Want to adopt a cat, but suffer from allergies? Balinese cats are very similar to Siamese, but Balinese have longer, silky hair, and a “plumed” tail, according to Vet Street. This cat breed is very affectionate and cuddly. Furthermore, it was found that people are more likely to be allergic to a cat than dogs. The breed has more than 300 colors and patterns, according to PetMD, and it sheds very little and requires minimal grooming. In fact, the cat is well-recognized for its excellent communication skills. It’s known for being chatty and highly affectionate, but it can also be more independent, according to PetMD. Remember that hypoallergenic does not mean 100% dander or Fel d 1 free. As such, allergic reactions to a particular cat may be better or worse when compared to other breeds. †To learn more about pet allergies, visit the American Lung Association. Please use resources like PetFinder to seek out hypoallergenic cat breeds that are awaiting forever homes like yours. We also encourage washing toys and bedding at least once every week. People with allergy to cats are particularly affected by cats' dander or the protein Fel d 1 present in cat saliva. One of the more curious and amusing features of the Russian Blue is its “smile.” It has a slightly upturned mouth, which is frequently compared to the enigmatic Mona Lisa smile. Although the Balinese is furry and is often called as “long-haired Siamese,” it produces less Fel D1 protein. They have a semi-long, fluffy-looking coat that sheds seasonally, so they need regular brushing. Before any allergy sufferer gets their hopes high, it should be noted that “hypoallergenic” doesn’t mean non-allergenic. It is often mistaken that peoples’ allergies to cats are triggered by cats’ fur. Like most hypoallergenic cats, the Russian Blue isn’t totally hypoallergenic. They're not all hairless, but they are all full of personality. Your email address will not be published. The Balinese is said to be incredibly perceptive, and will respond to a human’s emotions. https://www.thevetonfourth.com/best-cats-for-people-with-allergies That, coupled with the cat’s habit of covering every square inch of the house, makes cat allergen very widespread. Actually, what causes allergic reactions are the proteins in the saliva, urine, and dander of a cat. Dr. William H. Miller, a professor of dermatology at Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine, told Smithsonian, “As the cat grooms, it covers itself in its saliva which will become aerosolized (turned into vapor) when dry. But there are breeds of cat that produce lower levels of the Fel d 1 protein, which is a protein that makes some people uniquely allergic to cats and not other animals. They’re known to invite themselves to whatever you’re doing. Such proteins are more commonly known as Fel D1. Does Your Stressed Cat Really Have a Dangerous Urinary Issue. Reportedly, around 75% of those with cat allergy do not show any reaction to Siberians. Because all cats produce Fel d 1, the protein responsible for most cat-specific allergies, technically there are no hypoallergenic cats. Siamese are known as one of the chattiest cats, and if they’re left alone for too long they will get lonely and sad, according to CFA. Some feline breeds are considered "hypoallergenic," which means they produce fewer allergens than others. It is also less "talkative" than the Siamese, but is still fond of chatting and is never too tired to strike up a "conversation." The coat on the Balinese is of a silky texture and single coated, with only minimal shedding. This cat breed is very affectionate and cuddly. Colorpoint shorthairs come in more colors than the Siamese, but they are also identical to the Siamese in personality: they are both chatty, personable cats and are very sensitive to human emotion. The Cornish Rex does not like to be left alone for long periods, PetMD notes; when it does feel lonely or ignored, it might get into trouble to get your attention. After all, these cats still release allergens. They’re known for their. It is a large cat, with a lush double coat. If you’re bored, they’ll help you lighten up and feel energized. For example, it’s estimated that the average cat produces 63,000 micrograms of Fel d-1 per gram, while a female Siberian will produce approximately 200 micrograms per gram. Because of its fineness, the skin of the Sphynx is often compared to warm suede. LaPerms love being around people and are very inquisitive. Actually, what causes allergic reactions are the proteins in the saliva, urine, and dander of a cat. Getting along well with both animals and people is one of the strongest qualities the Balinese possesses. They also need to be bathed about once a week to keep their skin healthy. There are also Oriental Longhairs, which, as their name indicates, have a longer, silky coat that still requires little upkeep. They have medium-long coats and come in a variety of colors, but the feature that makes them really stand out are their bright blue eyes, according to PetMD. Ocicats are more similar to dogs in personality in that they are dedicated to the humans they live with. But, don’t worry, experts say the leopard-looking domestic cat is actually pretty affectionate and playful, especially with high-energy kids, according to PetMD. It is often heavily wrinkled around the shoulders, between the ears, and around the muzzle. The Balinese is one of the most intelligent cat breeds, and it loves interacting with humans. