But guys. I’m not saying its a big deal because of the total number of infections or the total number of deaths. Others are hedging their bets, hoarding supplies in the hope of somehow surviving. Even Austrialian prime minister Julia Gillard got in on the act this week, issuing a spoof ‘end of the world’ TV broadcast to promote a radio breakfast show. According to others, you can dodge oblivion by moving to Pic de Bugarach in the Pyrénées, where extra-terrestrials will emerge from the mountaintop and rescue everyone in the French village. I’m saying it’s a big deal because of its effect on the economy. But it’s definitely December. In the Philippines, the military is in the streets. Instead of appealing to our normal audience, this article is a call out to everyone. This virus is a big deal. Take this seriously. However, now it really perhaps IS the end of the world as we know it, due to Covid-19, I cannot help but disagree with the last bit. Its a really, really big deal. Technologist and sceptic Ben Hammersley, editor-at-large at Wired magazine, has another idea. It's the [G] end of the [D] world as we [Am] know it It's the [G] end of the [D] world as we [Am] know it It's the [G] end of the [D] world as we [Am] know it and I feel [C] fine [G] six o clock, TV hour, Don't get caught in foreign tower [C] Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself churn [G] Lock him in uniform and book burning blood letting Armed. [email protected], If you want to rank your page or site on the top pages of …, Mobile phones have placed the entire internet directly in our pockets. ‘Still, as people seem quite keen on running their lives on Bronze Age eschatologies, the one based on sweetcorn and blood sacrifices does seem the most fun.’, He added: ‘The whole thing is so much bulls**t, it’s beyond a joke.’. It's the end of the world as we know it And I feel fine. ‘I always thought the Mayan prophecy was a plot by Prince Philip to distract us from the lizard-illuminati takeover,’ he told Metro, referring to the conspiracy theory espoused by David Icke that we’re ruled by a royal family of reptiles. The Spanish government is feeling a little worse than that, at an estimation of 80% of the population of Madrid getting sick (Source). I’m saying i’ts a big deal because of the panic in the streets. The website was formed with the goal of delivering non-biased and truthful technology news. Although the tech industries (and just about every other field) is in sharp decline, the telemedicine and teleconferencing industries are actually doing pretty well right now, for obvious reasons. ‘They are there fearing the end of the world, but almost certainly drove there in a car in which they were much more likely to die. We are looking at the real possibility of losing everyone we know that is already sick from unrelated illnesses. Several world governments, including the United States of America, are considering shelving privacy rights, and are in talks with huge tech companies in a bid to access smartphone location data to help stop the spread of this disease. There are checkpoints all over the country. Scary times indeed! We get very excited when a century ends. Because actually, I do not "feel fine" and I don't think Michael Stipe would either, if like me, he had been locked in the house for a whole month with just my mam for company! There is data that shows that this virus can live on surfaces (and be infectious) for up to 4 days. Mr Molcher explained: ‘At their very core, end of the world predictions are about taking control of the one thing we have no control over – our own mortality. This is a time to be calm and sensible but also informed. Almost any disease you can think of dwarfs COVID’s numbers (so far) in that regard. According to the Mayan calendar, we’ve got just a few weeks to live. Even if there is not a single additional death. Yes, if you believe an interpretation of the ancient Mayan calendar and the conspiracy theorists keen to declare the death of the human race, December 21 is indisputably doomsday. And if you do live to see 2013, you might want to reflect on what was a fascinating insight into the human psyche. Twitter is deleting and banning tweets that promote activities that could spread the coronavirus. These things will never be the same. Right now, most of these changes are small. If this was intentional, it could have happened on accident. Its The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine), It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine), It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) [Karaoke Version], Its The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine), 7", Single, IRS-53220, Its The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine), 7", Single, 651348 7. Great British Bake Off 2020 line-up: Who are this year's contestants? This platform helps you earn rewards by inviting your friends to shop with you, and we love it! Infrequency seems to increase significance and, with it, anxiety. And royal baby fever will be surprisingly short-lived. Or maybe it’s the 22nd… or the 23rd. ‘We invented a calendar system, gave it meaning, and then scared ourselves nearly to death with it. Things are bad. Six o'clock, TV hour, don't get caught in foreign tower Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself churn Lock him in uniform and book burning, blood letting Every motive escalate, automotive incinerate. If this is just media hype, it’s still showing that we are vulnerable. It’s the end of the world as we know it, but do we feel fine? Regardless, the effects are real and will be long-lasting. But some are huge. #REM #ItsTheEndOfTheWorld #Vevo I'm a computer guy. Real bad. So yeah. ‘By naming a date, these wannabe soothsayers and their disciples are stamping their authority on the future and taking control of their own destiny. Los Angeles, CA 90010, For Editorial Inqueries: