Alberta’s Catholic school system is under attack, and apathy could lead to its downfall. This school year, it's $1.4 billion. That was the blunt warning issued during a panel discussion on “Catholic Education: Why Should I Care?” hosted by, Politics won out over priesthood for John Turner, Edmonton college now offering Catholic Studies degree, Politicians at heart of Lebanon’s problems, Charles Lewis: Partisan speech treads dangerous waters, Pope takes message to global stage with UN address, « Louis Riel’s legacy brings renewed pride to Métis in Regina, Feminists must 'reconcile with their roots', pro-life mission ». This is a contentious question that gets at the heart of the ongoing debate. You can filter them for a wide range of features. Private schools are not eligible for funding from property tax. The cost of Christian schools in Alberta is, on average, lower than the cost of other private schools in Alberta. Does the private system save us money or cost us money? Information presented on this page may be paid advertising provided by the advertisers [schools/camps/programs] and is not warranted or guaranteed by or its associated websites. The presence of the Catholic faith is permeated within every element of the school. How you see the answer to that question will depend on your fundamental beliefs about the role of the state and the independence of parents when it comes to raising the next generation of young minds. While Catholic rights to publicly funded denominational education are entrenched in the Constitution, right now there are real threats to those rights, said Anna Loparco, partner with Dentons Canada LLP and legal counsel to ACSTA. Other schools offer scholarships, which are given based on merit—for instance, in academics or athletics. A commitment to the ethics of social justice dwells not only within the walls of the school, but also within the community. That, of course, is related to the fact that far fewer students are enrolled in the private system. Another way this happens is that parishes and schools are no longer linked so if the principal doesn’t want the local pastor to come in, he can’t. Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan are the only provinces with publicly-funded Catholic schools. Shared values foster a tight-knit atmosphere for both parents and students and this communal feeling cultivates a school where everyone is comfortable getting involved. The $13,000 figure for the public system, by contrast, does include special-needs funding. Catholic schools provide an environment for their students which encourages not only high academic achievement, but also person and communal spiritual formation. And, they provide children with a strong overall education (in both religious and secular studies), which gives them a great foundation for future studies. Apathy threatens publicly-funded Catholic education in Alberta, panel says. The Theodore case, in which the Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench ruled that non-Catholic students could not be funded to attend Catholic schools in the province, also represents a threat to Catholic education in Alberta, said Loparco. Please also see our Privacy Policy. These can also be great places to attend a private Christian school. But some of the numbers you might have heard don't tell the whole story. The province projects 34,754 students will be enrolled in private schools and early childhood services (which include private kindergarten and private pre-kindergarten programs) in the current school year. About Catholic Schools. Alberta has a strong economy, supported by the burgeoning petroleum industry, but also by the agriculture and technology sectors. By  That was the blunt warning issued during a panel discussion on “Catholic Education: Why Should I Care?” hosted by Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Sherwood Park on Nov. 5. Catholic schools have become a definitive and positive choice for many families. Capital funding is also a major difference between public and private schools. Their public funding comes strictly from general revenues. On the other side of the coin are independent school associations, parents who swear by the private system and the United Conservative Party, which has released a draft platform calling for private-school funding to be increased. So which is it? Private school expos can be a great way to find the right school for your child. Within Catholic school communities the values of the Gospel and Catholic teachings are not only taught but they are witnessed and exemplified in action. ACSTA - Director, Government Relations & Advocacy Opportunity - Profile Link. Private schools, as you see in the chart above, make up a tiny slice of the overall pie: only $263 million. For instance, there are Christian schools in Toronto, Ontario, Edmonton, and Calgary. We want to keep our award-winning journalism as widely available as possible, which has become acutely important amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The Calgary private school expo allows you to speak with many private schools, some of which are Christian schools all in the same place. For more than 125 years, The Register has been a trusted source of faith-based journalism. If parents had to pay privately to fund their children’s education, Loparco estimates it would cost about $12,000 per child, per year. You can learn more about needs- and merit-based financial aid in our dedicated guide. “We are all God’s masterpiece. “Though they’re not new, I think they’re more dangerous right now because of the internal apathy of Catholics themselves, not seeing this incredible precious gem of Catholic education can be lost in the secular school system.”. Another great resource in your school search is the Our Kids parent discussion forum. From pre-K to the end of high school, students in Catholic schools flourish. It also includes something private schools aren't eligible for: capital funding. Here's why. Unlike many media companies, The Catholic Register has never charged readers for access to the news and information on our website. Let’s explore the advantages, the disadvantages and the challenges. Other schools offer scholarships, which are given based on merit—for instance, in academics or athletics. And the year before that, it was $960 million. Alberta still maintains a system where property owners must declare their religious faith in order to determine whether their taxes go to the public school board or the separate Catholic (or Protestant) school board. The debate has bubbled up again recently, with lobby groups, unions and even the Edmonton Public School Board calling on the provincial government to cut off all public money for private education. It's been often reported that the province spends about $13,000 per student in public schools versus about $5,000 per student in private schools. But do some simple math with the figures we just looked at, and you'll come to a different result: A couple of things, according to AISCA executive director John Jagersma. Catholic schools provide an environment for their students which encourages not only high academic achievement, but also personal and communal growth. There’s the ongoing battle in Catholic-school districts in Alberta about how to fully accept and integrate Gay–Straight Alliances (GSA s), which promote mutually supportive relationships among students. Pat Lemire, right, of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish speaks with Paul Corrigan, assistant superintendent of Elk Island Catholic Schools, at the Nov. 5 education panel discussion. The Alberta government expects to spend about $9.8 billion on education this year. Audience Relations, CBC P.O. In practice, though, this makes no difference. A lot of people associate education with property taxes, and that is indeed where a good chunk of the funding comes from. Christian schools offer a full curriculum while also providing a strong foundation in the values, character, and the traditions of Christian life. The vast majority of that — about $7.1 billion — goes to the operation of public schools. The religious declaration requirement remains a historical "hangnail" in the eyes of Michael Janz, a public school trustee in Edmonton who has called on the province to abolish the practice. By using this website, creating or logging into an Our Kids account, you agree to Our Kids' Terms and Conditions. While the former rely almost entirely on the province to build and upgrade their facilities, the latter receive no public support to do so. Find more pages related to Christian schools, The Essential Parent Guide to Private Education. What faith-based schools offer is an enhanced curriculum, one that provides an explicit attention to values, ethics, character, and the students' spiritual life. Many schools offer needs-based financial aid, such as bursaries or tuition relief. In the current context, it’s perhaps easy to take for granted that Catholic and other non-government schools receive … Catholic education has held a longstanding distinct role in Alberta’s public education system. It’s also on the lower side of private school tuition in general. Catholic schools receive full funding in Alberta, one of only three provinces where taxpayers pay to support a separate Catholic school system. The panelists called for Catholics to move from apathy to engagement. However, it would also mean the dissolution of the Catholic school system. Join roundtable discussions over Zoom and hear from current parents and alumni of the schools you’re considering. In 2016, the church supported 43,800 secondary schools, and 95,200 primary schools. “I enjoyed seeing the awareness of the problems that the Catholic education system is facing,” said Girard. At that rate, if all 34,754 kids in private school hypothetically switched to public school, it would cost the province $117 million more this year.

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