Warner Bros. Records veröffentlichte Moondance am 28. April 2020 um 21:27 Uhr bearbeitet. Definition of moondance in the Definitions.net dictionary. Moondance by Michael Buble and Van Morrison (Apr 25, 2013) Moondance by Karen M. Black (Dec 14, 2012) Moondance (Moonbear) by Frank Asch (Aug 19, 2014) Moondance (Horses of Half-Moon Ranch) by Jenny Oldfield (Apr 19, 2001) Moondance by Stephen Lawrence (Nov 20, 2012) Moondance in Red (Moondance Trilogy) (Volume 1) by Salem Archer (Jun 12, 2014) “Into the Mystic” is the heart of Moondance; the music unfolds with a classic sense of timing, guitar strums fading into watery notes on a piano, the bass counting off the pace. The lines of the song and Morrison’s delivery of them are gorgeous: “I want to rock your gypsy soul/Just like in the days of old/And magnificently we will fold/Into the mystic.” The transcendent purity of the imagery seems to turn endlessly, giving back one’s own reflection. It reached the US Billboard Hot 100, charting at number 92. Feds Shot Portland Antifa Suspect Without Identifying Themselves, Eyewitnesses Claim, Flashback: Van Halen Play ‘Panama’ at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards, Stevie Nicks Joins TikTok, Nods to Viral ‘Dreams’ Challenge, Stevie Wonder Releases First New Music in 15 Years, Jerry Lee Lewis Announces 85th Birthday Livestream With Elton John, Bill Clinton, More, ‘RS Interview: Special Edition’ With Gina McCarthy, Watch BTS’ Illusionary ‘Home’ Performance on ‘Fallon’. Van Morrison’s music cannot really be imitated, because, as with Dylan’s music, what one hears is not style, but personality. Das Album feiert das ländliche Leben mit Geschichten vom unschuldigen Aufwachsen auf dem Land. Alle Songs stammen aus der Feder von Van Morrison. With each record — Them Again, Astral Weeks, or Moondance — one gets a sense that Van has achieved some ancient familiarity with his band and with his songs; no matter how the music changes, the long inventions of Van’s singing, his full command of the musicians that play with him, and the striking imagination of a consciousness that is visionary in the strongest sense of the word create an atmosphere that instantly sets its own terms. Van Morrison plays on. Moondance is an album of musical invention and lyrical confidence; the strong moods of “Into the Mystic” and the fine, epic brilliance of “Caravan” will carry it past many good records we’ll forget in the next few years. Van’s more abstract songs are mosiacs of brilliantly chosen metaphors — ambiguous and instantly recognizable. Morrison did not release the song as a single until November 1977, seven and a half years after the album was released.

With “Caravan” one might begin to remember the early Impressions: that instantaneous aura of fantasy and desire that Curtis Mayfield created for “Gypsy Woman” tumbles down again as a fanfare on piano and the roll of drums and guitar open a composition of seductive grandeur. Sie wurden auch von zahlreichen anderen Künstlern gecovert.

The band’s performance has a stately brilliance; and if it recaptures some of the feeling of the earlier music, the past is serving as a rite of passage toward the celebrations of Moondance. document.write('

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Want more Rolling Stone? Perhaps “Glad Tidings,” which ends Moondance, is the song that most makes one want to come back to this album without even thinking about it. In This Article: Lieder wie And It Stoned Me, Caravan und Into the Mystic werden gemischt mit zarten Balladen wie Crazy Love und Moondance. 1984 erschien das Album erstmals auf CD. [7][8] Die Website Pitchfork wählte Caravan auf Platz 181 der 200 besten Songs der 1970er Jahre. “Glad Tidings” is a vital, leaping promenade through the streets of the town; fast, clean rock and roll moves it along as striking horns guide the song, until they cue the chorus into an explosion of real joy: “Yeah, we’ll send you glad tidings/From New York/Do Do Do Doot Do Do/ Open up your eyes that you may see/ Do Do Do Doot Do Do/Ask you not to read between the lines/Hoping that you come right in on time.”. Meaning of moondance.