Not Armageddon as everyone was predicting, just the end of the world "as we know it" and he was saying, that's ok, I feel fine about that. Look around you. He said: ‘There seems to be an almost universal human idea about crossing boundaries – even when we make them up. ‘We talk about decades as having characteristics. I was in a gas station yesterday, and I overheard the clerk talking to a cigarette distributor. Even if all of the cases of coronavirus suddenly disappear. Whether its a vulnerability to a new deadly virus or a vulnerability to over-reacting during a time of instantly available global information, it just doesn’t matter. For, as Dr Morrison makes clear: ‘This is just a manufactured fantasy.’, Professor Richard Crowther, chief engineer at the UK Space Agency, added: ‘If there were a rogue planet close enough to Earth to strike us within a month and big enough to cause a catastrophic impact, we would have observed it by now.’. Facebook’s servers are overloaded, and their employees are overworked in battling hoaxes and false news related to the COVID-19 epidemic. ‘It’s like looking at a 2012 diary and concluding that the world is going to end on New Year’s Eve just because the diary doesn’t go past December 31. ‘At the very least, if the Mayans were so advanced at future-gazing, how come they didn’t spot their conquest by the Spanish?’. Before you panic, let me elaborate on that. I’m not trying to go full-on doomsday on everyone but here are (some of) the facts. Christmas is cancelled. ‘If anything, end of the world theories are becoming more popular as the internet drives interest in crackpot ideas and conspiracies that would never before have gone beyond people’s basements and the letters page of the local newspaper.’, Get your need-to-know This is a time where we need to take caution and pay attention. However, now it really perhaps IS the end of the world as we know it, due to Covid-19, I cannot help but disagree with the last bit. I love all things technology and science. The world as we know it is finished. Right now, the world is in a mad rush to contain this invisible threat (Source). This is a time where we need to be kind to each other. Don’t panic! And inmates in a Russian jail are said to have experienced a ‘collective mass psychosis’. For the first time in modern history, literally hundreds of millions of people are in total lockdown. About Don’t be like the kids that are still going to spring break and are still partying it up because ‘this virus ain’t no big deal’. And if you think the end of the conspiracy theorist is nigh, think again. Remember what it was like – because of the Millennium Bug, planes would fall from the sky, the lights would go out, civilisation as we knew it was in peril. Michael Molcher, former editor of The End Is Nigh, ‘the official magazine of the apocalypse’, said: ‘The theories are, of course, utter nonsense. Its super low. Stipe, by reciting everything that is wrong with the world, seemed to be saying, The world as we know it will end, and what happens next will be better than what we have now. ‘People are sitting on the side of a French mountain waiting for a spaceship to come out of it on December 21 and take “the remnant” to safety. COVID-19: It’s the End of The World As We Know it, And I Feel Fine… For Now. I’m not trying to go full-on doomsday on everyone but here are (some of) the facts. Published on March 19, 2020 . Elon Musk is saying that he will be getting his companies to manufacture ventilators, and it seems like he will have the freed up resources to do so, seeing as he is shutting down the Tesla plant on March 23rd. Rowan Atkinson reveals secret behind Mr Bean's success on 30 year anniversary. Amazon has shut down its warehouse in New York after one of its workers tested positive for COVID-19, and that might be a good thing for them anyway because people are starting to get afraid to order packages. ! This virus has shifted the very definition of what we thought normal was, and what we ever thought it could be. All we can do is learn from this. The way we do things, the way we communicate, the way we live, the way we work, the way we practice health and cleanliness. But take a deep breath. ‘Laying aside why a spaceship related to a Mayan calendar would be in France – what possesses people to think and act like that? So grave is our impending doom that last week David Morrison, a Nasa astrobiologist, warned that the agency has been bombarded with 5,000 emails from terrified children and suicidal parents. The ‘rogue planet’ Nibiru is heading for Earth and, according to some, it will kill us all. Which really would have been the end of their world.’. It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine (time I had some time alone) Writer/s: John Michael Stipe, Michael E. Mills, Peter Lawrence Buck, William Thomas Berry … My friend, Matt, couldn’t get the burger he wanted today because Hardy’s was closed, while on my end, we have had a hard time finding milk and toilet paper. "It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)" go the lyrics, to this song. I understand that this article is only loosely related to tech. As a result, …, You may not want to place your bets on Apple releasing its AirTag item …, COVID-19: It’s the End of The World As We Know it, And I Feel Fine… For Now, The Rising Popularity of The Mobile Casino, Apple’s AirTag trackers probably won’t show up until March 2021, Developers Now Have Access to Apple’s App Store Appeals Process, The Microsoft Surface Duo, Redmond’s First Android Phone (August 24th …, The Royole FlexPai 2 5G Will Cost Less Than $1,500, Top 10 Technologies for Robust Web Application Development In 2021, Diplo Gives Sneak Peek of New Album Within Meditation App …, Get the Zeiss ZX1 Full-Frame Camera For $6000 Because Money, 10 Great Gadgets for Long-Distance Couples.

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