Curtin will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage (including direct, consequential or economic loss or damage) Bachelor Double Degrees prepare students to develop broad and coherent knowledge and skills in more than one discipline for professional work and further learning corresponding to AQF level 7 qualifications. Any changes to the internal composition of a course will protect the right of students to complete the course within a normal timeframe and will not result in additional cost to students through a requirement to undertake additional units. 3. identify, access, assess and synthesise relevant information from primary legal sources such as cases and legislation and secondary sources such as journal articles and commentaries (including electronic versions of these sources) and gather relevant oral and documentary evidence; access, evaluate and synthesise relevant information from a range of organizational and external sources. For Current Students: Student Services Office, please click here for further details: Specialise in a commerce discipline, and apply appropriate practices, principles and concepts to solve business problems. This material does not purport to constitute legal or professional advice. If you need more course information, you may contact the relevant areas: 1. apply knowledge of the Australian legal system, statutory rules and case law principles in both the fundamental areas of legal knowledge and a range of elective fields to the resolution of legal problems; apply broad discipline knowledge to a range of theoretical and practical business situations through research and practical application, 2. critically and creatively analyse legal problems to articulate the issues involved and apply legal reasoning to make a considered choice between competing solutions; think creatively and critically to generate innovative solutions to complex business and commercial problems. Except to the extent mandated otherwise by legislation, Curtin University does not accept responsibility for the consequences Get the Curtin edge. Except to the extent mandated otherwise by legislation, Curtin University does not accept responsibility for the consequences Top 1 %. Information for the previous year's courses and units is available at Courses Handbook 2017. Courses Handbook 2018 . Information in this publication is correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change. Information is specific to the major/stream, please refer to the course for more information. Bachelor Double Degrees prepare students to develop broad and coherent knowledge and skills in more than one discipline for professional work and further learning corresponding to AQF level 7 qualifications. BB-LAWCOM v.1 Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Commerce LLB(Curtin), BCom(Curtin) Course CRICOS Code: 078482K Registered full-time Duration: 4.5 Years . tuition fees of any unit of study, to withdraw any unit of study or program which it offers, to impose limitations on enrolment in any unit Applications for credit towards a course are assessed on an individual basis. If you are planning to enrol in a course in 2021, Australian citizens, permanent residents and international students studying outside Australia may have the choice of full-time, Bachelor Double Degrees prepare students to develop broad and coherent knowledge and skills in more than one discipline for professional work and further learning corresponding to AQF level 7 qualifications.

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