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io, Everything to Know About Queen Elizabeth's Corgis, How To Adopt A Dog & Gain A Forever Friend, 15 Cute Photos of Pit Bulls That Prove Their Rep, Tracy Morgan Animal Photography Dorling Kindersley/Getty Images Creative. Though it has a house cat’s size, the Bengal cat looks more like a wild animal than a pet. It is often mistaken that peoples’ allergies to cats are triggered by cats’ fur. 7 Signs to Look For, Top 5 Questions from Owners of Pets with Cancer, 5 Ways to Know Your Dog Food is Worth the Money, Digestive Problems in Pets: Causes, Signs and Treatments. Colorpoint shorthairs are related to Siamese cats, so much so that they look almost exactly like them. The Colorpoint is also remarkably sensitive to moods. Just independent enough to be an ideal cat for working families, the Devon Rex will shower its people with love and attention when they are around, and stay out of trouble when they are not. And, because it sheds very little, it does not shower the home in hair. PetFinder goes so far as to say Orientals think “that the world should revolve around them.”. Sphynx cats’ personalities, are known to be similar to that of dogs. According to PetMD, the coat stands out at a 45-degree angle and is so dense that you could trace patterns into it and they would remain there until you smoothed the coat back over again. Russian Blue cats are known for their bright green eyes and blue-ish coat, though their coats can range from a light silver to a slate, according to the ASPCA. The LaPerm gets its name from its curly or wavy coat, which can range from loose ringlets to tight corkscrews, according to the Cat Fancier’s Association. It’s hair grows in a curl and wave pattern, which is called “rexing,” according to PetMD. Oriental Shorthair cats are active and natural entertainers. The Siberian is notable for having a low level of the Fel d 1 protein in its saliva, so people with relatively mild allergies will often be able to tolerate living with this affectionate breed. This may seem counter intuitive at first, but remember that it is not the hair that makies a cat allergenic. Perhaps the most notorious hypoallergenic cat is the Sphynx. Otherwise, their coat is relatively low-maintenance and doesn’t need regular bathing due to its water resistance. Elegant, and reserved, this cat is also very playful, and loves to chase after toys and sunbeams. Cats do produce pet dander, a common allergen, but the culprit for the estimated 10 percent of the population who are allergic to cats may be a protein, Fel d 1, that is present in cat saliva. Thankfully, there's a solution for cat lovers who don't love the effects that cats have on their allergies: hypoallergenic cat breeds. Siberians produce less Fel d-1, which causes less allergic reaction in people. unique look, too: satellite-dish ears, mischievous eyes, and an overall ethereal appearance. Fel d 1 protein is found in a cat's skin, saliva, and urine, according to Smithsonian magazine. Completely non-allergenic cats are tough to find, low allergy or hypoallergenic cats are not. No cat breed is non-allergenic. A Russian Blue is a relatively low-maintenance cat that could be left alone while you’re at work. Each cat breed produces a different amount of Fel D1 or other cat allergens. Cats make relatively independent and affectionate companions, and, unlike dogs, they don't need daily walks. Their short, fine coat makes them easy keepers as far as grooming goes, but their energetic, affectionate nature means they require a lot of attention. The Cornish Rex is a playful, incredibly agile, and affectionate breed, according to PetMD. It also has three different types of hair on its body: The awn and down coats are the soft undercoats that are closer to the body, and the guard coat is the outer, lighter layer that is wiry and likely to break, leading to some occasional bald patches, PetMD notes. They can be easily trained to play fetch or do tricks, and they usually keep their silky coat very clean (meaning they rarely, if ever, require a bath). It is a member of the Siamese family. It’s a great cat for an active family or someone who likes to give their pets a lot of affection. According to PetMD, they should be kept as indoor cats, because, like humans, they can get sunburn if they’re outside for too long. They are very lively, active, devoted, and loyal. However, to keep its allergen levels low, it’s still suggested that you groom them regularly. A monthly cat subscription box filled with cat toys, cat treats, and more. This breed is ranked as one of the most intelligent of cat breeds, and is also remarkable for its good humor, good nature, and high energy. The Devon Rex is an incredibly unique cat, both in looks and personality. It's a tough life, being a cat lover who can't seem to get close to a cat without breaking out into a fit of sneezes. Another Rex breed, the Cornish Rex’s fur is also short and sparse. Javanese are also loyal to a fault and can be easily trained. The Oriental Shorthair has short, satin-like hair that lies close to its body, according to PetFinder. This is a cat that needs to be the center of attraction. Depending on the severity of your allergy, or if you have asthma, a companion animal may not be a good choice. But there are breeds of cat that produce lower levels of the Fel d 1 protein, which is a protein that makes some people uniquely allergic to cats and not other animals. It is often a medium or large-sized cat with a very athletic build, and it can be found in 12 different colors, according to PetMD. Now that you know which cat breeds are least likely to set off your allergies, before you go out and search for one to bring home, you may want to check in with your own doctor first. Does Your Cat Love You? Woman's Day participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Lavish an Oriental with love and it will return it in full measure.

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