What are the options in my program? 17. Today’s students are the innovators and inventors of the future who can use technology as a bedrock to help find solutions to the types of problems we’re facing today — and those we can’t predict. Give your curiosity free rein. Give out the best in you and reach for it. A Students for Life Group can make a HUGE difference for not only your school, but your entire community. 1. But don’t just take it from us. As an Indigenous undergrad, I remember feeling conflicted about sharing knowledge or ideas in certain classes wherein Indigenous ways of knowing were not commonplace. All our incoming 2020 interns are invited to join the Student Ambassadors and it’s open to any higher ed student who wants to apply. 8. I remember being really grateful for the friendships I developed, many of which continue today. 5. Every person on the planet will need new skills to be successful tomorrow, one year from now, and one decade from now. Find people who are helpful and motivated. Students are natural continuing learners — it’s in their DNA. Every day at wikiHow, we work hard to give you access to instructions and information that will help you live a better life, whether it's keeping you safer, healthier, or improving your well-being. ALSO READ: 50 Inspiring Quotes about Working Hard and Achieving Goals. If you can slack your way through school, who knows what your potential is? It’s time well spent. You gotta … Always be optimistic at school, you may encounter circumstances that would test your patience and capabilities. To read the articles, but still go for a walk. Student Life. Educators are key enablers of this ability, and that’s why I’m excited to announce a new set of opportunities and resources for educators to teach Microsoft technical skills aimed at supporting students to continue learning during this pandemic and beyond. The small things matter. Crack open the spine and read the table of contents or start with the first sentence. In the broader context and when feasible, volunteer outside of the university, such as at a homeless shelter or in assisting residents in nursing homes to learn to use new technologies or develop their computer skills. No man is an island; you can’t survive without having a companion. The moment you enter and walk through the gate, be sure of what you want to achieve. Also, a very effective trick was to take some time before class to read a little ahead in the textbook. I learned to multi-task and ruthlessly manage my time and deadlines. One of the things I wish I had known as an undergraduate was the importance of writing well. You will not only be doing school stuff, but you also have other responsibilities. I loved my undergraduate years at Simon Fraser University, and graduated with an honours degree in history and communication. A Students for Life Group can make a HUGE difference. 7. Here’s what they told us. Finally, remember that life is about balance and choices, so choose your major wisely, focus and persevere, and strive to balance your academic and non-academic life while you build your professional foundation with strong personal growth and healthy living. Yet that’s what undergraduate experience is crucially about (I say this from the perspective of someone positioned in the humanities): exploration, discovery, playing a sudden hunch that may lead to a swerve and a new discovery. Elizabeth Hoyt. I initially applied to pursue a degree in business before changing my major twice to settle on political science. In 2018, they shattered that record by collecting 43,051 diapers! Reading is the best way to educate yourself, and do not just read, try to digest the things you are reading. Because of this effort, 400 mothers will be given items they need, but more importantly, these mothers will know that their community supports them and is willing to walk alongside them throughout their journey of motherhood. Start pursuing the things you wanted to do your whole life, without giving up on your current roles and responsibilities. Rewind your outlook and bring your energy and motivation back to when life … If you want to take astronomy and your English degree tells you that you can’t take any more options, resist and figure out a way to do both. By using our site, you agree to our. We asked leading academics what advice they’d give a frosh. University libraries are filled with amazing books. Clarify things so you can comprehend well the topic. This may sound like effort, but checking out the school website, photo galleries, and reviews might give you an insight on how life at your new school is, and whether or not it is similar to life at your old school. Besides, it gets you happiness, productivity, friends. I think true leadership is about understanding all the different positions that people have and coming to a consensus on the best decision that can be made. Determine what changes you need to make. By Maclean's We were scared that our performance on exams would suffer for having missed some pearl of wisdom that the prof cast our way. Of course, I usually end up writing far more, but the act of writing every day helps me not fall behind, and “just 10 words” is small enough that I don’t put off the task. You are building the foundation for lifelong learning.

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