All lyrics provided for educational purposes only. Long ago, Van Morrison reached that point where the influences on his music no longer mattered. We want to hear from you! All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. adunit_id: 100001411, Information and translations of moondance in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. It is as pointless to attempt to detect those influences as it would be for any musician to try to imitate him. Erstmals agierte Van Morrison selbst als Musikproduzent, unterstützt wurde er von Lewis Merenstein, welcher bereits den Vorgänger Astral Weeks produzierte. Van Morrison’s 1968 album Astral Weeks has long been considered one of the greatest recordings of the rock era, and “Cyprus Avenue” is its central song. “Let it run all over me …” — you feel the exhilaration almost with a sense of astonishment. Morrison communicates directly even when he is most obscure; his visions have power, and the ambiguity of that vision is always unified by the sympathy of the music — there is no “back-up band” on Moondance anymore than there is on “Lay Lady Lay.” Something’s been made; it stands, it won’t be broken down. Van Morrison Fans Also Like: Beatles song meanings Bob Dylan song meanings Neil Young song meanings Pink Floyd song meanings Led Zeppelin song meanings … Es vereint die Stilrichtungen des Rhythm and Blues, Folk, Pop und Soul, wobei auch Einflüsse aus dem Jazz zu erkennen sind, besonders im Titelsong. Everyone wurde für die Schlussszene und den Abspann von Wes Andersons Film Die Royal Tenenbaums benutzt. What does moondance mean? Dennoch gehören beide Lieder mittlerweile zum Standardrepertoire vieler Classic-Rock-Radiosender. Das Magazin Rolling Stone führt Moondance auf Platz 66 der 500 besten Alben aller Zeiten. Unlike Van’s masterful Astral Weeks, this one will be immensely popular; Van’s picture already fills the windows of record stores and his new music is getting more airplay on FM stations than anything in recent memory. song: "Moondance", })(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "Moondance" is slang for the Mooning body part moving up and down during an romp in the hay. “Otherwise it’d be too much to take.”. Van Morrison’s music cannot really be imitated, because, as with Dylan’s music, what one hears is not style, but personality. [9] 2001 wurde Moondance vom US-amerikanischen Fernsehsender VH1 auf Platz 32 der 100 besten Alben aller Zeiten gewählt. Hintergrund. var opts = { Moondance ist das dritte Soloalbum des nordirischen Sängers und Songwriters Van Morrison und wurde im Februar 1970 veröffentlicht. Send us a tip using our anonymous form. Morrison’s powers are clear: his strong gift for melody, his ability to move freely within virtually any sort of contemporary instrumentation, his verbal magic as inventive and literate as Dylan’s, and most of all, the authenticity of his spirit. artist: "Van Morrison", Zeitgleich erschien auch die „Deluxe Edition“. Am 22. (function() { Mandy Moore, Van Morrison. The single's B-side, "Cold Wind in August", had been released in the same year, on his latest album at the time, A Period of Transition. Moondance wurde als Unterlegung einer Liebesszene im Film American Werewolf verwendet. A graceful soprano saxophone holds notes behind Van’s words: “Now, the caravan is painted red and white/That means everyone is staying overnight …”, “It’s a good thing he doesn’t have much stage presence,” said a friend after watching Van perform this song. Song meanings ©2003-2020 lyricinterpretations.com.

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. Das Album wurde in die 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die aufgenommen. After recording his commercially unsuccessful 1968 album Astral Weeks, Morrison moved with his wife to an artistic hamlet in upstate New York and began writing songs for Moondance.There, he met the musicians he would record the album with at New York City's A & R Studios in 1969. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out, Kompletter Text der Fabel auf dem LP-Cover, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Moondance&oldid=199281185, Mehrfach-Platin-Album (Vereinigte Staaten), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Die zwei bekanntesten Titel auf dem Album, der Titelsong und Into The Mystic, verkauften sich als Single nur mäßig, wobei Moondance Platz 92 erreichte und Into The Mystic überhaupt nicht platziert war. The album's musical style blends R&B, folk rock, country rock, and also jazz (most obviously on the title track).. Oktober 2013 brachte Warner die „Expanded Edition“ auf den Markt, welche neben einem neuen Remaster von Moondance auch bislang unveröffentlichte Studioaufnahmen aus dem Zeitraum September bis Dezember 1969 sowie eine Coverversion von Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out auf einer Bonus-CD enthält.
[6] Into the Mystic belegt Platz 474 und Moondance Platz 231 der 500 besten Songs aller Zeiten. Moondance hatte seine höchste Chartplatzierung als Nummer 29 der Billboard-Pop-Album-Charts, während die einzige Hitsingle Come Running Platz 39 der Pop-Single-Charts erreichte. Moondance is the third studio album by Northern Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison.

Van opens with “And It Stoned Me,” a tale of boys out for a day’s freedom, standing in the rain with eyes and mouths open, heads bent back: “Oh, the water, let it run all over me …” The sensuality of this song is overpowering, communicated with a classical sort of grace. Februar 1970 auf Langspielplatte. © Copyright 2020 Rolling Stone, LLC, a subsidiary of Penske Business Media, LLC. Sign up for our newsletter. "Moondance" is the song that Van Morrison plays most frequently in concert.

Moondance is his first album in over a year. “And it stoned me/To my soul/Stoned me just like jelly roll …” There is no strain for meaning in Van’s words or in his voice. Der Song Glad Tidings wurde im Finale der fünften Staffel von Die Sopranos gespielt. Moondance ist das dritte Soloalbum des nordirischen Sängers und Songwriters Van Morrison und wurde im Februar 1970 veröffentlicht. “Caravan” is a strange song; the images are easily real and the music is profoundly comforting, yet there’s the edge of a story here that fades without ever revealing all it has to tell. Zudem liegt Moondance in hochauflösender Audioqualität und 5.1-Raumklang auf Blu-ray Disc bei. Den Anfang macht And It Stoned Me, das die Stimmung für das Album vorgibt, indem es von der nostalgischen Trauer nach dem Verlassen der ländlichen Umgebung erzählt. Like the other songs on Astral Weeks, it has an unusual musical arrangement. “Now the caravan has all friends/Yes, they’ll stay with me until the end … Gypsies … tell me all I need to know …” Woven between the fragments and framed by the textures of the horn section is a love tale, drawn with blazing imagination: “Turn up your radio/And let me/Hear the song/Turn on your electric light/So we can get down/To what is really wrong.” The singer moves from the gypsy campfire to his lover and back again, with a lovely sort of affection.

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