hi, my name is felicity and izzy is not a good nickname nickname`s i like to be called are awesome crapbag felicity or felis Who is nafy merriman? The American Girl doll Felicity (who I loooved! And secondly, I would say Flitz, Flossy, or CiCi. I absolutely LOVE the name Felicity, but I'm just thinking about nickname for Felicity. I absolutely LOVE the name Felicity, but I'm just thinking about nickname for Felicity. I like Essie. Is Felix a nickname for Felicity? yeah i think that honey is a good nickname for felicity . Felicity is regarded as one of the virtue names adopted by the puritans in the 17 th century that has also become a popular modern name with a soft appeal. Felicity Huffman is called flicka by her inner circle. I don't really care for that. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. If you don't need/want a nickname I wouldn't use one. In Four Weddings and a Funeral, Kristin Scott-Thomas's character was called "Fee" (in her case short for Fiona, but it would work perfectly for Felicity too). I think they discontinued her) was called Lissie in her stories. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! ETA: I totally didn't read your post all the way... whoops... nevermind LOL. Depending on the middle name, you may be able to get a decent nickname off of that, if you really want one. Re: Is Felix a nickname for Felicity? In fact two of her main nicknames have nothing to do with her actual name! I don't know if we'd call her by her whole first name or not, I'm just wondering . I don't know if we'd call her by her whole first name or not, I'm just wondering . i know a little felicity who is known as Lissie, which is a lovely name you could always just call her Felicity thouigh! 7 years ago. Congratulations on your first child, good luck!! . Call her what you name her. yeah i think that honey is a good nickname for felicity . My name is similar to Elizabeth (not my real name) but from the second I was born, my parents always called me Betty. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A community for those interested in names. That's the only nickname I have really heard for Felicity. Don't over think it. We are both 100% on the name Felicity, she already is Felicity to us, but my husband won't accept any of the common nicknames such as Flissa, Flick, Flicka, Lissie... the only one he will accept is "Ellie" (because of the "el" which isn't even emphasized). We always thought we would call our DD (Aubrey) Bree. Also, any middle name suggestions? or books to help you figure out a nickname for your Felicity: Felicity Hardy: She is a Marvel Comics character, also known as the third Scarlet Spider. If you don't need/want a nickname I wouldn't use one. Do you prefer the name Erin or Colette for a little girl. What are the names of the Felicity American Girl doll series? What are the names of the Felicity American Girl doll series? Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies.

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