[27] The appropriate antihypertensive drugs to administer during hypertensive crisis resulting from stimulant abuse are vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, diuretics such as furosemide and. Log in or sign up in seconds. You must log in or register to reply here. The other most effective vasodilators are pretty much just prescribed drugs. I don't know if this will help you but I make a cream with l-arginine and I use at about 15 to 20 % strength. More information is available on each drug including their price list. I kinda wanna try again but the vasoconstriction is bad and I went to the hospital last time bc my blood pressure was over 200/120 and I was I had. Sort by. I've always used this list of vasodialators: frankly i'd use benzos to recover from a stimulant binge. What are some good vasodilators to take the next day after a LSD trip that turned out to be very constrictive in the vessels. I often experience vasoconstriction, one of the least pleasurable effects of stims.. But it felt great in the Gym though. I heard 30mg Viagra is a lower dose although I know I take a lot of citrulline. Asprin is one of the most useful things to help with blood flow, i'm not sure where 81mg comes from but I often take a standard 300mg (sometimes two) with stims. what should I take? This subreddit is mostly powered by research from [Examine.com](http://examine.com/), and some reading of the supplement on hand (either at this site or other sources) before posting is encouraged to facilitate discussion. Although, the approach to therapy has emphasized the initial classification of responder or nonresponder, most patients demonstrate only a small decrease in pulmonary pressure (PAP) in response to vasodilators. PRP treatment is just a temp good feeling, nothing more. So, Gentlemen, it would appear that a systematic vasodilator does exist. I don't have ED I just got it because it was free and I heard it can give you a gnarly pump during a workout plus the erections are fun. A natural vasodilator to lower blood pressure, coenzyme Q-10 makes our bodies process NO more efficiently and helps us produce prostaglandin, a natural vasodilator. I guess I'm right if I say that vasodilators are overall much less common than vasoconstrictors? Is 15-20 grams citrulline/arginine daily a bad idea in the long run? Lol. If it is dangerous how long should I be off citrulline before I take the Viagra and how long after I take the Viagra should I wait to take citrulline? And well, the other effect isn't so off-putting either. I recommend it. (I have little knowledge in this kind of stuff so bare with me), Beta blockers must not be used in the treatment of cocaine, amphetamine, or other alpha-adrenergic stimulant overdose. Thanks for the info. ), and general discussions on different categories of supplementation. Maybe metamphetamine is a different story. Hmm ethanol is a tricky one, I read that at intoxication doses it acts as vasod. Dont quote me but a cheap amino. Not sure what would work specifically for your condition but citrulline, arginine, ornithine, glycerol, Beet root and weed. Vasodilators after a Trip. Actually my friend's Dad went into cardiac arrest and his wife gave him 4 aspirin that saved his life before the ambulance came. Etizolam's effects on GABA-a mediation not yet properly assessed for recommendation although IN THEORY it should work, as well as non-benzo GABA-a agonists but neither are mentioned in the source which forum rules prevent me from posting (hint). Cocaine was the most worries causing substance but not amphetamine? which is its Upper Limit acc to various Research papers. Vasodilators after a Trip. Drops my blood pressure like 30 points. Aspirin can most definitely be taken daily. Aren't NSAIDs pretty much anti-growth? Close • Posted by 3 minutes ago. best. The pain caused by the pump actually made me Discontinue using the Combo. It's an anticoagulant. reddit.com Supplements. That's an awesome fact! Jan S Peterson ... but if you need a chemical agent with specific vasodilator effect, try phenoxybenzamine. Is this the safer alternative, the Holy Grail of stim abusers? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the StackAdvice community, Press J to jump to the feed. For the purpose of practical clinical application, this chapter is divided into Acute Vasodilator Intervention and Chronic Vasodilator Therapy. Id take 8G max and spend the rest on Agmatine Sulfate and Nootropics. | English; limit my search to r/Supplements. I never really wondered if theres anything that could combat it? but in higher doses as vasoc.. Where's the line between higher dose? