future than her own actions and intentions". ○   Lettris "[25] In addition to all the questioning that took place in regard to a woman’s character, there were also in depth questions about Chinese women’s fathers and husbands. [16] However, the Page Law sailed through Congress without any expressed concerns of having a federal law that racially restricted immigration or violated the Burlingame Treaty of 1868 (which allowed free migration and emigration of Chinese people) because Americans were focused on protecting the social ideals of marriage and morality.[17]. [34] According to historian George Peffer, "all the evidence suggests that the women who survived this ordeal were most likely the wives of Chinese laborers" because they would have possessed the determination needed to endure the questioning, while importers of prostitutes "might have been reluctant to risk prosecution". [12] This fear became concentrated on Chinese women, because some white Americans believed that germs and disease could most easily be transmitted to white men through sexual labor of Chinese prostitutes. In the 2011 Australian census the population of Page was 2,880 when there were 1,571 Females and 1,309 Males living there with a median age of 39. [12], Furthermore, the American Medical Association believed that Chinese immigrants "carried distinct germs to which they were immune, but from which whites would die if exposed". The law was named after its sponsor, Representative Horace F. Page, a Republican who introduced it to "end the danger of cheap Chinese labor and immoral Chinese women". 28 11 Many believed that “virtually all immigrant Chinese women were enslaved prostitutes”. 0000000879 00000 n Shop 2-4 Page Place, Page ACT 2614 Phone 02 62547969 Opening hours Monday – Saturday: 9am – 8pm Sunday: 10am – 6pm . [24] The entire process was "shaped by the larger, explicit assumption" that Chinese women, like Chinese men were dishonest. 0 In addition, the day before a ship sailed to America, Chinese women reported to the American consul for a series of questioning which included the following questions: Have you entered into contract or agreement with any person or persons whomsoever, for a term of service, within the United States for lewd and immoral purposes?

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