In December 2018, Merck KGaA reassigned to Precigen exclusive chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) development rights that were part of … See more in Merck's comprehensive reports and financials. In the third quarter of 2019, sales of the Performance Materials business sector decreased by –6.9% to € 583 million (Q3 2018: € 626 million). Select 'Show All Results' link to see additional results. To this day, the founding family remains the majority owner of the publicly listed company. {{ search.results.length }} matching results. In early October, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, acquired FloDesign Sonics of the United States, which has a unique acoustic cell processing platform for the industrialization of cell and gene therapy manufacturing. )+[a-z]{2,63}/i);}, failureMessage: "Value must not contain any URL's"});field11.add(Validate.Presence, {failureMessage:"This field is required"});field11.add(Validate.Length, {tooShortMessage:"Invalid length for field value", tooLongMessage: "Invalid length for field value", minimum: 4, maximum: 4});function handleFormSubmit(ele) { var submitButton = ele.querySelector('input[type=submit]'); var spinner = document.createElement('span'); spinner.setAttribute('class', 'loader'); submitButton.setAttribute('disabled', true); = 'wait'; submitButton.parentNode.appendChild(spinner); return true; }function resetSubmitButton(e){ var submitButtons ='submit-button'); for(var i=0;i

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