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/puBathmateed/24525046, http://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/womens-health/articles/2009/09/18/topical-cream-for-erectile-dysfunction-shows, http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/3-surprising-ways-take-aspirin, http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?58960-15-off-Worlds-best-Leech-Oil! 29 users here now. Vasodilators are actually prescribed for heart conditions sometimes actually to promote blood flow. Benzos or nonbenzos wont do much for vasoconstrictions, but considerably reduce the heart palpitations. The leech oil Red recommended is sweet. Can we get some more discussion on this topic? Now i have used it alone with PE so I dont know how it will react with PE but I bet it will be good. Any good vasodilators I can get otc or easily? I take 1 baby aspiring daily. Cannabis is a vasodilator. CQ-10 is found throughout body, so low levels of it have been linked to different health problems. alcohol is not suitable depending on what kinda binge you're on, In my case a ritalin binge, which will convert a lot of the methylphenidate in my body to ethylphendiate, which is more potent... fuck. You must log in or register to reply here. Most recent answer . I have 1 cotton now. One thing that the source clearly mentions however is so important that I must recopy from memory: You must log in or register to reply here. These conditions can be exacerbated by sudden drop in blood pressure. ErgicMergic Bluelighter. Meats such as fish and chicken, eggs, milk, cheese, and various nuts, such as walnuts, cashews, and almonds, are good sources of L-arginine.. Natural vasodilators work to reduce blood pressure. ^^. THC is my favorite vasodilator, but it shouldn't be mixed with stims due to massive tachycardic synergy. I've read taking Viagra on top of another vasodilator can lower blood pressure to dangerous levels so I'm low key afraid of taking them together as I've experienced fainting before and it really sucks (not blood pressure related). There's a new version to it called Arginine Nitrate, might as well give it a try! sounds promising. Is it really dangerous considering my doses? Hi guys, does anyone know what the best topical vasodilator is ? Ibuprofen also does the same thing. As far as I know that's coming from people confusing alpha with beta blockers. Sometimes it might have been that cocaine overdose with ex. The reddening of the eyes is from vasodilation. Aspirin is not a vasodilator, but has antiplatelet functions, so it's safe to take 81mg Aspirin with your stims to prevent chances of stroke. I went though a long meth crazed review of tons of info on the forums on this. 4 can be used for someone having a heart attack. Systematic in the sense that no paradoxical coronary vasoconstriction is triggered. Press J to jump to the feed. !-Exclusive-to-MOS-Members&highlight=red+leech+oil. JavaScript is disabled. Instead of Arginine go for the AAKG version of it with at least 3 grams of it per serving. 100% Upvoted. I recently got a free trial of some 30mg sildenafil (Viagra) to play around with. save hide report. comments; Want to join? It (personally) helps me immensely in Recovery as well as in sustained Muscle Pumps, however, it is not even close as compared to combining it with Sildenafil. get reddit premium. share. THC is … L-arginine is an essential amino acid used in the production of nitric oxide. Can be exacerbated by drug’s action to cause sudden drop in blood pressure. propranolol only treatment caused increase in BP. No2, nitric oxide. Considering people use alpha blockers as a rescue treatment for amphetamine overdose, I'd say you're correct that they'd actually prevent strain. I did 3 cottons tho. What about kamagra (or viagra). It also serves as a coronary vasodilator, allowing the cardiac muscle to relax and dilating cardiac arteries. Didn't see any effects after the first tablet with CM, the Pumps I got on the next day with the same combo were Amazing. Make sure you take them after eating though as asprin isn't great for your stomach. where did you order and how much does it cost? 10 grams in the morning before workout and 5 grams at night before bed. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Cut out the alcohol, nicotine or other vasoconstrictors. 3 Xaxax not recommended unless no other choice, duration of action is too short and onset speeds up the heart. I heard some people do it but I thought they basically convert to each other in the body, back and forth until they are used up so it seems kind of redundant. Used to when the pills were under control but aided by ephedrine and caffiene tabs and I would lift, or other exercise like bagwork or a strenuous work day and/or long one meaning an extra dose. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Some research suggests that dietary augmentation of this amino acid may increase the synthesis of nitric oxide.

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