[15] Hunt sited the four-story Indiana limestone-built home to face east with a 375-foot facade to fit into the mountainous topography behind. Er war mit der Frauenrechtlerin Edith Stuyvesant Vanderbilt (1873–1958) verheiratet und hatte mit ihr eine Tochter Cornelia Stuyvesant Vanderbilt. George Washington Vanderbilt III (September 23, 1914 – June 24, ... Alice Claypoole Gwynne and was named in honor of his great-great-uncle George Washington Vanderbilt and his great-uncle George Washington Vanderbilt II. The Cecils went on to have two sons who were born in the same room as their mother. In the 1880s, at the height of the Gilded Age, George Washington Vanderbilt II began to make regular visits with his mother, Maria Louisa Kissam Vanderbilt, to the Asheville area. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It’s about the same size as a Walmart Supercenter, but it’s a whole lot more impressive. George Washington Vanderbilt was the youngest of eight children in the Vanderbilt family when the mansion at 640 Fifth Avenue was completed in 1881. The house is assessed at $157.2 million, although due to an agricultural deferment, county property taxes are paid on only $79.1 million of that.[11]. Several large-scale masterpieces are displayed in the hall, including two John Singer Sargent portraits of Biltmore's architect, Richard Morris Hunt, and landscaper, Frederick Law Olmsted, both commissioned for the home by Vanderbilt. Nel 1900, Biltmore Estate fu descritta dal giornalista Philip Pointdexter con le seguenti parole[2]: «Nulla sembra essere stato fatto in nome della bellezza», Nel 1914, con la morte di George Washington Vanderbildt, la moglie di quest'ultimo cedette gran parte dei 125.000 ettari della tenuta originaria al governo per permettere la realizzazione della Western North Carolina's Pisgah National Forest. The boilers used wood and coal, which heated water and created steam that traveled through pipes in the house. Each tile was drilled at the corners and wired onto the attic's steel infrastructure. George Washington Vanderbilt II (November 14, 1862 – Mairch 6, 1914) wis an airt collector an member o the prominent Vanderbilt faimily, that amassed a huge fortune throu steamboats, railweys, an various business enterprises. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Your California Privacy Rights [2], Per la residenza del progetto, Vanderbilt ingaggiò due dei maggiori architetti dell'epoca, Richard Morris Hunt e Frederick Law Olmstead. He built a 250-room mansion, the largest privately owned home in the United States, which he named Biltmore Estate. [1][4][5][6], L'edificio è a 4 piani[3] e la facciata si estende per un'ampiezza di 375 piedi[4]. Besides building a pair of Fifth Avenue mansions known as the Marble Twins, preceded by a townhouse on West 53 rd, and a summer cottage in Bar Harbor, George Washington Vanderbilt II built Biltmore House, which remains the largest house ever built in the United States. It has 250 rooms with 35 bedrooms, three kitchens, 65 fireplaces and 16 chimneys. George Vanderbilt came up with the name Biltmore from the Dutch land of his ancestors. The 210-room luxury hotel named The Inn on Biltmore Estate opened in 2001. Si tratta della residenza privata più grande del Paese[5][6], nonché di una delle più visitate assieme alla Casa Bianca e a Graceland[6]. [15], Water was an important aspect of Victorian landscaping and Olmsted incorporated two for the estate: the Bass Pond created from an old creek-fed millpond and the Lagoon. [1][2][3][4][5] L'edificio principale, la Biltmore House, è opera dell'architetto newyorkese Richard Morris Hunt[1][3][4][5], mentre i giardini circostanti sono opera di Frederick Law Olmsted[1][4][5]. Terms of Use The younger son, William Cecil was thus left with Biltmore House, and is credited with preserving the chateau which (though still privately owned) is open to the public. Edith Dresser Vanderbilt later married Peter Goelet Gerry (1879–1957), a United States Senator from Rhode Island. The Biltmore is called the “grandest private home in America,” but even that doesn’t do it justice. The estate is overseen by The Biltmore Company, a trust set up by the family. For this purpose he acquired 125,000 acres of woodland in North Carolina, employing the architect Richard Morris Hunt to design a limestone house modeled on the Chateau de Blois among other chateaux of the Loire Valley. For this purpose he acquired 125,000 acres of woodland in North Carolina, employing the architect Richard Morris Hunt to design a limestone house modeled on the Chateau de Blois among other chateaux of the Loire Valley. Relatives described him as slender, dark-haired, and pale-complexioned. [3][4], La realizzazione della residenza maturò nella mente del giovane George Washington Vanderbilt, nipote dell'industriale Cornelius Vanderbilt[1] ed erede di una fortuna[1][2], dopo che quest'ultimo aveva visitato Asheville, noto luogo di cure, assieme alla madre, sofferente di malaria cronica, nel 1880. [7] Overwhelmed with running such a large estate, Edith began consolidating her interests and sold Biltmore Estate Industries in 1917 and Biltmore Village in 1921. Also included on the fourth floor is an Observatory with a circular staircase that leads to a wrought iron balcony with doorways to the rooftop where Vanderbilt could view his estate. Every year, he held a Christmas celebration for their children, complete with decorated tree and presents for each child, even those who could not make it to the party. Edith, in a letter to her friend, Emily Ford Skeel (sister of Paul Leicester Ford), explained: "For no reason whatsoever we decided to sail on the Olympic and had only 18 hours to get ready in. On May 15, 1930, Edith Vanderbilt opened the Biltmore home to the public to offset the costs of running the estate (George died of appendicitis in 1914). [11], After the death of William A. V. Cecil in October 2017 and his wife Mimi Cecil in November, their daughter Dini Pickering is serving as board chair and their son Bill Cecil as CEO. Stonecutters, employed by James Sinclair & Company, a New York contractor that worked on Vanderbilt homes in New York, did the stonework. George married Edith Stuyvesant Dresser in 1898 in Paris, France; their only child, Cornelia Stuyvesant Vanderbilt, was born at Biltmore in the Louis XV Room in 1900, and grew up at the estate. Biltmore Estate ("tenuta Biltmore") o Biltmore Mansion è una storica residenza di Asheville, in Carolina del Nord (Stati Uniti d'America), realizzata tra il 1889 e il 1895 per volere di George Washington Vanderbilt II e tuttora di proprietà della famiglia Vanderbilt. An arbor is attached to the house and is accessed from the library, which is located on the ground floor. George liked the sound of Bilt and tried various incarnations — including “Bilton” — before landing on Biltmore. George Washington Vanderbilt II was born on November 14, 1862, to William Henry Vanderbilt (son of Cornelius Vanderbilt) and Maria Louisa Kissam. [1][3], La costruzione della residenza iniziò nel 1889 e durò sei anni. largest privately owned home in the United States, "G. W. Vanderbilt Dies Suddenly. George Vanderbilt first visits Asheville, North Carolina in 1887. Would you like to receive desktop browser notifications about breaking news and other major stories?

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