Chamuel archangel works on the 3 rd ray. I first felt the presence of Archangel Chamuel as a light and comforting tingling in my arms and upper body… But with permission Chamuel can do much more to comfort and uplift you energetically. Connect with your personal Archangels through The Black Feather Intuitive now!

Découvrez ici : Connaissez-vous l’archange du jour ? Vous bénéficiez de ma garantie sacrée. There are many ways that Chamuel uses his Pink Light Ray to help us with a variety of problems. However, each of these moments present important opportunities to learn about ourselves and the world around us. Gently open your eyes. Archangel Chamuel particularly works with you to improve your loving and caring relationships with others he will help you to build strong foundations for these relationships so that they will be healthy, full of meaning and long-lasting. Juntamente con los Rayos Azul y Amarillo completan la Santísima Trinidad. You are love.

It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. You are love. The Official Website of Dr. Chamuel Bachilller D.D. Whenever you feel like you need help maintaining healthy relations with people around you, Chamuel is there to help!

L’archange Chamuel (dit aussi Samuel) « celui qui voit dieu » est un puissant archange qui peut vous aider à des moments difficiles de votre vie. J'ai appris à prier, j'ai trouvé la paix intérieure et je sais désormais ce que c'est d'être aimée. Be in a place where you can tune into your heart and let all cares dissolve with the radiance of the Higher Realms of Divine infinite Love, Light and Oneness. As a result, we can lash out at others or harbor negative feelings toward the world. This ultimately allows them to be open to new people. Archangel Chamuel is best known for his powers in helping people with their relationships. Archangel Chamuel is a powerful Archangel of protection, comfort, love, peace and compassion.

Most human beings are afraid to open their hearts to another because of fear. It is Archangel Chamuel. Spread your chest wide, allowing the sunset energy to fill it fully.
These relationships might be suffering if someone feels that they are not worth much, or if they simply lack the confidence to engage with other people openly.

Laisser voir l’amour chez l’autre, c’est ce que l’ange Chamuel fait de mieux. I consciously called in my team of guides and angels to help uplift my vibration, and surround me with Divine love. Chamuel peut vous aider à trouver la paix intérieure et à résoudre les conflits avec vos amis et vos proches. FREE Angel Audio Healing Meditation Sit quietly, deep breathing the energy of divine love, once you feel calm and relaxed, ask Archangel Chamuel to enter your energies, and ask for the help you feel you need. I ask that my energies be aligned with Archangel Chamuel and I call forth Archangel Chamuel to assist me in opening my heart so that I am filled with divine pure love and radiant light. A sense of calm and peace.

Perhaps you’ve been stricken with an idea on how to resolve one of these problems, or how to improve an important relationship or friendship. Repeat this intention out loud: Hi Chamuel! Camaël, Chamael ou Chamuel, est un des archanges appartenant à l' angéologie et aux mythologies juive et chrétienne où il est traditionnellement considéré comme étant le dirigeant du chœur des puissances. You are not alone and are so loved. See more ideas about Chamuel, Archangels, Angel.

Hearts are almost universally symbolic of love, which is Chamuel’s greatest tool. I am divine love and light divine, I call upon the highest angelic realm to protect me and keep me from all things negative both seen and unseen.

Archangel Chamuel

Stacey "The Black Feather Intuitive" I ask beloved Archangel Chamuel that you remove all negative thought forms that cloud my intuition, vision and judgements.

Archangel Chamuel is often depicted in art with hearts.

I thank you for your assistance and ask that God, Creator, light, the one conscious energy, the I am that I am, the ALL THAT IS, stay with me everywhere I go, to guide me so that my actions be in divine harmony, so that divine light, love and power be restored to the earth plane. Il peut apaiser toutes les tensions qui existent dans vos relations pour y apporter compassion et tolérance. And so it is.

(x['path'] == 'birth'))[0].path) == 'birth') ? Please open my heart fully and show me how to achieve peace in my life through love, in a tangible, verifiable way now.

Moreover, he is said to be the angel that guards peaceful relationships. Il saura vous accompagner tout au long de ce que vous traversez pour vous aider du mieux possible. There’s no special invocation or ceremony you need to work with Chamuel, just think “Archangel Chamuel, please assist me.”.

Ma vie spirituelle s'est améliorée.

Archangel Chamuel Light a candle (ensuring it is free from drafts or anything flammable), holding a crystal in your hand, sit comfortably and relax.


Where should I send the meditation, so you can start discovering yours? Ask Chamuel to release any energy of pain and sorrow from your energetic signature and to realign you with Divine love, peace, and joy. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.

L’Archange Chamuel est très important pour tous ceux qui souhaitent trouver l’équilibre.

Archangel Chamuel is known as the angel of peaceful relationships.

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