There is a true life story, about a little boy at the time called Richard. A ghostly woman in black reportedly walks down the staircase, while bottles and glasses fall from the shelves without just cause. The psychical research team BSIG spent a night on the site; they documented EVP and witnessed a previously locked door swing open. He is thought to have died in the cellar in a fire, where heavy barrels are now heard moving across the floor late at night. Date / Time: 1820 onwards Further Comments: This phantom figure (who looks like Dick Turpin) stands at the end of the bar and has been mistaken for a paying customer. There were no live actors and it was free of charge. Pictures would be great too! Type: Haunting Manifestation It seems an especially fertile spirit-hunting ground as essentially every kind of paranormal experience has been allegedly witnessed here, from reports of ghostly shapes and disembodied voices to foreboding feelings and EVPs. Teenagers worldwide experiment with the tale of "Bloody Mary". Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Further Comments: A former occupier of this house claimed lights would flick on and off, a dark figure could be seen, and covers forcefully removed off the bed.

If you walk around it 3 times saying "Mr. Apple are you home" or "Mr. Apple, can your daughter come out to play? Beginning with just one building holding ninety-five patients, the hospital quickly expanded over the years to include twenty additional buildings by 1930, holding over 2,200 patients. That happened about 10-12 years after the hospital closed. Among the numerous paranormal groups that have investigated the property, the Ghost Hunters visited there in May 2010, and recorded a few interesting experiences, including allegedly seeing various odd shadows, hearing multiple creepy noises and encountering objects that randomly moved. Location: Norwich - The Bridge House public house (currently the Lollard's Pit), Riverside Road Over the decades, more building were added and the property was expanded; at its peak, the campus was over 470 acres and included over 30 buildings, many of which were connected by underground tunnels. The hospital's population started with a few dozen declared by the courts to be "criminally insane," but steadily grew to the point that at various times there were hundreds of patients (murderers, drug addicts, violent offenders, etc.) Location: Norwich - Maddermarket Theatre It was speculated that the haunting was caused by a Victorian woman who was murdered near the site. Location: Norwich - Cupit (or Curat) House (town centre) Type: Haunting Manifestation A shadowy figure was also reported to lurk on the staircase. Date / Time: Third week of November, 1889 onwards Date / Time: 1997 Here are photos of the haunted house which gave homage to the former Norwich State Hospital. Mohegan Sun recently had a haunted house called “The Asylum” in the concourse near the shops at the Casino of the Sky. If you have any stories you could share please feel free to email me at

Location: Norwich - Maid's Head Hotel
Here are photos of the haunted house which gave homage to the former Norwich State Hospital. Unfortunately her victory would be short lived. Type: Haunting Manifestation These new construction projects included patient wards, staff cottages, laboratories and workshops. There was fencing all around not only the property but going across the train tracks and the road. Location: Norwich - Elm Hill Hauntworld rates and reviews more haunted houses than any other website on the web now featuring over 200 haunted house reviews and over 5000 haunted attractions.

More recently, the EDP's Weird Norfolk team reported an exorcism had been performed in the shop in the 1980 and that, perhaps other than one recent fleeting encounter, the haunting has all but ceased. Date / Time: Twentieth century Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Date / Time: Twentieth century

May 6, (THAINDIAN NEWS) The Norwich State Hospital, built in 1904, has a reputation of being a very haunted building. Norwich State Hospital is considered to be one of the most active sites in the United States today when it comes to the subject of haunted hospitals. Type: Haunting Manifestation

Date / Time: Early eighteenth century

However, none disrupt the stories of its haunted status.

Richard was baker/acted into the Waverly Hills Sanatorium WHGC way back in 1967. Date / Time: Twentieth century

Location: Norwich - Henry's (formally the Lamb Inn) Further Comments: Last seen sitting on a chair by a window, this friendly phantom is thought to be John Aggas, a former landlord who was murdered by his brother in law. A hot water heater explosion in 1919 killed two employees; another employee was killed trying to cross the road; a nurse killed herself at her home; multiple patients died during their sentences or while undergoing treatment. don't know why, just want to.

Further Comments: Local press reported at the time that the manager would hear men's voices in the building although no other people were present. Further Comments: The first ghost sighting here dates back to 1820 when several prisoners were scared 'half to death' by something indescribable.

Type: Haunting Manifestation The Remains Of This Abandoned Connecticut Hospital Will Haunt Your Dreams Opened in 1904 to house the mentally ill, the Norwich State Hospital closed its doors in 1996. Further Comments: The ghost which haunts the nearby Augustine Steward House has also been seen here, her grey form drifting around, the legs fading away just below the knee. The Norwich Insane Asylum was built isolated from civilization, which worked to its benefit as it began to grow during its early years sprouting new buildings that accompanied the original construction (see aerial view of the hospital here). I'd love to go there and take a look, I love places like this.. Could you just walk in there? Even in the mourge.Rumor is there actually tearing it down soon :(.

view the whole Norfolk listing or the paranormal hotspots page. I had HIV for 6 years and i never thought I would ever get a cure I had and this made it impossible for me to get married to the man I was supposed to get married to even after 2 years of relationship he broke up with me when he finds out I was HIV positive. However, Ardmore, Oklahoma has Mr. Apple. Christened as the Norwich State Hospital for the Insane, it originally was comprised of two buildings for patients and a cottage for doctors. One of the most haunted buildings on campus is the Bittersweet House. Date / Time: Late twentieth century Location: Norwich - Samson and Hercules House

Type: Haunting Manifestation

Security guards patrolling the property have reported beeping sounds in the rooms where lobotomies were performed. One of the most notorious buildings was Salmon Hall, which was the maximum-security facility and where some of the most dangerous residents were kept. Her grey ghost haunts both the Augustine Steward House and the Tombland alleyway. Really great video! Date / Time: 1970s Location: Norwich - Wild Man (aka Wildman) public house Unfortunately, a girl in the house had survived; unable to escape, she starved to death.

Christened as the Norwich State Hospital for the Insane, it originally was comprised of two buildings for patients and a cottage for doctors. Type: Haunting Manifestation My son will be 2 soon and I am grateful to God and thankful to his medicine too.Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Disease…Alzheimer’s disease,Bechet’s disease,Crohn’s disease,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,siva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity.

Further Comments: A former staff member claimed to have seen a young boy run across the bar area and disappear up the staircase, though no trace of him could be found. As you might imagine, because of the numerous horrors and untimely deaths, many believe the property to be haunted. They also say the child had entities all around him while in his stay. So much tragic history in those places. Consequently, it comes as no surprise that the grounds are purported to be haunted by the tortured souls who were sent there seeking better health but instead found eternal pain.

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