or ask any door-duty person what this involves. Please do check out the events listed on So please try to arrive and leave promptly. but you do have to be a CDC member a map showing the venues and our dancesport team CUTAZZ Dance Society is a student run society of the University of Cambridge. CURnR : This has evolved from its authentic social dancing roots our home-page and that you've pre-booked to attend the class or practice, The Cambridge Dancers' Club is a non-profit, combined town & gown, community organisation run by unpaid volunteers - ie those people you see everywhere helping out at classes. eg quickstep and rumba or jive, as they become more proficient. However, if you are already on the DanceSport teams or are hoping to be selected, You do not have to be a member of the club to attend. (as you'll be exposed to more styles, more figures/steps and probably try out both roles). west coast swing, mambo, bossa nova, lambada and merengue. However, do contact the venues directly about property Beginners typically start with waltz and cha-cha and gradually add more dances, - unless they started late, skipped a lot of classes or struggled for other reasons membership registration and sign-up form rather than a conventional commercial dance school. has to be cancelled or moved to an alternative venue instead. dancesport@cambridgedancers.org. See also: general class information, If you are transferring existing skills from a different style of dance, general information), if they want to learn competitive styling and perhaps enter the open contests at competitions. They feature a lot at tea dances (and occasionally at GD) and can even be danced competitively. (CUDT) (group) Lost Property: We require people to sign-up in advance so we can allocate time-slots fairly (and, if you already attend CDC lessons, you may approach them there too). The price is £8 each. (from the financial point of view alone!) GD is the free social dancing session on Friday evenings, 8:30pm - 10:30pm, can join the Cambridge University Beginners' DanceSport Team - the rightful owner goes to look for it. on Fridays, where you can practise for free with a range of different partners (ie most of the 7 to 9 weeks of a term) and are ready to progress further. + In the past, we've offered a wider range of partner dancing styles. (use the membership sign-up form). you may be able to arrange for a private lesson with one of the team coaches. To keep costs down as far as possible for all our club members, but also Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge Regional College and the Open University), (beyond absolutely essential expenses such as some printing costs and performance licence fees!). CUDT : then contact the CUDT Beginners' Captain at Some dances have fixed choreography which everyone dances together The early part of the evening is typically the safest for beginners and improvers Occasionally during the year there are Rock'n'Roll social dances (announced separately). - especially as we have a high turnover among the student volunteers. printed on the back instead for people who want to wear them while partner dancing; Our DS classes are open even to those not eligible to compete for the university, PBAB: Please do not contact venues directly with CDC timetable inquiries. Contact the team captain for more information, The sizes range from adult small to extra-large Clive's classes include the option of taking a dance qualification If you have any comments, This may help those who are bringing along a visiting DanceSport friend from elsewhere. Note that, for dancesport purposes, Anglia Ruskin students count as Cambridge students. so that you can practise away from classes. but we do also have a few other colour combinations left from the previous batch. Welcome to Dance at Cambridge!! All our social/authentic rock'n'roll classes are suitable for beginners and improvers to start this process. There are also occasional specialist workshops, eg at dancesport training camp weekends. so that you can practise away from classes. But you don't need to do both. and be able to attend any or all of the publicly timetabled practice sessions. eg on eligibility for entering contests. We have a rather different timetable this term We're capping the cost for students and accepting that the club makes a loss this term This spectacle presents routines from classes which dancers have been working on since October, choreography from students, and the Cambridge University Dance Competition Team. Paul's classes are a good fall-back for a missed dancesport class. - combining online and in-person classes and practices. in the classes drop-down from the main top menu. If you regularly attend more than one class per week and are committed to dancing, We have classes for individual dancers and for couples from the same household it would be advisable to bring your own personal bottle of drinking water with you. If you attend the Tuesday Latin practice at Kelsey Kerridge, you will also need to pay The Cambridge Dancers' Club is a non-profit town & gown society, at the University Centre (Grad.Pad) off Mill Lane. However, please bear in mind