These great iconic stories in the hands of one of our finest contemporary writers! Removing this item from your shopping cart will remove your associated sale items. As a writer, dipping into a well of classic material must be exciting, filled with rich characters and deep moral, human questions that transcend space and time. The retelling departs from the original where the characters actions are directed as the gods will and instead result more from natural human emotions and misjudgment. In order “for that to happen, it must be different” (252). If there is a survey it only takes 5 minutes, try any survey which works for you. The narrative then shifts to describe the perspective of Electra, who observes how Agamemnon’s death has changed the relationship Clytemnestra has with Aegisthus, which becomes extremely fraught as of late, especially when all the Mycenean boys — minus Orestes, Leander, and Mitros — are returned from their prison. In House of Names, Colm Tóibín brings a modern sensibility and language to an ancient classic, and gives this extraordinary character new life, so that we not only believe Clytemnestra’s thirst for revenge, but applaud it. Either would have made a novella every bit as fine and angry as Tóibín’s Testament of Mary: like that book, both seem destined for another life on the stage. Toibin complements the familiar narrative material with particular attention to "a journey through the desert" of the young Orestes, his stay with an old woman in a "house full of names", and then the return. full terms and conditions and this month's choices, 12 Immersive Reads About Families: the Good, the Complicated, and the Crazy, 7 Historical Novels That Bring Ancient Worlds to Life, 8 Books for Grownups Who Love Fairytales and Folklore, Revitalizing the Classics: 8 Literary Retellings You’ll Love. His play ‘Beauty in a Broken Place’ was performed at the Peacock Theatre in Dublin in 2004. Noble is a nickname type of surname for a person of exceptionally graceful character having derived from the Old French word noble, which was of essentially the same meaning as the modern English term. Secure shopping. His other books include: ‘The Modern Library: the 200 Best Novels Since 1950’ (with Carmen Callil); ‘Lady Gregory’s Toothbrush’ (2002); ‘Love in a Dark Time: Gay Lives from Wilde to Almodovar’ (2002) and ‘All a Novelist Needs: Essays on Henry James’ (2010). The act of retribution comes when Orestes returns from exile and, alongside his sister Electra, avenges the death of their father, Agamemnon, by killing Clytemnestra and Aegisthus; this is covered in Aeschylus’ play, The Libation Bearers. Secure shopping. Mitros — Son of Mitros, he is another of the Mycenaean children detained by Aegisthus’ men. this is the first one which worked! She said that the ones you love and I opted for the ones for which you feel nothing. House Of Names Books Books from online store. His other work as a journalist and travel writer includes ‘Bad Blood: A Walk Along the Irish Border’ (1987) and ‘The Sign of the Cross: Travels in Catholic Europe’ (1994). This is a somewhat disappointing re-imagining, in prose form, of the story of the doomed House of Atreus, drawing primarily on Aeschylus's trilogy. After her release she comes to resent her mother, and it is this resentment that drives her to commit matricide, alongside her brother, Orestes. Start by marking “House of Names” as Want to Read: Error rating book. The original bearer of the name lived in Ayrshire, but interestingly, the name Blackwood may also be derived from the Old English words blaec, which means black, and wudu, which means wood, and indicates that the original bearer lived near a dark, wooded area. ‘Lavender’ named homes, at £441k on average, have a 1.7% higher than average selling price. By 1838, the British New Zealand Company had begun buying land from the Maori tribes, and selling it to settlers, and, after the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, many British families set out on the arduous six month journey from Britain to Aotearoa to start a new life. Both Electra and Orestes, their youngest child and son, get mixed up in their mothers scheming as she allies herself with an old enemy of Agamemnon. Orestes is romantically involved with Leander. So Orestes waits in the hall for her to appear, and when she does, she tells him that she is alone. an interesting take on an old tale of betrayal and revenge. . Honey, for sure, bu, This is a somewhat disappointing re-imagining, in prose form, of the story of the doomed House of Atreus, drawing primarily on Aeschylus's trilogy. Theodotus — The foremost elder of the Mycenean council, his grandson, Leander, is kidnapped by Aegisthus’ men. BBB A plus rating.. And by having access to our ebooks online or by storing it on your computer, you have convenient answers with House Of Names . It needed to be told but was an annoying interruption and I longed to be back with Clytemnestra. Far from the Brooklyn or Ireland of his recent bestsellers, Tóibín explores universal themes of failure, loss, loneliness, and repression.”, "Written with the ‘knowledge that the time of the gods has passed,’ Colm Toibin’s take on the classic myth of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra in House of Names evokes a husband’s vanity and a wife’s rage, casting the fragility of our closest bonds in fresh light.”, “A creative reanimation of these indelible characters who are still breathing down our necks across the millennia… [Tóibín] pumps blood even into the silent figures of Greek tragedy… Despite the passage of centuries, this is a disturbingly contemporary story of a powerful woman caught between the demands of her ambition and the constraints on her gender…Never before has Tóibín demonstrated such range, not just in tone but in action. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. "I know as no one else knows that the gods are distant, they have other concerns. Agamemnon though hesitant to do so relents and Iphigenia is killed while Clytemnestra is locked in an underground pit to stop any attempts at in. He studied at University College Dublin and lived in Barcelona between 1975 and 1978. This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Blackwood research. His daughter is led to her death, and Agamemnon leads his army into battle, where he is rewarded with glorious victory. But soon Electra begins speaking about a man named Aegisthus, who appears occasionally in her bedroom at night. After this the narrative is once more focalized through Orestes, who recounts the series of events that follow his mother’s murder, beginning with Aegisthus’ capture at the hands of Leander and his army who come to reside within the palace.

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