KISS principle variants in history Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) once said: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath whose interests included painting, inventing things, science, music, and mathematics. Translating this principle into business practices in general and, in particular, marketing communication, KISS means exactly the same thing as it did in the U.S. Navy, it is better to keep it simple. According to a Harvard Business Review research article, the biggest driver behind a consumer’s decision to purchase is simplicity. No one wants to wade through our version of, So here are just three ideas to help you write more polished and professional business documents, all according to my version of the. Does your company have a standard email signature that everyone must use? You can obviously look up words in a dictionary or thesaurus, but why would you? Subscriptions to e-marketing lists are an obvious way of using email to communicate, but businesses shouldn’t forget the power of personal communications via email. I am not saying “dumb it down,” but I am saying write as you might speak. In a nutshell, this design principle advocates the simplification of processes and systems, whatever they are and whoever designs them. Eric Berne had put forth a theory which says that a personality has thr… The reason, most of the times, is that they cannot find what they are looking for in a way that is very simple to understand. Translating this principle into business practices in general and, in particular, marketing communication, KISS means exactly the same thing as it did in the U.S. Navy, it is better to keep it simple. If they’re all nurses or other caregivers, they’re likely used to dealing with emotions, so you wouldn’t want to come across as cold and uncaring. Once businesses understand the large scale of communications activities, they can choose the tools most effective for their product and audience. No. Think about your reader(s). When challenged by the competition, a smart salesperson can shoot from the hip and make a bundle even in a tight market contains ________, To enhance the readability of your document, use a margin that aligns lines ________. Keep It Simple Stupid Principle: The "keep it simple stupid" (KISS) principle is a design rule that states that systems perform best when they have simple designs rather than complex ones. ADVERTISEMENTS: Thus we can divide communication into two broad categories: 1. emotions, so you wouldn’t want to come across as cold and uncaring. And why would you want your readers to have to? Hence, communicating assertively starts with thinking assertively. As a business writer, you must make your messages clear. One way to achieve clarity is to apply the KISS formula, which stands for ________ . But also remember that other people’s voices matter too, and instead of always focusing on your opinion, take a minute to actively listen to understand what they have to say. It’s impossible to unring a bell. You can check this in Word if you have the grammar check enabled, which I think we all do. Based in Washington, D.C., Nikki Willoughby has been writing since 1996. When I teach my “Brush Up on Your Business Writing Skills” workshop, I often refer to the KISS acronym — my version of it, anyway. Business messages should be. 6 Steps for dealing with conflict (Second 3), 6 Steps for dealing with conflict (First 3), Listen to ensure you understand the problem, here a subcommittee investigates and makes a recommendation for action, Authoritative Rule with Discussion as a Method of Decision Making, Here the leader, boss, or manager listens to member ideas but the final decision is theirs, Members negotiate to reach a middle position which often requires compromise, they should be viewed as opportunities to demonstrate leadership, communication skills, and problem solving skills, How many participants should be invited to a meeting, parts of being a productive participant (part 1), parts of being a productive participant (part 2), parts of being a productive participant (part 3), use electronic devices only for meeting related tasks, 3 quarters of high quality communication involves listening. Say: "Excuse me, I don't mean to ruin the mood and I know the movie is interesting, but I cannot hear half of what is being said when you are talking to your friend. Vision statements are not usually quantifiable because as long as your company is in business, you are still working to achieve that vision. d.  What do you want the reader to do after reading your document? ), so you would want to double-check all your facts (maybe triple-check them). After all, who does not appreciate information when it comes to making an informed decission? Head of Academic and Government Marketing, LinkedIn Learning at LinkedIn. The average number of words per sentence should be about 17 for regular material, and no: This doesn’t mean every sentence should be that. Keep It Short and Simple. Topics: b. Employees are invited to attend a special luncheon, Best thing you can do during a brainstorming session, shows how every item at every level relates to the whole, uses roman numerals, letters and numbers to show major and minor ideas, presents main idea after details, explanation and evidence, presents main idea first then details, explanation and evidence. Headings can be an effective tool to highlight information, improve readability, and ________, When proofreading a document, you will check all of the following for errors except ________. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Highlights in a simple way why should she continue navigating through the business website. c.  Does the document need to be more or less formal? By using this site, you agree to this use. Why? If they’re all CPAs or engineers, for example, they’re very likely detail-oriented (we sure hope so! One way to achieve clarity is to apply the KISS formula, which stands for _____ . If we were to ask you to think about a company that embodies the KISS spirit, chances are that we would think about the same company – Apple. “As we've all experienced, it's easy to be aggressive, and possibly frustrating to be passive. Kolovou laid out a simple three-step formula you can use again and again, particularly when you disagree with someone or you want to share a new opinion. You can check this in Word if you have the grammar check enabled, which I think we all do. Use regular words that are in everyday use. What do you think?”. The research suggests that shifting the orientation toward decision simplicity requires marketers to rethink how they craft their marketing communications. The KISS acronym originated around 1960 and is credited to the aeronautics pioneer Kelly Johnson,1 who used it as a central design principle for Lockheed Skunk Works engineers.

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