Grabowski. Paper presented at the International Association of Agricultural Economists 2006 Annual Meeting, August 12–18, Queensland, Australia. Governing Agricultural Sustainability: Global Lessons from GM Crops. Consumers and new food technologies. Evenson, R.E., and D. Gollin. Gruère, G.P. The possibilities are endless. Despite higher harvesting costs and the expense of the technology fee, Kniss found that the net economic return to growers of HR sugar beet was $576/hectare more than that of growers of non-GE sugar beet. It is an effective way to treat genetic disorders in the general population. This technology has many potential applications . Feder, G., R.E. A way also has to be found to identify and select those cells in which the new gene has been inserted and to dispose of all cells that do not contain this gene. Any genetic mutation caused by environmental mutagens may also be corrected through genetic engineering. When area planted with bananas in the country was taken into consideration, the results implied that the total cost of development, including regulatory costs and technology transfer, cannot be higher than $108 million for Ugandan farmers to adopt the GE banana. By a stroke of good luck, they just happened to have some blood sera from people who were allergic to Brazil Nuts, and they decided to test these beans on it. The latter would affect the revenue stream for the private-sector developers. Sometimes, this can cause side effects. 1981. Has associated consequences and possible irreversible effects Even scientists themselves believe that genetic engineering can have irreversible side effects, especially with hereditarily modified genes. (2012) warned that weed management in agriculture demands the need for knowledge-intensive approaches among farmers. The Food Manufacturing Industries: Structure, Strategies, Performance, and Policies. Rufino, M.T. Research is also needed to determine whether and to what degree genetic-engineering technology in general or specific GE traits contribute to farmer deskilling. AgBioForum 14:35–46. Smyth, K. Belcher, P.W.B. In the biomedical field, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognized that the goal of commercialization could conflict with the broad dissemination of research findings and research tools and established a policy for its grant recipients to promote the sharing of findings and tools (NIH, 1999). Chapter 14 in Land Tenure Reform in Asia and Africa: Assessing Impacts on Poverty and Natural Resource Management, S.T. Hallman. The number of independent smallholder farmers cultivating cotton (Bt or non-Bt) in the Makhathini Flats fell from 2,260 in 2007–2008 to 210 in 2009–2010 (Gouse, 2009, 2012). Private ordering and public energy innovation policy. The higher price of GE seed and access to credit may have been important barriers—among other institutional issues—for some of these farmers to adopt the GE crops that have been commercially available since the 1990s. Research Tools Policies and Practices: Perspective of a Public Institution. In the first child the Promoter gene accompanying the therapeutic gene had landed square in the middle of an Oncogene called LMO-2, and turned it permanently on. GM banana in Uganda: Social benefits, costs, and consumer perceptions.

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