that some people will be taking these classes very seriously indeed. This means we really do need your help to keep the club going Contact the CUDT Secretary to try out their steps, as it tends to be quieter than the later part of the evening. If you have never danced before, you should take a beginners level class. This is broadly equivalent to the music or ballet grade system but is Cambridge Neurological Society; New Trinitarian Ontologies Society; O. CU Olympic Gymnastics Club; Cambridge One Health Society; Cambridge Open Classroom; CU Opera Society; Orchestra on the Hill; CU Oriental Dance Association; CU Orienteering Club; The Ospreys; Oxfam Cambridge University; P. CU Paediatric Society; CU Pakistan Society In addition to serving students in the region (from Cambridge University but we are now able to offer CDC logo T-shirts again. what's on the termly timetable, but that does mean you only get 1 regular weekly slot instead of random access to slots. It may sometimes include some Bachata - a much slower partner dance. including the basic figures featured in most beginners classes. The new batch have red print on a black T-shirt and include some which are DanceSport Team - by far the most successful university team in the country last year! and the Tuesday practices, designated as Ballroom and Latin separately, - which now has its own website. our price list; and also have contact details for each sub-group if anyone does become infected. while David Mallabone specialises in Latin American (Tuesday's classes). emailed announcements of our events during the year, to start this process. 15 talking about this. Watch Queue Queue (CURnR) rather than handling cash on the day. See our links page rumba, cha-cha, jive, samba and paso doble. (eg gmail is not the same as googlemail Be on time: People then typically remain at improvers level for a couple of terms (or even longer). in levels running from complete beginners to very advanced. and academic sub-department addresses are not the same as generic cam.ac.uk ones). or the caretakers need to lock up the venue after us for the night. membership registration and sign-up form. rnr@cambridgedancers.org. and the other dance organisations listed on our links page. More fully, this is Modern Ballroom and Latin American. secretary@cambridgedancers.org. anyone is welcome to join and train with the Cambridge University Rock'n'Roll Team. There is at least one on most weekday nights during normal terms. (or any other part of the website) please contact the The cross-body (NY/LA) style is more linear and is typical of crowded nightclub dancing. (in which non-students may compete). You do not have to be on the competitive team to attend these sessions You will then have to reply to the confirmation email you receive. The underlying dance style is often but not always the same as one of the standard dances. Sign in. and hence want to repeat the beginners level. because we simply can't accommodate random arrivals the way we normally do. Normally, unless there are specific requests (eg for salsa), the music is a mixture of the We have been asked to remind all ladies wearing Ballroom and Latin shoes - ie if you recognise the names of some of the figures and already know how to do them. and compete against other universities at various competitions during the year. Our system can only recognise automatically the information you gave it. If you don't want to join the CDC at the moment but do want to receive who want to dance - and we even have a few non-resident members. non-students, including out-of-term practice spaces or to seek a partner, please join Further styles we've had before include: Note that there are also plenty of commercial salsa classes and other social or if you'd simply like to try the competitive side of dancing for fun, See a committee member or email to arrange to purchase one. These practices are for people who already know what they want to practise Sometimes we have a New Improvers class for people only just leaving beginners Note that some weekend practices are team-focused ones; We sometimes offer 2 different styles of salsa. Please do so as quickly as possible since that should be the first place lindyhop or argentine tango or bachata. You are not forbidden from repeating beginners classes Improvers classes are for those who finished a beginners course address which you originally used to subscribe to them, not some forwarded or modified version Each term there are some classes for completely new beginners. The spiked heels of high-heeled shoes damage the wooden floors. as there is normally no formal dance tuition provided. where there's no fixed limit on places and you'll only be competing against other beginners. More fully, this is Modern Ballroom and Latin American.The standard 10 dances are: waltz, viennese, quickstep, foxtrot, tango,rumba, cha-cha, jive, samba and paso doble.Beginners typically start with waltz and cha-cha and gradually add more dances,eg quickstep and rumba or jive, as they become more proficient. Another dance style featured in the inter-varsity competitions is

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